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10 replies

WonderingWhy · 05/06/2008 16:49

I've had an item on there all week - a nice and desirable antique item, which is set at a good buy it now price as it has a minor fault. I paid much more than this a couple of years ago so I know it's a good price.

A collector emailed me this morning, saying just this:

'Nice ..., I would be interested if it weren't so expensive'.

I just find that really rude. I spent ages trying to think of a good reply, like maybe 'I would reduce it for you if you weren't so rude' but I didn't bother to send it - and anyway, someone just bought it
There were nearly 20 watchers.

Perhaps I should leave it but I would like the person to know how affronted I was by their tone...any suggestions?

OP posts:
WonderingWhy · 06/06/2008 08:27

I admire you Nine That is brilliant.

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ninedragons · 06/06/2008 01:09

Oh God yes, put the person on your blocked bidder list. Things like that are great for weeding out the fruitcakes.

I sold a ring and this stupid cow spent the whole week pestering me with questions about did I have the ring box, the receipt, a report from an independent jeweller, the paper effing bag from the shop and would I Fedex to Israel for free? (We're talking a $100 gold band here, not a great honking headlight of a diamond).

Then she sent me a really snotty email when she tried to bid at the last second and couldn't

WonderingWhy · 05/06/2008 20:05

Thanks six

I am avoiding the blocked bidder thing. I never did remove that mad woman last week and she has stopped asking

She knows...

OP posts:
sixlostmonkeys · 05/06/2008 18:51

It's best to ignore


if you really must reply maybe something along the lines of
"Oh what a shame you couldn't afford it. You are not alone at the moment, the press is full of news of people suffering in this economic crisis. Fingers crossed for you that you can manage to save up and maybe be able to afford something soon"

then add her to you blocked bidders list

BroccoliSpears · 05/06/2008 16:55

Yes, ignore.

I get very irritated when I spend time clearly putting a table of P&P costs 1st class, 2nd class, Within UK, within Europe, USA, worldwide... and get a question saying "WOTS POSTAGE 2 CARDIFF PLZ THANKS."

WonderingWhy · 05/06/2008 16:54

Aw shucks, I don't think I am as restrained as you lot

Ignoring is gonna take an effort!
I think it's a woman btw. Know most of the collectors on there by virtue of shared transactions over the years - can't place this one but we have dealt before.

OP posts:
southeastastra · 05/06/2008 16:51

ignoring it usually offends them the most. we get asked really bizarre things.

crokky · 05/06/2008 16:51

I would leave it. Some people on eBay are nutters. I had an item up for sale and got a question saying "You must be really skint to sell this". It was a perfectly ordinary item that there are loads of and we just didn't want it so put it on eBay!

Lizzylou · 05/06/2008 16:51

Ignore him, he is just trying it on.
I find it really hard not to take these thnings personally.

NatalieJaneIsPregnant · 05/06/2008 16:51

Obviously the buyer didn't think so and is richer than you.

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