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So in what step do we get to see family?

104 replies

IWannaBreakFREE20 · 10/05/2020 19:21

It didnt mention when small numbers could mix or did I miss that?

OP posts:
PotteringAlong · 11/05/2020 12:40

rocking - Dominic Raab was explicitly asked about distance you could travel on radio 5 this morning and he said you could travel any distance you like. You can go and see your mum

PotteringAlong · 11/05/2020 12:41

Can you meet her in a local park?

RockingMyFiftiesNot · 11/05/2020 17:28

@PotteringAlong thank you - still can't see anything that suggests a 200 mile journey is ok but will have another look

PotteringAlong · 11/05/2020 17:39

It is because my mum is a Similar distance away. Dominic Raab on 5 live this morning - somewhere between about 8.45 and 9.30. A caller asked how far you can travel and he said that the distance was not important and you could travel as far as you like.

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