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So in what step do we get to see family?

104 replies

IWannaBreakFREE20 · 10/05/2020 19:21

It didnt mention when small numbers could mix or did I miss that?

OP posts:
PotteringAlong · 11/05/2020 17:39

It is because my mum is a Similar distance away. Dominic Raab on 5 live this morning - somewhere between about 8.45 and 9.30. A caller asked how far you can travel and he said that the distance was not important and you could travel as far as you like.

RockingMyFiftiesNot · 11/05/2020 17:28

@PotteringAlong thank you - still can't see anything that suggests a 200 mile journey is ok but will have another look

PotteringAlong · 11/05/2020 12:41

Can you meet her in a local park?

PotteringAlong · 11/05/2020 12:40

rocking - Dominic Raab was explicitly asked about distance you could travel on radio 5 this morning and he said you could travel any distance you like. You can go and see your mum

RockingMyFiftiesNot · 11/05/2020 11:14

I am so tempted @Dowser but chances of driving 200 miles and not being stopped by police and turned back are slim I think. But if she lived locally I'd be able to see her safely socially distanced at a park. Keeping her safe is a priority (which is why we didn't bring her to stay with us as we have key workers who have to work on site so she'd be vulnerable.)
It's so sad, time with her is so precious.

cheeseychovolate · 11/05/2020 08:36

Meet at a park, stay two meters apart. Take a deck chair and a drink and have a chat. This is doable for older children and adults.

HarrietOh · 11/05/2020 08:17

People who’ve spent the last 7 weeks completely alone need some priority here, it’s awful.

derxa · 11/05/2020 08:15

You wont to be able to see friends and family for a long long time. I'm guessing next year. Good luck with that.

Dowser · 11/05/2020 08:10

Rocking..go and see your 87 year old mum
Just do every you can to keep her safe...and yourself of course

MrMeeseekscando · 11/05/2020 08:08

I'm done. I'm making plans to see my boyfriend (Who lives totally alone and is really starting to suffer now as he's been furloughed too)
When my housemates are having visitors and next door are having all and sundry round for a jolly nice barbecue, why the fuck should I be stopped from seeing the ONE person that makes my life have meaning?
Boris fucked this up.

JacobReesMogadishu · 11/05/2020 08:02

Dominic raab just said you can do it now as long as outside and 2m apart.

NatalieH2220 · 11/05/2020 07:51

I took it as stage 3 when you can start to go to restaurants etc. If you can mingle here presumably you can mingle with family too

EffOrf · 11/05/2020 07:45

Dominic Raab is pretty much saying that you can see who you want in the park with distancing of 2 metres, on BBC now

MrsMozartMkII · 11/05/2020 07:31

Much easier in Scotland - no. Can't go anywhere, other then more daily exercise.

So missing our daughters, and their partners, but they all work in care / public facing / NHS frontline, so they're more worried about passing it onto us! I'm pretty sure we've both had it (very mild!), but that's not easing their minds.

thenewaveragebear1983 · 11/05/2020 07:25
thenewaveragebear1983 · 11/05/2020 07:22

BBC news this morning said that you can meet one person from outside your household in a park if you keep 2m apart. This wasn't said last night, but perhaps that will be elaborated in this 50 page document that's being explained today? I hope so.

Wingedharpy · 11/05/2020 01:03

@nex18 : You can always go with someone from the park.😉
As long as they're not a relative, you'll be ok apparently.

peoplepleaser1 · 11/05/2020 00:45

@LemonTT I totally agree.

LemonTT · 11/05/2020 00:43

It’s shit of course. Everyone wants to be with loved ones and friends. More than anything else. The government know this and they want to be able to let you. It would be a massive win to counterbalance saying it’s time to end furlough. Which is what tonight was about.

But they have been advised that it isn’t safe to go further than where we are. The data shows you this everyday. High numbers infected daily and a wobbly R.

People working is essential now. Or we will be in a catastrophic financial mess. Hugging can wait a bit.

Pipandmum · 11/05/2020 00:33

It's still sticking with members of your households only.

peoplepleaser1 · 11/05/2020 00:32

I'm keeping in touch with family and friends online and by phone. I'm glad Boris made the economy a priority. I desperately want to see friends and family in person but I can and will cope and luckily so will they with a few more weeks apart.

What most of them and me can not cope with much longer is having no money coming in and seeing our businesses ruined with the knock on effect of making teams of people redundant.

Tonight's briefing has meant my husband's company may be able to avoid making 30+ furloughed people redundant in future. This will mean so much to them.

dicksplash · 10/05/2020 23:30

For now I'm happy to remain as we were so I don't see us making any changes - well if schools go back we need to seriously think about our year 6 daughter going to school.

I want to get more freedoms back sooner so would rather be stricter for a bit longer and get more freedoms back sooner than have a few restrictions lifted earlier but have them for longer.


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TheGinGenie · 10/05/2020 23:15

Same @orangefluff I'd be happy to be able to see just one other person.

LemonadeAndDaisyChains · 10/05/2020 23:07

@Rollercoasteride You'll be able, from Wednesday too, to take unlimited exercise; to meet one person from outside your own household as long as you stay two metres apart; you can go and sit in your local park, to sunbathe, or to take part in sport with others from your household......this info was from the bbc

That was from the BBC, yes, just been reading it online - but some of the stuff was NOT said by Boris, it's just a political correspondent's opinion of "what they've gleaned' - ie their interpretation.
He didn't say anything about being able to meet up with a member of another household.
At all.
Media really has to stop saying stuff as fact as it's just confusing the shit out of people.
I'm going by the updates from Boris and nothing else, in other words apart from maybe going to the local park I'm staying doing exactly as I am now.
Nothing's really changed.

RockingMyFiftiesNot · 10/05/2020 23:02

I have an 87 year old mother 200 miles away so I need them to allow both family visiting and longer journeys. This is breaking my heart

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