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All these cars - where are people going??

73 replies

AvenueQ · 03/05/2020 14:58

I just don't get it. Everything's closed, where are people going??

OP posts:
bigbluebus · 03/05/2020 18:16

@Laiste I would also check that they will allow your van in. Our recycling centre reopens on Tuesday to cars only.

YouAreMySunshinee · 03/05/2020 18:17

Work. There are lots of key workers still working.

Laiste · 03/05/2020 18:18

Oh no @Willow2017 - everyone else is a selfish prick don't you know? This was from someone who Works In A Hospital. So it must be true.

or ... maybe you'd like to think they'd have a bit more imagination and a bit less knee jerk reaction about people being pricks Hmm

Laiste · 03/05/2020 18:19

Thank you @bigbluebus we'll do that :)

Willow2017 · 03/05/2020 18:20

So true 😄😄

Nameynameychangey1234555554544 · 03/05/2020 18:25

We drive twice a day to our land a few miles away to care for our horses. Me, DP and all 3 DC go. We consider it an extention of our house as it is our own land, no footpath so noone else goes there.

It is nice for the kids to stretch their legs and we enjoy getting out in the fresh air. We spent 5 hours up there today setting up the area where our chickens are going to go.

The people in our street who we dont know probably wonder where the hell we are all going.

Goatymcgoaty · 03/05/2020 18:29

@cologne4711 Oxon (Thames Valley police)

TheGreatWave · 03/05/2020 18:45

My DH went to the tip earlier, we had to pre book and when I did I hadn't realised the main road was shut so would need to do a diversion. Even with that he said it was quiet.

Highways England have extended the planned works for this weekend to include tomorrow and Tuesday as well so presumably they are happy enough that there is a big enough reduction in traffic to cope with this.

yearinyearout · 03/05/2020 18:50

Couldn’t have left our SE town today, as police had a road block and were pulling every car over asking where their destination was

Was a bloody waste of police resources. Even if you were just off out for a jolly you could just make something "essential" up.

Drivingdownthe101 · 03/05/2020 18:54

The shops that are still permitted to open
Delivering medicines/food to people
Driving for exercise

All perfectly reasonable and legal reasons to be out in a car.

FredAstaireAteMyHamSandwich · 03/05/2020 18:55

One of them will be my selfish pig of a sister. Thinks nothing of getting in her car and delivering groceries to her grown up children for something to do. None of them are isolating, and can get to the shops quite easily. She’s also driving an hour to see my mum taking two chairs, so her and her son can sit and chat to my mum.

Goatymcgoaty · 03/05/2020 19:09

@yearinyearout the cynic in me suspects that a naice middle class rural town

Goatymcgoaty · 03/05/2020 19:10

Sorry posted too soon

naice middle class rural town with lots of reserved well behaved people is probably a great place to up the revenues last minutes before the rules change

Thisdressneedspockets · 03/05/2020 19:13

Today I went to the beach, pets at home and Marks and Spencers.

LivingDeadGirlUK · 03/05/2020 19:18

I walked over to our offices today and part of that takes me up one of the busiest roads in our city, it was really quiet today and there was hardly a single car on the residential streets between that road and my house.

Saw quite a few people out running or walking their dogs, everyone was social distancing apart from a group of teenagers who had met up.

I haven't been out much but drove across the city on Friday for work, it didn't seem any busier than the last time I went out about 3 weeks ago. There are still cars on the road because people are going out to shop for food or to work. I'm not saying no one is flouting the rules but the vast majority probably are and its unreasonable to think the roads are going to be completely empty.

scooter125 · 03/05/2020 19:44

They're probably ignoring it. Playing the numbers game. Police can't stop everyone. Unlike Pokémon, they can't catch 'em all...

SpeedofaSloth · 03/05/2020 19:46

I go to work, to the supermarket, to the post office.

YouMaySayImADreamer · 03/05/2020 19:51

My family and I will be amongst these people. We had basically imposed strict lockdown on ourselves for almost 6 weeks and not left the house (too anxious). We ventured out for a walk a few times this week but it is too built up and difficult to socially distance with 3 dc to walk from our house so we drove to somewhere we felt would be quiet. Not leaving the house was starting to affect all of our mental health. I imagine others are the same. We are only doing what we could have done from the start

BilboBercow · 03/05/2020 20:07

Work, shops, helping vulnerable family members. Not everyone has the luxury of having nowhere to go.

YeOldeTrout · 03/05/2020 21:03

I'm thinking about going to B&Q soon. Blush

So yes I get bored in lockdown & the state of my walls is awful & B&Q is the only place I think might have more than 4 drab choices of wall paint cover. And a new roller coz ours is awful. and my car needs to run sometime to stop battery going flat (car last moved almost 3 weeks ago). The walls are embarrassing on telecons.

I would go to the variety shop in walking distance & buy paint from their huge selection ... but guess what, variety-store remains shut (!)

TerrapinStation · 03/05/2020 22:20

Are you coming back @AvenueQ to thank everyone for answering your question?

tobee · 03/05/2020 22:26

Me:- picking up shopping from garden kindly done for us by sil.

Dh:- 3 x a week in centre dialysis.

Me:- once petrol so Dh doesn't run out of petrol pm way to/back from in centre dialysis.

Hope that's ok?


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cuckooplusone · 03/05/2020 22:34

I have driven my daughter to her dad’s house as she lives there part of the week, I have been shopping and the post office. DH did not use his car and now the battery is flat! Maybe some people feel that their cars now need a run?

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