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All these cars - where are people going??

73 replies

AvenueQ · 03/05/2020 14:58

I just don't get it. Everything's closed, where are people going??

OP posts:
Underhisi · 03/05/2020 16:34

"Older couples going for a drive in their own car IS safe."

I agree. I didn't mean that it wasn't. We take ds out for just a drive to calm him down. I have no issue with people driving.

AJPTaylor · 03/05/2020 16:38

I live in a large village of 6000. I have spent 6 weeks (or however long it has been) walking to the shops, and walk ing to the park. I am now literally cross eyed with it. So I got in the car and drove 4 miles to the next town to get petrol and broaden my horizons slightly. I have no income due to lockdown and get no help at all. I have complied 100 per cent. Now I am applying some common sense to the situation.

Apolloanddaphne · 03/05/2020 16:43

I was out in the car with DH today and we had the dog in the boot. I guess it might have looked like we were off for a jaunt. The reality was we had to take the dog to an out of hours vet, about a 30 minute drive away, as she injured herself. We both went in case the dog was hard to manage at the vet as we didn't know the set up. It was the first time I had been anywhere apart from weekly shopping since lockdown. We were struck by how quiet it was everywhere.

Goatymcgoaty · 03/05/2020 16:47

Couldn’t have left our SE town today, as police had a road block and were pulling every car over asking where their destination was. V jealous of everyone able to go for a drive!

Runningfar · 03/05/2020 16:48

Our roads are really busy now. And most cars have couples in - so if they're going shopping, are they incapable of going alone??? Grrrrr

Why are you growling? How long have you been watching cars to conclude that 'most' have couples in? Even if they are going shopping, maybe one is waiting in the car.

I took my eldest to the shops today. He waited in the car. I only shop once a week. He wanted to come along for the drive.

poorbuthappy · 03/05/2020 16:49

The roads are getting busier. But they are nowhere near normal.

Runningfar · 03/05/2020 16:50

My sister takes her husband to work too. So they're out twice a day together.

Honestly some of you have so little imagination.

TimeWastingButFun · 03/05/2020 16:50

Lots of people are still at work, and people need shopping. I do my parents shopping which is a 40 min motorway journey and I’ve noticed the roads much quieter than they were before lockdown.

Kingjarvis · 03/05/2020 16:53


happytoday73 · 03/05/2020 16:56

I find local roads busier but very local motorway is quiet.
I've gone out more this week.. Mainly as things bought at beginning are now used.. for both me and sheltering relatives. I also managed to get some masks.

We also ordered and picked up food from a local restaurant for a change in cooking.

AdoptedBumpkin · 03/05/2020 17:01

I went for a walk this afternoon and only saw one moving car as far as I recall. I do live in a fairly rural area mind you.

Bigfishylittlefishy · 03/05/2020 17:09

Been out twice today in the car, first to Homebase to get paint and secondly to the other end of town as we are doing different walks daily for a change of scenery.

TabbyMumz · 03/05/2020 17:29

Out to work. Other threads are saying employers want people to go into the office.

yearinyearout · 03/05/2020 17:36

Jesus. Not everyone has the luxury to sit at home all day bar a little walk round the block. People are working, it's not only essential key workers. People are going to Tesco's, some are delivering shopping or checking vulnerable relatives, some are driving a couple of miles to go for a walk (yes that is allowed) some are volunteering at groups that help out the needy (I drive to do that several times a week)

Laiste · 03/05/2020 17:44

God are people really counting the number of people in cars and getting angry because they might both go into a shop?

Honestly, please, hark at yourselves. What the fuck are you going to find moan about when we come out of this?

Puddlesplasher · 03/05/2020 17:45

We live near a main road and it has been lovely being able to cross it straight away. However in the last week there has been a lot more traffic. Based on my next door neighbour and her son these trips are:

Food shopping (two or three times a day as bored)
Trips to B&Q for plants-30 minute drive (twice this week)
Trips to local garden centre (amazingly they have never closed)
Driving half an hour to her daughter's house and then complains that she wouldn't let her in (she attempted this three times this week)
Going for a drive round as bored stuck in the house
Driving 45 minutes to visit her friends and sit in their garden
Getting in the passenger seat of a car that turns up every few days, drives down the road and then reappears two or three minutes later (think it is his drug dealer)

Laiste · 03/05/2020 17:49

It's probably NOT a good idea to use a drug using neighbor to base your assumptions about what everyone else in the world is doing Puddlesplasher

CornishYarg · 03/05/2020 17:53

We drove to the woods 10 mins away for a long walk and did the same last weekend. These are the only times we've driven for exercise but it's made a very welcome change and much easier to socially distance there than on our local roads, when it often feels like a game of people pinball as we have to keep crossing roads!

HeadacheAgainToday · 03/05/2020 17:56

I drive an hour to work and an hour back each day. Also drive to drop and pick up children from school. I'm a key worker.

I've noticed it's vv quiet on the road, but has been getting busier recently. Lots of trucks and speeding boy racers around..

Willow2017 · 03/05/2020 17:57

I went to work today along my usual main A road and back this afternoon and it was very quiet. Through the week its busier as people are returning to work, they cant stay away forever.
Getting shopping for themselves and others?
Going for walks else where?
Hospital appointments.

Our roads are really busy now. And most cars have couples in - so if they're going shopping, are they incapable of going alone???
They could be going for a walk elsewhere or at the same time. I take my ds with me. We have a walk then i go get the shopping while he sits in the car. Its not illegal!

Laiste · 03/05/2020 17:59

We drove to the dump (sorry - recycling center) today in DHs van because the website said it was open ... only for the gates to be shut and the closed sign up!

We'll try again on Monday, but we'll ring before we leave to be sure. That'll be another van on the road for those inclined to count. How exciting for them!

cologne4711 · 03/05/2020 18:02

Couldn’t have left our SE town today, as police had a road block and were pulling every car over asking where their destination was

where was that (if you don't want to say the town, just the county)?


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madcatladyforever · 03/05/2020 18:05

Last week the roads were packed every single day for the first time, as if lockdown is not a thing. It ook me half an hour longer to get to the hospital for work.
People think it's ok to come out now despite the fact we are still in lock down, it makes me so angry. People are selfish pricks - only care about their own needs.

Ontheblackhill · 03/05/2020 18:08

We are shielding but I took my child out for a 30 min drive this week to stop the car battery going dead and having to call out the breakdown service in the future. I expect lots of people are also taking themselves for a drive for the same reason.

Willow2017 · 03/05/2020 18:14

It ook me half an hour longer to get to the hospital for work
Do you expect other people to stay hone from work or stay inside forever just for you? Its perfectly ok to drive to work or for exercise, shopping, volunteering etc etc.

How do tou know why they were out,

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