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I’m working 40 hours for £75

86 replies

Stepintimebert · 10/04/2020 10:41

I work for a billionaire, and the majority of you will have helped them build the fortune. 80% of the workers in the company have been furloughed, saving them an absolute fortune, allowing the taxpayer to take the burden whilst they sit on a yacht.
I am one of the workers remaining, and we are totally necessary to mop up all the issues and help all the customers, and have the company function smoothly once businesses reopen. We have now been told we have to take a pay cut of 15%. So those remaining working are getting just £75 a week more than those furloughed, for 40 hour work.All of those furloughed will be given jobs once the organisation re opens as it needs a large number of people to function. I know I’m lucky to have a job, but could screech at being done over by the worlds tightest boss who could put their hand in their pocket and make up the money. And once everything is back to normal they will back to overcharging the general public to fill their coffers with even more money.

OP posts:
bluebeck · 10/04/2020 19:55

When deciding who to furlough it was a different criteria to who we'd pick for redundancy. Just because you're still working it's no protection from being made redundant at any stage

Totally agree with this. As a manager I would apply completely different criteria and it is naive for anyone to think that they have protection from redundancy because they haven't been selected for furlough.

Bearbehind · 10/04/2020 20:07

When deciding who to furlough it was a different criteria to who we'd pick for redundancy. Just because you're still working it's no protection from being made redundant at any stage

I can’t think of a single scenario where this wouldn’t piss the OP off even more

You appear to be pretty much saying you’ve furloughed the people you’ve chosen to give an easier life right now but if it came to redundancies you’d again choose the same people to get a better deal

SinisterBumFacedCat · 10/04/2020 23:39

I haven't been furloughed because I'm a good worker, the shit workers have been furloughed. I'm actually hoping it's an opportunity to let those people go when this is all over, the company is as busy as ever (service industry) and we are managing on a lot less staff because all the lazy ones are furloughed.

I bet those furloughed staff are having a nice time being away from you. Grin

jcyclops · 11/04/2020 01:00

"once on furlough you have to stay there"

Not True. The minimum furlough period is three weeks. You can then return to work for a spell and be furloughed again. If an operation can tickover on 25% of the staff, then one way to do it is for staff (in rotation) to work for a week then furlough for the next three.

perniciousdot · 11/04/2020 01:04

I haven't been furloughed because I'm a good worker, the shit workers have been furloughed

DD has been furloughed. She is not a manager, supervisor, department leader, key holder or first aider. She is however a bloody good staff member. Her boss had to follow direct instruction from HO and had no choice regarding who to furlough.

Hannah021 · 11/04/2020 01:08

It really is annoying, i'd ask to be furloughed to be honest. 75£ difference isnt worth the risk.
and you all should get together and strike. Its unfair given the risk of exposure, they should be paying u more!!!

VanGoghsDog · 11/04/2020 02:46

you all should get together and strike.

And then they'd be on no pay.

Pretty hard sell to those doing nothing for 80% of their wages (or £2,500).

Cremebrule · 11/04/2020 02:56

There is a lot of inequality around this. Some people are working really hard for a pay cut while seeing their colleagues do nothing for 80% of pay. Often those remaining are working really hard so no wonder lots of people working are getting pissed off.

At my work, no-one is furloughed but basically parents tend to be more senior and are doing half-time in home offices and all the junior, younger staff are doing full time while working from their beds or sofas.

LilacTree1 · 11/04/2020 03:00

What a mess

OP I would also contact ACAS because the pay cut makes no sense.

Hoggleludo · 11/04/2020 19:22


No. People being furloughed are getting 80% of their salary.

So if you get £1500 a month. You'd get 80% of that

The whole country isn't being paid £2500. For example. Those on 250,000 would get the maximum. Which is £2500

FatimaLovesBread · 11/04/2020 19:36

@Hoggleludo I know that! My post says that there is a monthly limit of £2500

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