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I’m working 40 hours for £75

86 replies

Stepintimebert · 10/04/2020 10:41

I work for a billionaire, and the majority of you will have helped them build the fortune. 80% of the workers in the company have been furloughed, saving them an absolute fortune, allowing the taxpayer to take the burden whilst they sit on a yacht.
I am one of the workers remaining, and we are totally necessary to mop up all the issues and help all the customers, and have the company function smoothly once businesses reopen. We have now been told we have to take a pay cut of 15%. So those remaining working are getting just £75 a week more than those furloughed, for 40 hour work.All of those furloughed will be given jobs once the organisation re opens as it needs a large number of people to function. I know I’m lucky to have a job, but could screech at being done over by the worlds tightest boss who could put their hand in their pocket and make up the money. And once everything is back to normal they will back to overcharging the general public to fill their coffers with even more money.

OP posts:
perniciousdot · 10/04/2020 12:48

I’m not sure why people are saying the thread title is misleading

Because it is.

The OP has to work 40 hours to earn £75 more per week than their colleague who don’t have to do any work and for only £75 per week less

This isn't about OP v others. OP should concentrate on their total earnings, not the difference between them and others.

IDefinitelyHaveFriends · 10/04/2020 12:49

Yes, maximum Government furlough pay is £575 (ish) a week and ,assuming we can believe the OP’s words, she’s being paid £1,275 a week. Closer to £700 than £75 quid unless there’s something she’s not telling us.

ShastaBeast · 10/04/2020 12:54

If £75 per week is the additional amount paid after 15% reduction over the 80% furloughed rate, then the OP is earning £78k per year. Under furlough the OP would earn £30k so is much better off working. My DH was offered furlough but it’s a big drop so he declined (although since they seem to be offering 100% even over £30k, staying is still better as it shows his job is worthwhile to the company and he won’t be bored at home).

ShastaBeast · 10/04/2020 12:57

Plus many of the furloughed staff will be on much lower wages I presume. Particularly front of house customer service type roles. The higher paid roles tend to be back office anyway. Top management and accountants will be needed to make decisions and run the payroll and manage the finances.

Bearbehind · 10/04/2020 12:57

This isn't about OP v others. OP should concentrate on their total earnings, not the difference between them and others.


Why can’t the OP be pissed off that they have to work for 40 hours to earn £75 more than colleagues who are doing no work?

You don’t get to tell people how they should feel

Being pissed off won’t achieve anything but it’s a valid feeling

A lot of furloughed workers are also saving a fortune in travel and child care costs too so many are far better off than their still working colleagues

If you do a job that’s not identical to others then there’s no point in thinking about it, but if you do literally exactly the same as someone else and they’re not working and you are, for £75 difference per week, why wouldn’t it irk you?

As above, the only saving grace is you’re hopefully in a better position when things start to get back to normal

perniciousdot · 10/04/2020 13:01

*Why can’t the OP be pissed off that they have to work for 40 hours to earn £75 more than colleagues who are doing no work?
*I suppose it depends on how bitter and negative you want to be.

You don’t get to tell people how they should feel

In that case, you don't get to question why.

Thighmageddon · 10/04/2020 13:09

Op, none of us know you hear so to sort this all out, what's your annual salary?

Before the 15% pay cut.

YellowPirate · 10/04/2020 13:17

I would much prefer not to be furloughed. We can (just about) manage on the 80%, assuming it stays on this level. Our mortgage insurance is now invalid (as I'm not at work) and we will only get SSP if I fall ill. It's such a precarious position to be in, I was far happier, and more secure, 2 weeks ago when I was still at work. My job still exists, they've just chosen to cease the work for (at least) two months.

Stepintimebert · 10/04/2020 13:19

I normally earn £440 net per week. I have worked it out that I will lose £75 less a week with my 15% pay cut.

OP posts:
Thighmageddon · 10/04/2020 13:23

Yep Yellowpirate I'd rather be working too. Sat waiting around to find out if we'll still have a job has caused all my anxiety to come flooding back again. I'm in a fairly constant state of flux but am trying to pretend I'm fine.

Technically we don't need me working for the money, it's primarily for my mental health and so I can have my own income and therefore not reliant on dh.

Mlou32 · 10/04/2020 13:25

I instantly thought of Richard bloody Branson.

You're not working for 75 quid although I get your frustration. Maybe try and look at the positives... people are literally going crazy sitting at home not able to leave the house (unless for essential reasons). You're getting to leave the house and maintain a sense of normality and routine. It's a tough time for lots of people sadly.

Petiolaris · 10/04/2020 13:32

Are the furloughed staff also losing 15% of their salary? And then they receive 80% of their new salary?

Babyroobs · 10/04/2020 13:32

Presumably you are being paid your normal wage so it's ridiculous to say that you are working 40 hours for £75. The issue is that your furloughed colleauges are being paid 80% for doing nothing.

DippyAvocado · 10/04/2020 13:37

Presumably you are being paid your normal wage
No, it says in the OP her wage has been cut by 15%!

TheTeenageYears · 10/04/2020 13:40

The government should have made a stipulation within the furlough provision that anyone being furloughed could be called up to do alternative work where needed. Fruit picking, delivering goods etc etc. There would obviously need to be some parameters depending on age, where you live, physical limitations but it seems ridiculous not to have the extra hands on deck required to keep the country running when the government are picking up the bill. It would make it slightly fairer on employees who are still going out to work too.

Stepintimebert · 10/04/2020 13:48

My colleagues are being paid 80% of £440 net. I am being paid 85% of ££440. And yes I do realise I am lucky, and a lot of people are risking their lives daily for less than that. My beef was that my billionaire boss couldn’t put their hand in their pocket to say thanks to those to keep things in place for when we return and for helping them build this empire over the last 20 years. Compared to many in this world we are millionaires. We have food, housing and the NHS. But that doesn’t mean I can’t feel frustrated about my current position. If you have never spoken your mind or complain about anything, then please feel free to berate me.

OP posts:
IDefinitelyHaveFriends · 10/04/2020 14:01

In that case OP I’m much more sympathetic. You’re being paid 25 quid more than your furloughed colleagues, not 75 quid.

The furlough system is a generous scheme got together in a hell of a hurry and unsurprisingly it has a few flaws.
One minor one is that some perfectly profitable companies which can easily keep going in a “from home” environment are being heavily subsidised to furlough their receptionists and tea ladies rather than being expected to bear the costs themselves.
But another is that if you are a company who has retained about 25% of its existing workload, the scheme forces you to completely furlough 75% of your workload (or, probably in practice, 80%) and keep the others working at 100% of normal rate, or more, rather than spread the work evenly out among everyone, and that can spread dissent and envy among some workforces. Doesn’t apply in all cases of course: Cameron Mackintosh couldn’t get the ushers to take turns maintaining the website and checking the legal documents.

Petiolaris · 10/04/2020 14:17

OP you need to get in touch with ACAS. Your boss has cut your salary by 15% but hasn’t cut your colleagues’ salary. They’re still on their previous salary even though they’re currently only being paid 80% of it. Presuming you have the same job as them, that’s discrimination and is illegal. They can’t cut some employees’ salaries but not others.

Stepintimebert · 10/04/2020 14:41

I’m not sure of the exact amount. It comes into effect with next weeks payslip. My colleagues who do exactly the same job as me can’t come back part time as once on furlough you have to stay there. As I said before, my boss is happy enough for us to keep the wheels turning so things can snap back into action, yet can’t stump a couple of million to pay people still working, while the government are paying to retain their other staff. If you are worth over a billion pounds, a few million is like 50p to you or me.

OP posts:
Soontobe60 · 10/04/2020 15:59

You will lose 15% of your gross pay, not your net pay. But yes, your colleagues on furlough won’t be much worse off than you. Except they Could be made redundant and will lose holiday pay,

ChrissieKeller61 · 10/04/2020 16:15

When deciding who to furlough it was a different criteria to who we'd pick for redundancy. Just because you're still working it's no protection from being made redundant at any stage

perniciousdot · 10/04/2020 16:30

my boss is happy enough for us to keep the wheels turning so things can snap back into action, yet can’t stump a couple of million to pay people still working, while the government are paying to retain their other staff.

So the problem is one of ethics?


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haggistramp · 10/04/2020 16:50

Wait until you catch Corona because you've had to go out and work, so not able to self isolate. Your really will get hacked off when you see furloughed workers getting 80% of their pay whilst your sacrifice as a key worker rewards you with £94 SSP. But we're all in this together or some bullshit.

CheesyHousePlant · 10/04/2020 18:02

So you have a job and you have taken a 15% cut, 5% less than furloughed colleagues.

Are you doing more work i.e. taking on furloughed colleagues work?

I am working on same pay but doing more work so swings and roundabouts. Eventually my pay will be cut, its only a matter of time.

ifowaa · 10/04/2020 19:01

It's very annoying to be travelling to work and the uplift in risk that work entails, for a tiny bit of extra pay than furloughed colleagues.
I haven't been furloughed because I'm a good worker, the shit workers have been furloughed. I'm actually hoping it's an opportunity to let those people go when this is all over, the company is as busy as ever (service industry) and we are managing on a lot less staff because all the lazy ones are furloughed. If only my boss would recognise this and give the hard-working pay rise, but I doubt he will!
I would prefer to rotate being furloughed though, I have a young DS and he's missing out on having me around plus not seeing his friends/nursery, but I'm lucky I work pt and I hope to still have a job when the lockdown is lifted.

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