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I’m working 40 hours for £75

86 replies

Stepintimebert · 10/04/2020 10:41

I work for a billionaire, and the majority of you will have helped them build the fortune. 80% of the workers in the company have been furloughed, saving them an absolute fortune, allowing the taxpayer to take the burden whilst they sit on a yacht.
I am one of the workers remaining, and we are totally necessary to mop up all the issues and help all the customers, and have the company function smoothly once businesses reopen. We have now been told we have to take a pay cut of 15%. So those remaining working are getting just £75 a week more than those furloughed, for 40 hour work.All of those furloughed will be given jobs once the organisation re opens as it needs a large number of people to function. I know I’m lucky to have a job, but could screech at being done over by the worlds tightest boss who could put their hand in their pocket and make up the money. And once everything is back to normal they will back to overcharging the general public to fill their coffers with even more money.

OP posts:
Stepintimebert · 10/04/2020 11:44

I want to work , and I have it good compared to DP who is frontline NHS, so yes, in perspective I am wrong to moan, but I can hardly rant to DP, Is stressed enough already. Ijust thought MN was a place I could let off steam.

OP posts:
CandyLeBonBon · 10/04/2020 11:46

But you've got a job and are being paid. I'm shafted as I run a small business and don't qualify for any help. Frankly I'd bite your arm off for an extra £75 a week!

bluebeck · 10/04/2020 11:48

I think you have badly misread the room OP.

Your thread title is completely incorrect.

If you don't want to work then resign - there will be plenty of people looking for jobs when your business fully reopens.

middleager · 10/04/2020 11:50

I think your title is misleading.

Many of us who are still working while also trying to home school would prefer to be furloughed. Work is busier than ever and I'll admit to feeling envious seeing others relaxing in the sun or taking up hobbies, having the time to support their children's education.

But I am so grateful to have a job. I'm not on the frontline either and when I think of those scenarios I feel very lucky.

Snoooozzze · 10/04/2020 11:50

I'm furloughed now but prior to that, my employer(very large international company) asked for workers to take a 10% pay reduction but with the stipulation of a 10% reduction in working hours. They can't change your terms just for their benefit... I would ask the question about hours etc

Miljea · 10/04/2020 11:52

I understand your frustration, OP.

My DB has been furloughed from his £11ph job. We all know that his company is unlikely to survive, but instead of resigning and applying for one of those delivery van jobs (he does some deliveries in his current job), before they get snapped up, he has decided he's quite happy to take the tax payers money while sitting at home. Then will moan when he's on UC afterwards.

My DH is a key worker (IT in a key industry, that will survive all of this). He'd love to be furloughed on 80% of his salary!

NorthernLass75 · 10/04/2020 11:55

So what do you think companies should do? Give you a temporary pay rise for working? If you’re furloughed and living with 20% less income, how would you feel about those who weren’t furloughed being given an increase while you don’t have that option?

It sounds like you have a lot of issues with how your company and its owner operate and treat customers. Maybe it’s an integrity issue for you and this has just been the final straw? If so, your resignation would also give a furloughed colleague an opportunity to get back to work and get that “extra” £75 each week.

IDefinitelyHaveFriends · 10/04/2020 11:58

So you’re getting 5% of your original salary more than the furloughed staff and that’s £75 quid. So your original salary was £1,500 a week, and it’s been cut to £1,275 a week?

In that case I think you have a bit of a cheek to come onto MN and complain about that salary given that your company has literally zero income coming in. And isn’t there a cap of about 30 grand on the amount of furlough income claimable anyway?

BlueBirdGreenFence · 10/04/2020 12:01

The grass is always greener. I was really hoping I'd be furloughed but after a month of wfh I am super glad I've still something to do beyond eating, reading, TV and the odd walk! Some of my friends are really struggling with the monotony of being stuck at home all the time as well.

twinnywinny14 · 10/04/2020 12:06

She earns £75 more than those furloughed

twinnywinny14 · 10/04/2020 12:08

Sorry pressed send to quickly! She is working for £75 a week more than those furloughed but it equates to a large enough salary to me as @IDefinitelyHaveFriends said

Fifthtimelucky · 10/04/2020 12:10

My friend works somewhere where about half of the staff are being furloughed and half are not. With very few exceptions (with one being my friend), the ones being furloughed are annoyed that they are being furloughed and the ones being expected to work are annoyed that they are being expected to work

There's just no pleasing some people!

Mumoftwoyoungkids · 10/04/2020 12:11

About half of dh’s company has been furloughed on full pay (even if you earn over £30k). It’s really generous of the company but hard on those that are left. So far it is entire teams that are either furloughed or not but the next step is to start reducing staff in the teams that can carry on working. Which is going to be controversial I suspect as not surprisingly the harder and better workers will be kept on.

Dh is not being furloughed and is unlikely to be.

Unfortunately those who are not furloughed are unlikely to have more job security than those who are due to the nature of the business.

We are trying to see it as “we were happy for him to work for his wage last month and we still are now no matter what others are doing” but we have had the odd mutter!

wowfudge · 10/04/2020 12:19

That £75 a week is at least £300 a month more than someone furloughed by the company though.

Peapod29 · 10/04/2020 12:20

I have full sympathy op. That’s really shitty to cut your pay, most people would rather be furloughed in that instance.

Peapod29 · 10/04/2020 12:23

But isn’t the furlough limit 2,500 per month? Are the company making up the furloughed staff to 100% pay?

GetUpAgain · 10/04/2020 12:28

It is really hard being in a situation where some staff are paid for doing nothing and others are paid a similar amount for working really hard. Such a shame there is no way of part time furloughing to enable a balance.

perniciousdot · 10/04/2020 12:32

We have now been told we have to take a pay cut of 15%. So those remaining working are getting just £75 a week more than those furloughed, for 40 hour work

Your title is bollocks misleading. You are not working 40 hours for £75.

Maybe ask MNHQ to change it for you?

DippyAvocado · 10/04/2020 12:36

Her pay hasn't been cut.

Says in the OP her pay has been cut by 15%! Therefore she is doing the same job as before for only 5% more than those who are furloughed. I think it sounds unfair and not sure why you're getting such a hard time here. I suppose you can hold on to the fact that you have added job security.

Bearbehind · 10/04/2020 12:37

I’m not sure why people are saying the thread title is misleading

The OP has to work 40 hours to earn £75 more per week than their colleague who don’t have to do any work and for only £75 per week less

I said as soon as furlough was announced that this would be a problem

The only thing you can focus on is that if they’ve kept you rather than others that do the same job as you then hopefully they’ll pick you if / when others have to be made redundant

Not everyone is going to be coming back from furlough sadly

Branster · 10/04/2020 12:40

The Post was about a company who could afford to pay their staff but decided the government can cover 80% of their wages. Or they could have let the staff go but then they’d find it difficult to re-hire at the optimum time for best efficacy in the future . This is what OP thinks is unfair. Unless I complete misunderstood furloughing conditions.

FatimaLovesBread · 10/04/2020 12:42

If £75 equates to 5% then your regular weekly income is £1500. There is a monthly limit of £2500 for furloughed employees isnt there? So those furloughed will be getting £2500 a month and you'll be getting £1275 a week. So a big difference

Unless your maths is wrong and £75 isnt the difference between 80 and 85% a week


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SinisterBumFacedCat · 10/04/2020 12:43

HmmYet another thread “othering” furlough employees.

perniciousdot · 10/04/2020 12:45

I think it would be better if we all concentrated on our own circumstances and didn't sit with petty jealousy over others.

OP should be bloody grateful for what they have, not annoyed over someone else's situation.

So what if others are furloughed? This is about OP, not OP v others.

That kind of shit is not necessary.

perniciousdot · 10/04/2020 12:46

The Post was about a company who could afford to pay their staff but decided the government can cover 80% of their wages. Or they could have let the staff go but then they’d find it difficult to re-hire at the optimum time for best efficacy in the future . This is what OP thinks is unfair.

Nah. The post is about OP having to work and others being furloughed.

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