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I'm 32 and not ready to die - anyone else care to demonstrate it's not just older people this will hit hardest?

305 replies

Helenshielding · 31/03/2020 17:49

I keep seeing posts by people saying they dont think we should be on lockdown to protect older people who will "die next year anyway" or similar.

Here's the thing, over 70s are not "old" these days. People can live well into their 80s, 90s and 100s now.

I'm 32, I've survived cancer (which is now clear- it is not a case of it being controlled, it's been gone for 10 years), I happen to have some lung damage. I dont know what my life expectancy is, but I know it's not 33.

So if you're moaning about socially distancing etc for older adults, stop. You're doing it to prevent deaths of all ages. Younger people with no underlying conditions are dying of this virus.

Stay home. Shut up. Stop moaning. We will all get through this a hell of a lot quicker.

OP posts:
Madhairday · 31/03/2020 20:28

The imperial model predicted 500,000 if nothing was done

BanKittenHeels · 31/03/2020 20:28

Apparently children’s wards and PICU are exceptionally quiet, they are under no strain.

This is absolutely not true in the majority city I live in.

BanKittenHeels · 31/03/2020 20:28


LyingWitchInTheWardrobe · 31/03/2020 20:29

I also agree with Hamiltoes' post.

TurquoiseDress · 31/03/2020 20:31

YANBU at all OP

The was a thread the other day (now deleted) with the OP casually dismissing the life of a 90 year old who was going to die in the near future anyway. I know pregnancy can make you all a bit me me me, but even so this was not cool.

I think many people still do not get this- it's not just the elderly we are shielding/protecting by staying in.

midgebabe · 31/03/2020 20:31

The OP may be a tad upset that people are so quick to volunteer OP to be killed

It is quite shocking how little respect other people have for lives other than their own

BigChocFrenzy · 31/03/2020 20:32

"those who get it don't have much of a life anyway"

Yes of course the disabled and those aged 60+ don't mind dying,
so that others can get on with enjoying life and making money Hmm

.... but children are also starting to die now, without any underlying conditions
Expendable too ?

alloutoffucks · 31/03/2020 20:32

So children whose parent would die don't count either?

Madhairday · 31/03/2020 20:33

Recession= lost lives, lots of them. Maybe you are too rich to care (everyone’s selfishness takes a different form) but, if no tax is being paid, the NHS will get worse and worse, old people will die of cold every winter, families won’t be able to feed themselves properly etc etc.

What does it have to do with my financial status? (Not so good, funnily enough, being chronically ill and living under the Tory government).
The government aren't doing this for shits and giggles. They are doing the only thing they can do when faced with the reality of the situation..of course it will have far reaching effects, but it doesn't mean they should allow the alternative which presumably would have even further reaching effects. How it makes me selfish to be upset about what people are saying about vulnerable people I have no idea.

underneaththeash · 31/03/2020 20:33

@Madhairday they've changed their mind so many times, I've lost count what they think at the moment. It was 5,000 last week, but I think they've changed their minds again.

BanKittenHeels · 31/03/2020 20:34

Those asking why the “low risk” have to be in lock down in order for the vulnerable to be protected are surely joking?

Do you have any idea how a virus works? Do you have any idea how many people need ICU, ED, SSAU, HDU and AMU everyday before we even get to longer stay wards?
How do you expect the vulnerable to be cared for if they are the only ones in lockdown? What about nurses, porters, HCAs, doctors, consultants, ward clerks, home carers, care home workers who then go out to the supermarket and catch the virus from the so called “low risk” group?

rosiejaune · 31/03/2020 20:36

But you're ignoring all the harm that comes from people being isolated. It might be less easily measured than how many people die while infected with CV, but it's no less real and important.

Christmastreedown · 31/03/2020 20:36

Agree with you op, my colleagues still going into the official for doing non urgent work to show their dedication as we are likely to have job cut due to this pandemic.

You really open your eyes to see some selfish people around you.

Some are just crazy shoppers, i don't understand the need of going to different supermarkets to find bargain everyday!

larrygrylls · 31/03/2020 20:37


I am not sure that is true.

No one wanted a pandemic but, given that we have one, we have to make some tough choices, all of which have costs.

These vary from a police state with its concomitant loss of freedom and autonomy but least death rate to doing nothing and maybe losing 1% of the population but the other 99% of the population doing better medium term.

There are no cost free ‘right’ or perfectly moral choices in this situation, it is doing one’s best under pressure and without perfect knowledge.

Obscuring this with ‘this is best for everyone’ is just propaganda.

HPandTheNeverEndingBedtime · 31/03/2020 20:37

My Dbro appears to have C19, he seems to be coming through the other side now, he still lives at home with my parents. For a moment the thought crossed my mind that it could wipe all 3 of them out. It would have left me with no family other than Dd which was quite a sobering thought.

Devlesko · 31/03/2020 20:37

Tbh, I've found that attitude to be far less recently, especially as there have been teen deaths reported, people in their 20's and 30's too.
All with no underlying issues.
It's still there though and perhaps it will take them losing a loved one before some stop.

alloutoffucks · 31/03/2020 20:38

"those who get it don't have much of a life anyway"

I think it is appalling how some people judge others lives in this way. I am in the shielded group and without this virus should live for another 30 years. I enjoy my life. Sure I won't be running a marathon or going rock climbing, but I work, have kids and deserve to have my life valued.

And my 79 year old father who doesn't actually go many places also wants to live. You might judge his life as not worth living, he disagrees. He enjoys seeing his grandchildren, sitting in his garden, reading.

Madhairday · 31/03/2020 20:38

Nobody's ignoring the harm done from isolation. Of course not. We're just saying there is no other way at present, and sharing our hurt at words thrown at the vulnerable, disabled and elderly in all of this, which keeps happening.

BigChocFrenzy · 31/03/2020 20:38

"maybe losing 1% of the population"

Can 99% vote to eliminate the other 1% ?

Or do the 1% have the right of veto

Zilla1 · 31/03/2020 20:38

I posted several times when similar issues were raised on a previous thread. One figure I posted was in the UK, c40,000 children have their grandparent(s) as parent/main carer, presumably due to death of one or both parents or inability of either/both parents to care for them. People throwing the elderly under a bus (and the disabled and at risk) are presumably happy to re-orphan whatever proportion of these 40,000.

WingingItSince1973 · 31/03/2020 20:39

13 year old boy dies in london. No underlying conditions 😪

YogaLite · 31/03/2020 20:39

It's not just the post though, it's the families and young people out in the streets/parks for group outings. It's this I am invincible attitude.

I stopped going out.

People just don't get that u don't need to go once a day to the shops, then once a day to exercise and again once a day as a carer for less able relative which is what I have noticed.

I was fully expecting government to say today once a week to all the above.

I don't think many people realise severity of the problem until they are affected themselves.


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alloutoffucks · 31/03/2020 20:40

And during recessions mortality rates actually decrease. So please make your arguments based on facts not myths.

BanKittenHeels · 31/03/2020 20:40

The OP may be a tad upset that people are so quick to volunteer OP to be killed

The volunteer me too. And countless others on this thread.

@Xenia @larrygrylls I get that your life or the lives of people you know are poorly impacted - my life is too - I have lost money, my siblings have lost jobs - one may lose their home and that is heartbreaking and I have to stay inside for 12 weeks. Lockdown is hard on us all.
I am shielding, I am 37, is my life worth less than a job or home? Is my life worth less that your home? Than your pension?

alloutoffucks · 31/03/2020 20:43

All of this has made me realise how there is a sizeable minority of the population who really don't give a shit about anyone disabled, ill or elderly. As long as their life is okay - fuck em.

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