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I'm 32 and not ready to die - anyone else care to demonstrate it's not just older people this will hit hardest?

305 replies

Helenshielding · 31/03/2020 17:49

I keep seeing posts by people saying they dont think we should be on lockdown to protect older people who will "die next year anyway" or similar.

Here's the thing, over 70s are not "old" these days. People can live well into their 80s, 90s and 100s now.

I'm 32, I've survived cancer (which is now clear- it is not a case of it being controlled, it's been gone for 10 years), I happen to have some lung damage. I dont know what my life expectancy is, but I know it's not 33.

So if you're moaning about socially distancing etc for older adults, stop. You're doing it to prevent deaths of all ages. Younger people with no underlying conditions are dying of this virus.

Stay home. Shut up. Stop moaning. We will all get through this a hell of a lot quicker.

OP posts:
Gin96 · 31/03/2020 19:13

Well that isn’t recorded on the chart but that is 1 death out of 7.5 billion people so far

ChipotleBlessing · 31/03/2020 19:13

There have been children dying of the virus. China claimed none there. But that leaked morgue video clearly showed child size body bags.

Honestly, the casual dismissal of the older and vulnerable on here suggests being a sociopath is more widespread than I thought. Do these people not have parents? Aunts and uncles? Friends with serious health conditions?

WhereverIMayRoam · 31/03/2020 19:14

Agree 100%. I absolutely hate how dismissive some of those posters are, as though people who are old or sick somehow don’t count and their deaths can be dismissed out of hand. Yes I suppose my parents who are in their 70s could die in the next year or so but there’s no reason to think they would and I’d rather people weren’t hurrying them to their grave.

One of my oldest friends will very likely die in the next 2 to 5 years but she’s fucking 43 with two young dc, she’s fought damn hard against cancer for six years and she wants to live! Are she and her children no longer worth some human compassion because some people don’t want to be inconvenienced?

It’s depressing to realise how many people are just selfish arseholes. What the hell is the point of an economy if you don’t have a society?

Helenshielding · 31/03/2020 19:15

To be clear, I'm now shielding because, despite being 32, I'm considered extremely vulnerable. I dont want to take my chances with it and I'm doing everything I can not to get it.

OP posts:
BelleSausage · 31/03/2020 19:16


Your lack of empathy is astounding.

Someone’s young child died. People on here are frightened for their young children who have underlying health conditions.

Find some humanity and then come back.

BanKittenHeels · 31/03/2020 19:16

I’m 37, I am a front line health care worker and I’m currently shielded. I cannot leave my house for 12 weeks.
I have children aged 15 down to 2 and a husband who also works front line HCP - he is living in a hotel to spare me from being infected.

I have severe asthma, lupus, RA and a few other conditions. I am hospitalised several times a year with exacerbation of asthma and was resuscitated several times in the last 12 months. It is unlikely I would survive this. In a situation like Italy, I would not be given a vent - NIV at a push.

I am generally active, I am very hard working, I have a busy social life and like all of you - adore my children.

I’m sick of people saying those who have died or are shielding are “going to die next year anyway”. My life and the lives of those shielding or at high risk, the lives of those who died are of just as much value of those who swan around proclaiming that “oh well they had underlying health conditions anyway” or “they were really old, they would have died soon”.

I don’t deserve to die, my husband doesn’t deserve to be windowed and my children don’t deserve to lose their mother because people think they are entitled to roam around willy, nilly in a pandemic.

Stop with the “but can I do this...?” and “surely I could just do this?”.
No, no you can’t.

Stay at home and lessen the spread. Take the strain off the NHS because it’s the only thing stopping this ripping through the vulnerable and then turning on you and your “healthy” family.

toxic44 · 31/03/2020 19:20

Unless there are severe and chronic mental health issues, I don't think anyone is ever ready to die. My mother was 89 and newly-married; my husband was 85 and looking forward to another Amsterdam trip. Old or young, there's always so much you haven't done and that you want to do. Sometimes I feel they're calling second half and I haven't got my boots laced up yet.

Quartz2208 · 31/03/2020 19:20

the percentage of people who die though is still very low and I think that is also very important to remember. Flu can be the same

Bubblebu · 31/03/2020 19:21

I am young like you.
But I did have cancer surgery on 11 March 2020 and the NHS were faultless but very much "everything is normal" even tho everyone knew about the virus at that stage (I do feel very grateful for the care I received)
Since then total shut down everything locked down occasional phone calls from my cancer nurse but that is it.
Surely the NHS must have known well before 11 March that this was coming down the tracks??
I don't know.

HairyFloppins · 31/03/2020 19:26

Agree I have a high BMI and I know it’s my fault but some comments I have read would have me dead and buried I’m 38.

DH has lung damage and diabetes so he is high risk also.

No one is safe unfortunately.

This virus can be contained, people just need to stop being so selfish.

Helenshielding · 31/03/2020 19:32

This virus can be contained, people just need to stop being so selfish.

Exactly. Some of the comments on here are baffling.

OP posts:
TheYearOfTheDog · 31/03/2020 19:32

Yes, the people who feel very confident that they'll be in the 80% don't understand, a lot of people who might be in the 20% are not living half lives at the moment.

meonekton · 31/03/2020 19:34

It's definitely not just for older people. Anyone can be badly affected. I am worrying about my preteen child with chronic illness. I am worrying about my parents. My FIL. I am worrying about myself. And I worry about my dh too.
I just don't get the people who can't take this seriously.

Xenia · 31/03/2020 19:36

By the way anyone who has not made a will on here do so. It is very important even if you have little to leave as you can at least nominate guardians for the children. I made my first will aged 18. Even my student children have wills. It is very easy to do - just see a local solicitor.

MMN123 · 31/03/2020 19:36


0.2% is not very rare.

It’s lower risk than other groups. It’s not very rare.

The average secondary school in this country has about 1,000 students. So assuming 80% infection rate that will be 1.6 deaths per school.

There are about 7m children age 10-18 I’m the U.K. if 80% get infected and the ‘very rare’ 0.2% die that’s over 10,000 teens dead.

China recorded only 3305 deaths so the lack of children dying there isn’t relevant. It will have been a small proportion of 3305 deaths.

Perhaps you’re post was intended to reassure op. But actually there are plenty of young people who are at high risk. People do need to understand that so they stay the f* at home

raspberryk · 31/03/2020 19:37

I don't think I have seen or heard anyone on here or RL who doesn't think that high risk persons should be shielded completely.
There are a people who think there shouldn't be this mass hysteria and complete lockdown for those of us who are low risk.
There is always risk in everything we do and lets face it we probably have more chance of being hit by a car/in an accident and die than die of the virus (for those of us who aren't in an increased risk category).

Ohbladeeohblada · 31/03/2020 19:40

My husband is overweight and a type 1 diabetic, he's only 31. No symptoms yet but I am terrified of losing him, he is my rock and I am so scared he'll be carted off to hospital and I'll never see him again.

Justaboy · 31/03/2020 19:40

There haven’t been any deaths between the age 0-9 so far.

Well maaybe the one then, but i'm more than bloody thankfull that my two Dearest little grandchiildren are likely to be OK:)

MMN123 · 31/03/2020 19:40
GreenMugOfTea · 31/03/2020 19:44

I agree too. I am 47 and with severe underlying health conditions as is one of my children aged 12.

I am not ready for possibly the last few weeks of my life trying to keep my workplace staggering on and trying to have a decent minecraft / home ed ratio maintained.

tobee · 31/03/2020 19:45

Yes good to see about George Alagiah. Hope he continues to improve. There's, not surprisingly, so little information at the moment, but also hardly any anecdotal that I've seen.

MMN123 · 31/03/2020 19:45


This isn’t mass hysteria. The world is responding rationally.

Not everyone can cope mentally with that fact and perhaps you are one of those people. It is scary conceptually. You have my every sympathy, as many are struggling mentally.

But until you are able to interpret the risk accurately, as others (eg governments and epidemiologists) have, we just need you to accept that your reality is different to actual reality and until told otherwise, stay at home.


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sugarlost · 31/03/2020 19:45

I've had one year where I've felt happy. The rest of the years have been full of emotional abuse, bullying and emptyiness.

I'm always outgoing and keeping myself busy but I want to feel happy and experience true love for a number of years like others. I try and be kind to others and have a caring job.

I know others experience worse and I'm sorry for feeling sorry for myself.

Respect to NHS staff and all those helping in this crisis.

I don't want to die yet either...

BigChocFrenzy · 31/03/2020 19:46

Twelve-year-old girl dies from coronavirus in Belgium

A 12-year-old girl has died from the coronavirus in Belgium, a spokeswoman for the Belgian Health ministry told CNN.

The spokeswoman said the unnamed girl died on Monday; she refused to provide any further details in order to respect the privacy of the family.

Emmanuel André, the Belgian government's spokesperson for the fight against coronavirus, was visibly moved when he spoke to Belgian TV about the case.

LyingWitchInTheWardrobe · 31/03/2020 19:47

This is yet another inflammatory thread to add to the hundreds. People who are going out are either doing so for work or for shopping - or they want to. They are not going to be influenced by the constant ranting on mumsnet nor the health 'credentials' that keep being posted either.

Many of us have children and I think most of us are compliant. I don't know what you mean by 'demonstrate' OP but I don't see the point quite honestly. I think anxiety is being ramped up which helps nobody... every other thread, it's incredibly self-indulgent.

You can't control what other people do, the government are doing that - stay at home yourself and minimise your exposure. Telling people that they are 'selfish' isn't getting it done.

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