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Can I drive 5 miles to walk in the woods?

805 replies

R2221 · 23/03/2020 22:12

Just that really. We’ve been isolating for over a week and these woods are the only thing that kept us sane. Isolated woods - not many people there. Those we came across were mindful of distance.

With the current lockdown rules, are we allowed to drive there?

OP posts:
Flaxmeadow · 23/03/2020 22:40

"It will be fine"

Yes a big fine, because that's what you'll get Grin

Pinkarsedfly · 23/03/2020 22:41

Judging by the evidence on these boards tonight, I think the govt might be massively overestimating the common sense and community spirit of the UK population.


Tonyaster · 23/03/2020 22:42

Of course you can as long as there aren't other people around. Enjoy the woods!

LadyTiredWinterBottom2 · 23/03/2020 22:42

Yeah. Drive all the drives. Drive to Scotland, that's a good idea. Unless you are in Scotland, in which case, drive to Wales. Run the risk of breaking down and someone having to rescue you. Someone who has had contact with multiple people multiple days for weeks. Sounds like a great idea.

Tonyaster · 23/03/2020 22:43

Its five miles away.

I have to drive 5 miles to get to work or a supermarket.

rainbowmask · 23/03/2020 22:43

Stay. At. Home.

NastyOldBag · 23/03/2020 22:44

It’s bloody infuriating. OP where do you think everyone else in your area will go for their daily exercise? Are these your private woods or are they totally secret and incredibly inaccessible? Because if they’re not, all the other people who are under lockdown, which is far more people than those who are off work for normal bank holidays/ Christmas, and all of these people will be wanting to get out of the house, unlike a normal day off, will be thinking ‘why don’t we go to the woods today? It’s nice and quiet there’.

R2221 · 23/03/2020 22:44

@Pinkarsedfly you are absolutely correct!

OP posts:
SisterSist3r · 23/03/2020 22:44

I was on Dartmoor at the weekend and passed two other families at a distance. It’s a massive space I’ve always managed to lose myself in. Our usual spot was emptier than normal and far emptier than our town which was heaving on our return. No way would I be visiting the tourist areas of Dartmoor but it’s a massive space. Like many locals we know all manor of hidden places and whilst we’re allowed will use them. The minute they say do not drive for exercise or shopping we won’t. Until then we’ll use the more sensible food shopping and exercise options.

nicenewdusters · 23/03/2020 22:45

Is it essential?

Will you die if you don't go?

You might die if you do, or cause somebody else's death.

So what do you think?

Snorkelface · 23/03/2020 22:46

Someone asked a similar question on the news earlier - the answer was that going for a walk is fine and obviously being in your car on your own if you had to get somewhere is fine too (as not public transport) but you don't have to get in your car to go and exercise and at some point you'll need to fill up with petrol or break down, risking unnecessary contact with surfaces and people. It's not essential, any of it. Go for a walk near home. You don't need to make a car journey to take a walk.I live in a densely populated area, the streets are deserted, just go for a walk.

NastyOldBag · 23/03/2020 22:46

tonyaster why do you think there will be no other people around? This isn’t a bog standard school day when most people are at work and you take your kids to the woods and think ‘this is lovely and quiet, not seen another soul all day’.

FFSStayAtHome · 23/03/2020 22:46

So it will be just as busy, if not busier than going to town

Maybe if you live in a town.

If you live in a village then all villagers walking the same streets is going to be much more dangerous than each going a little way away (in a car to avoid walking on fast roads with no footpaths) to walk. I would call that irresponsible.

Is the drive to the woods essential and absolutely necessary?

There is nothing in the guidelines about essential journeys?

This isn't about the OP making up the rules. There is nothing in the rules saying you cannot drive a short way to exercise somewhere more remote.

Now, if the OP turns up and there are already loads of people in the woods So that social distancing is not possible THEN they'd be an idiot not to leave straight away. They'd also be breaking the rules to stay because 2m apart IS in the rules.

SisterSist3r · 23/03/2020 22:47

In fact our fav walk is probably nearer than our supermarket. Our local shop won’t feed the whole town. The streets won’t exercise the whole town without risks. We’ll use our common sense.

Durgasarrow · 23/03/2020 22:47

Yes. I don't see a problem with it if you keep your distance from others.

Tonyaster · 23/03/2020 22:48

Because the OP said there weren't many people there.

Of course its fine to drive in your car and go for a walk somewhere isolated. Do you not understand how this virus is transmitted?

Wincher · 23/03/2020 22:48

I've also been wondering this - we live in a densely populated part of London but we can drive 2-3 miles and get to empty parts of Epping Forest. I filled the car up with petrol so that will last for months now. Surely it's better to get in the car and drive for 10 minutes for an isolated walk than pass lots of people in the street all heading for a walk round the park?? Hard to say.

musicposy · 23/03/2020 22:49


I live on a housing estate by a pretty nature spot and everyone has been driving just a few miles for a walk in the country. It’s so crowded it’s putting those of us who live here at risk, more crowded than its ever been before in years and years of living here.

Don’t do it.

R2221 · 23/03/2020 22:49

@NastyOldBag Nopes, not a soul in sight today. On contrary, there were a lot of people exercising/running in the town.

OP posts:
Doihavetogotoworkdotcom1 · 23/03/2020 22:50

I’d say yes.

Lynda07 · 23/03/2020 22:50

You self serve at petrol stations and pay through a screen, unless there is going to be a fuel shortage I don't see anything wrong with driving to a place that is hardly populated.

widdioisright · 23/03/2020 22:50

Well after careful consideration and reading the idiotic replies on this thread.I will follow Government advice,why didn’t I think of that first instead of reading what the armchair experts think.

I will continue my 3minute drive and walk my dog in the same isolated area I have for the past 6years.Absolutely in keeping with what the GOVERNMENT has said.


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nicenewdusters · 23/03/2020 22:50

What a great idea! Go walking in a hidden, isolated place during a pandemic. I'm sure the rescue services will be delighted to come and get you when you trip over or have an accident.

Special snowflakes with hidden walks will need troops on the streets to remind them of their humanity. Stay. At. Home.

Babyroobs · 23/03/2020 22:50

I would say it's fine. I intend to drive to a place to walk my dogs once a day and that will be my daily exercise. My kids can then walk them in the evening as their exercise.

SisterSist3r · 23/03/2020 22:51

Music posy your set up differs hugely to mine and I suspect the op’s. One size does not fit all.

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