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Can I drive 5 miles to walk in the woods?

805 replies

R2221 · 23/03/2020 22:12

Just that really. We’ve been isolating for over a week and these woods are the only thing that kept us sane. Isolated woods - not many people there. Those we came across were mindful of distance.

With the current lockdown rules, are we allowed to drive there?

OP posts:
RitaConnors · 23/03/2020 22:29

He specifically said parks would be open for exercise so there is no indication that he means a walk around the block.

notimagain · 23/03/2020 22:29

FWIW in many other countries which have gone into lockdown the answer to this very FAQ has been "no", the car drive element of the outing seems to be regarded as a non-essential journey and as a result dog owners have had to learn to cope... (some times after run in with officialdom and a fine or at least a threat of one).

Remains to be seen how the Uk authorities handle it.

SisterSist3r · 23/03/2020 22:29

He did not specify the exercise as needing to only be in immediate area and did not specify round the block. Walking round the block is not necessarily a good idea. Gatherings are banned. Going to your woods a few minutes away and seeing nobody is not a gathering. If it is busy you come home.

Pinkarsedfly · 23/03/2020 22:29

The world really is populated by entitled fuckwits.

‘I want to walk in the woods so I will.’

Well, I quite want to not die. It seems are wants are incompatible.


1976Bo · 23/03/2020 22:29

No you shouldn't be doing that, at a time like this. Dear god, 🤦‍♀️.
Within a few days, it will be like the rest of Europe and you will be fined OP. It's a non-essential journey

Pinkarsedfly · 23/03/2020 22:29


FFSStayAtHome · 23/03/2020 22:30

Rules here.

Have I missed an element forbidding a short drive to walk somewhere quieter than the street you live in?

R2221 · 23/03/2020 22:31

Exercising in my neighbourhood is higher risk than going for long walks in isolated woods. DH stopped going for his daily runs as there are a lot of out running !! Gyms are closed, everyone is out in the town exercising!!!!

OP posts:
NoParticularPattern · 23/03/2020 22:32

Jesus Christ. Why are the words “stay at home” so hard for people to comprehend? I mean I’m almost giving you a free pass with “social distancing” because it’s a weird term. But three words of 4 letters or fewer each and you still don’t get it.


widdioisright · 23/03/2020 22:32

@R2221,I think the Police are going to have more than enough to cope with,us walking a dog in an isolated area will be the least of their problems!

FuckOffCorona · 23/03/2020 22:33

You’re allowed to exercise once per day with members of your household, so as long as this is your daily exercise it’s fine. But if it gets very busy with others doing the same use your common sense and avoid busy times.

There are lots of people waspishly snapping ‘stay at home!’ but that isn’t the guidance. Some people may be able to stay within the four walls of their home for 3 weeks and emerge unscathed, but if you need to get outside for your sanity you are allowed to do so once a day.

StarShapedWindow · 23/03/2020 22:33

If your driving to a deserted forest it can be safer than walking in a densely populated town. I think we need to use common sense.

Flaxmeadow · 23/03/2020 22:34

The whole point is that we are supposed to be in this together

Public transport is being wound down and only supposed to be for essential travel. Food or work.

One person jumping in their car to go for a walk miles away is not really fair and you would have to make separate journeys if everyone in the household wanted to do it anyway

R2221 · 23/03/2020 22:34

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Pinkarsedfly · 23/03/2020 22:34

It says you should be out of your house for as short a time as possible.

Which means a short walk/jog round the block.

If you get in your car and drive, how can you guarantee you won’t break down and need roadside assistance? The more you use your car, the more fuel you’ll need, so you’ll have to go into petrol stations. When you get to the woods or wherever, how do you know it won’t be rammed with other people who are wilfully misinterpreting the rules?

Jesus fucking Christ on a crutch. Which bit of ‘stay at home’ is causing the confusion??


SisterSist3r · 23/03/2020 22:34

Walking in empty woods is more sensible than walking in many streets. Common sense not drama.

Wondering if people are going to stick to understocked local corner shops instead of better stocked supermarkets. 🤔

Flaxmeadow · 23/03/2020 22:35

I think the Police are going to have more than enough to cope with,us walking a dog in an isolated area will be the least of their problem

Would this dog be on a lead?

sweetheartyparty · 23/03/2020 22:36

I think it's fine

NastyOldBag · 23/03/2020 22:37

Surely everybody doing their ‘daily exercise’ will be driving to the woods to do it though? So it will be just as busy, if not busier than going to town. People driving somewhere quiet was the exact cause of the scenes we saw on Snowdonia and Dartmoor at the weekend. Just go for a walk around the block.

BlueMoon1103 · 23/03/2020 22:37

I’d say that’s fine if that’s your one outing. I didn’t hear or read anything saying you couldn’t go to the woods for a walk? It will certainly be less busy than walking through a town. Ignore nasty people on here, there are a lot of them about at the moment. We have not been told to never leave our houses, in fact we have been told we can go for walks/runs/cycling so there is no need for anyone to say ‘just stay at home’. That is not what we have been told. You are fine to go for a walk. I hope you enjoy it and feel relaxed afterwards.

Peapod29 · 23/03/2020 22:38

Yes, we will be living like this for a prolonged time, they don’t want the nation unable to take decent exercise, that would massively backfire in terms of public health. As long as you are isolated, there is not a problem. Cycle 50 miles if you wish as long as you are on your own. Don’t drive to go camping in Snowdonia but do drive a short distance for better quality and more isolated exercise.

Deadsouls · 23/03/2020 22:38

This is the problem with these rules that the govt is seeking to put in place...everyone has their own interpretation of:
Essential journey
Once a day

And shaping interpretations around what they want to do to.

Is the drive to the woods essential and absolutely necessary?

You bet that there will people who will find a way to answer 'yes' to these questions and will do whatever they want anyway. Maybe the only way it will stop is if the police/army start enforcing these rules heavily.


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QuantumEntanglement · 23/03/2020 22:39

You don’t see it do you OP? Or perhaps if we’re honest you don’t want to see it. This is the same argument all those deliberately obtuse twats who descended on the rural and coastal areas at the weekend used. “Everyone else was being a twat but me. I was exercising my right to get fresh air in the great outdoors - I wasn’t the problem.”

There is no getting through to some of you. You’ll continue to twist it to your advantage and make specious and dishonest arguments as to why you are special and the rules shouldn’t apply to you and your precious offspring until there are fucking tanks patrolling the streets to enforce compliance or you or someone you love may be struggling for breath on a trolley in a hospital corridor because there are no beds of any kind let alone the ICU kind on the wards.

Honeywort · 23/03/2020 22:39

Stay at home. Save lives.

Passthewinebottle · 23/03/2020 22:40

Agreed @deadsouls & is why we will go to full lockdown.

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