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Sperm Meets Egg Plan

298 replies

Pollyell · 02/11/2020 12:51

Hi everyone!

Going into our second cycle TTC, stumbled across the SMEP and a lot of couples seem to have had success with it. Has anyone else heard of this/trying it this cycle? X

OP posts:
NamechangeTTC · 12/11/2020 08:57

I know my 6am ones are less accurate as fmu.

Sperm Meets Egg Plan
mommyofone2019 · 12/11/2020 09:16

I was testing twice a day. Didn't tend to use fmu as heard it isn't the best to test for ovulation. I read after 11am is best to test so always tried to test after then xx

NamechangeTTC · 12/11/2020 09:55

This is the first cycle that I’ve followed LH past ovulation to check to see what it does.

Sperm Meets Egg Plan
Pollyell · 12/11/2020 10:11

Thanks for sharing @namechangettc, thats really useful. I may start doing twice in the evening then. My one yesterday was just a touch fainter than your first CD 19 one, amazing how much it seems to change in a few hours.

OP posts:
NamechangeTTC · 12/11/2020 10:16

Do you pee hold before it @Pollyell? I only started getting consistent results if I didn’t drink or pee for the 3 hours before. X

notalwaysalondoner · 12/11/2020 10:27

We've been pretty much doing SMEP for several months as we just found we were getting exhausted DTD every other day for CD 7-20 (I have cycles of ~22-30 days) and starting to find it a chore. It works much better for us to have to DTD every other day from CD 7 to flashy OPK, then every day for 3-4 days, then once more, then stop. We got lucky in August but it was an early miscarriage at 4+5. Having good vibes about this month, but don't want to get my hopes up as also had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks in June.

Memcf2 · 12/11/2020 10:37

I've only tested once per day normally fmu as that's what the clear blue digital says to use. Have read recently that evening is best to test tho so not sure now. Had my peak on Tuesday so last day of my 3 in a row. Then a waiting game. I hate the 2ww.

Memcf2 · 12/11/2020 22:15

When does everyone normally test! I'm really hoping for a bfp this month after looking at success stories for smep but don't want to get too carried away as know I will get my heart broken. X

mommyofone2019 · 12/11/2020 22:25

@Memcf2 snap, I really don't want to get my hopes up 🥺
With my 1st I tested on 10DPO and got my bfp! So will probably do the same this time x

DontCryForMeNextdoorNeighbour · 12/11/2020 22:27

Worked for us, good luck!

HoneysuckleHalliana · 12/11/2020 22:44

@Memcf2 I am 6DPO today, hoping to wait it out till the end of next week, but the pregnancy tests arrive tomorrow and I know it will be very hard to resist!

mommyofone2019 · 12/11/2020 22:47

Has there been any success stories on here so far?

I don't think I'll be successful this try. We didn't start on cd8, we started on cd10. And today we should dtd one final time after the miss a day, but we haven't. We are both genuinely tired 💤

Memcf2 · 13/11/2020 08:19

@mommyofone2019.we are in exact same position. Missed the last of the 3 day stretch yesterday and I'm gutted we have ruined our chances. BD cd 7, 9,11, 12 and 13. Got my peak on CD 12.

@DontCryForMeNextdoorNeighbour amazing news so happy for you. Did you manage all the days.

Keep us updated @HoneysuckleHalliana fingers crossed for you.

mommyofone2019 · 13/11/2020 08:39

@Memcf2 we did the 3 day stretch, then the miss a day. Yesterday we should have dtd one last time but just didn't 💤 hope it hasn't ruined our chances 🥺

Memcf2 · 13/11/2020 09:35

@mommyofone2019 I think you are OK with the last day. I'm wondering if today would make up for missing yesterday. So annoyed with myself for missing it.

mommyofone2019 · 13/11/2020 10:02

@Memcf2 it's so stressful isn't it 😖
I always think about these people who fall pregnant after a one night stand or something like that .... HOW

Pollyell · 13/11/2020 10:34

You've all made a really good effort so please don't beat yourselves up about that last day! No point in absolutely knackering ourselves.

I'm CD 17 and still waiting for positive OPK - you guys will probably be 6 months pregnant by the time I've finished this cycle!

OP posts:
anon0704 · 13/11/2020 10:36

This looks promising! I'm TTC after a miscarriage :-( Took us only 2 months to fall pregnant and now we're on cycle 5 of trying again and I'm starting to feel discouraged :-(

Pollyell · 13/11/2020 10:45

Welcome @anon0704! Really sorry that you had to go through a miscarriage Flowers

Do join us on our SMEP journey! People seem to have had a lot of success with it previously. Where are you in your cycle?xx

OP posts:
anon0704 · 13/11/2020 10:53

Hi @Pollyell

I'm 12dpo and had a BFN this morning. My AF is due tomorrow.

anon0704 · 13/11/2020 10:54

Actually, scratch that. Just got AF

NamechangeTTC · 13/11/2020 11:14

Welcome @anon0704

I’m now 8dpo cd 29 I think. Don’t think I’m feeling anything unusual. No spotting. Was hoping for a hint of IB


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Gamechanger2019 · 13/11/2020 18:52

Sorry to hear that @anon0704, fingers crossed for next month. It’s a difficult one - I feel like we need to make more effort next month all a learning curve. Out of interest does anyone experience ovulation pain, and if you test your temps etc when do you think you ovulate? Is that the same day as the pain?

Memcf2 · 13/11/2020 18:54

@namechangeTTC when do you plan to test?

NamechangeTTC · 13/11/2020 19:00

No plan yet. Doesn’t seem worth it @Memcf2

Keeping having dreams of positive tests.

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