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6DPO, who’s with me 😊

199 replies

Claire78564 · 15/05/2019 21:50

Hola so even though I said I wouldn’t, I’m at that point in the 2WW where seem to doin is think and worry about whether I’ve caught or not. Ive been doing BBT and today my temp dropped below the cover line. I’m 6DPo, had painful boobs which are increasing since 3 dpo (although this is a usual sign for me that I guess of happened) going out of my mind! Had a bit more cm than usual fx this is my month! How’s everyone else getting on?? X

OP posts:
Abi58 · 27/05/2019 06:45

Morning! Soooooo this just happened! It's so so faint but definately pink! I couldn't resist.

Concerned that my temp has gone down to pretty much the cover line so a bit nervous to tell my husband until I check again in a few days 😞 (damn early testing!) 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Abi58 · 27/05/2019 06:46

It won't let me upload a photo 😭 I'll try again in a bit!

Abi58 · 27/05/2019 06:55

Just did my temp again and it gone up by 0.2 degrees Celsius ....I know it's meant to be straight after you wake but I've only been sat in the bathroom staring at the rest so could have been a dodgy ready earlier or faulty thermometer?? Clinging onto any hope 😂 the 0.2 rise puts me where I should be

ELW85 · 27/05/2019 06:58

Morning - don’t worry too much about temp dips, it’s a trend you’re looking for.
Good luck with the testing - sounds positive though!

Abi58 · 27/05/2019 07:01

:)@ELW85 thank you! I think it's because it's trending down and pretty much at the cover line if I use the first temp hoping I didn't test too early and not properly catch 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

ELW85 · 27/05/2019 09:31

@Abi58 - I’m sure it’s fine :) you’re definitely looking for a trend over time, so I wouldn’t worry!

Abi58 · 27/05/2019 17:27

Fingers crossed!

6DPO, who’s with me 😊
Abi58 · 27/05/2019 17:27

@ELW85 @mrssunshinexxx it finally let me post a photo! Really really faint and with temps dropping 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 it sticks

ELW85 · 27/05/2019 17:33

@Abi58 - congratulations!! That’s great news!

mrssunshinexxx · 27/05/2019 17:39

@Abi58 huge congrats ! It's faint but it's definitely there ! How many dpo are you sorry I can't keep up with everyone you must feel so excited have you told hubby?

mumof1hants · 27/05/2019 17:44

@Abi58 huge congrats!! Very exciting xx

Abi58 · 27/05/2019 17:57

@ELW85 @mumof1hants @mrssunshinexxx
Thank you 😁😁 so excited!
About 10-12dpo depending on how you look at my chart 😂
Told husband he's over the moon but with the temp drops and it being early we're very cautiously happy! Hoping it sticks 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻😁😁😁

Abi58 · 27/05/2019 19:33

Couldn't wait til the morning 😂 got this on an ic even fainter but afternoon wee and it's less sensitive. Hoping this is good news! Also pics are awful it's super faint in real life but photos are even worse (hubby saw it too so I'm not going mad 😂)

6DPO, who’s with me 😊
mumof1hants · 27/05/2019 20:49

@Abi58 eeeekkk!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

The urge to test is so bad right now! X

Abi58 · 27/05/2019 21:07

@mumof1hants how many dpo are you? When is af due? I advise and try to leave to test but clearly I'm not able to🤷🏻‍♀️

mumof1hants · 27/05/2019 21:59

It's so hard isn't it, especially when they're in the drawer ready! Wish I hadn't bought them now!

I'm 9pdo and due sometime thurs-sat (3different apps say different days 🤷🏼‍♀️). My boyfriend would have me test tomorrow but I'm trying to wait it out till Friday if AF doesn't show. Luckily there's no FRER in the drawer! X

Abi58 · 27/05/2019 22:07

@mumof1hants it really is! I've discovered I have zero will power 😂

You haven't got too long to wait then :)🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

flossy12 · 28/05/2019 01:18

Tested again yesterday 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ BFN again, not sure when I actually ovulated as not temping or using OPK's might order some for the next cycle, just awaiting AF now due tomorrow according to FLO and OVIA

*just remembered I have a bunch of IC under my sink cabinet upstairs 😬 hopefully they will not be touched until the weekend if needed

Abi58 · 28/05/2019 07:20

@flossy12 sorry to hear about your bfn. As you don't know when you ovulated you could be testing too early so don't lose hope 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Abi58 · 28/05/2019 07:21

I just did another frer this morning and I think the line is slightly fatter but no darker 😢🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Frillyfarmer · 28/05/2019 07:36

@flossy12 I've just tested today at 12DPO and BFN so I think that's me out for this month. I actually took an OPK as I've had pains very similar to ovulation pains and I wondered whether I hadn't ovulated on CD16 and my body was ramping up again, but that was negative so I think I'm just going to wait for AF to arrive now.

ClareDee · 28/05/2019 14:01

Hello, hope you don’t mind me joining in - this is my first ever post! I’d like to get some opinions on my pregnancy test this morning but not sure how to upload pictures. Can anyone advise? Thanks


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mrssunshinexxx · 28/05/2019 14:21

@ClareDee hiya you need to click on the paper clip symbol x

flossy12 · 28/05/2019 15:45

@Frillyfarmer @Abi58 I think I'm out too girls, AF due tomorrow however I remember..

I used Flo for 2 years while on the pill (for the reminders) and when I changed my settings to no contraceptive it told me ovulation on the 29th of May and AF on the 10th of June, however I re-downloaded the app and of course it reverted back to a normal 28day cycle but feel mine could be longer than this 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just have no idea

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