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6DPO, who’s with me 😊

199 replies

Claire78564 · 15/05/2019 21:50

Hola so even though I said I wouldn’t, I’m at that point in the 2WW where seem to doin is think and worry about whether I’ve caught or not. Ive been doing BBT and today my temp dropped below the cover line. I’m 6DPo, had painful boobs which are increasing since 3 dpo (although this is a usual sign for me that I guess of happened) going out of my mind! Had a bit more cm than usual fx this is my month! How’s everyone else getting on?? X

OP posts:
Abi58 · 19/05/2019 09:41

When it's something you want it's so easy to get excited and want to test! I tested with an internet cheaper around ovulation if it makes you feel any better 😂 I'm fresh off the pill and since ov I've been feeling really nauseous and I think I wanted to confirm in my mind that it was hormones not a miraculous early pregnancy lol! 10dpo is still really early you might only be implanting today so won't have any hcg to detect yet! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 when are you due af?

Thank you! Me too! I don't think it would have any effect 😁 it's further up (past your cervix) you would implant and the sperm won't make it past there without your fertile Cm 😊

That could be implantation (if it's not normal for you) same thing happened to @Claire78564 have a look at her chart below 😊

🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 for all of us!

Abi58 · 19/05/2019 09:41

No idea why part of my message below is in Bold (or how I did it) 😂

ELW85 · 19/05/2019 09:44

@Abi58 thank you 😊 I’m trying SO hard not to build my hopes up, but I’d love it if it was!

I compared my temps to last month and there definitely wasn’t a dip as there is this month; let’s just hope it goes up again tomorrow!

I hope you ladies are having a nice weekend?

Claire78564 · 19/05/2019 09:58

Haha thanks I started panicking thinking contractions would cause it to ‘unimplant’! Gosh I’m glad I’ve got you ladies to keep me in check haha.

@ELW85 I wouldn’t worry about the dip at that point, it could be implantation or just a random dip. Plenty of women have them and go on to get their BFP!

Keep our heads up ladies! I’m sure we will catch soonx

OP posts:
ELW85 · 19/05/2019 10:05

@Claire78564 thanks for the support!

It’s nice that’s we’ve all got threads like these to help us out :)

Katie2207 · 19/05/2019 10:11

@Abi58 I'm due at on Tuesday and yeah I know we both want this really bad it's like every month I get more obsessed with poas😂😩

flossy12 · 19/05/2019 10:18

Hey girls 👋🏻 I'm hopping on I'm 5dpo, no signs so far but I have a bad cold and had slight cystitis with pinkish loss yesterday but it's cleared up now.... weird

Mummylaura1988 · 19/05/2019 16:26

I dont appear to have any symptoms other than a bit of crampy pain today.. no sore boobs at all. Normally a week before AF I crave chocolate but haven't even had that. I was so positive this was our month but after getting a bfn yesterday morning I just dint think this is our month again Hmm

Abi58 · 19/05/2019 20:28

🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 :)
Yeah lovely weekend so far thanks been busy but nice, how about yours??

You don't have long to wait then 😁🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Could have been the mysterious implantation?
I've also had a feel of a uti needing to wee and not feeling empty 😑

Different to normal could be a good sign? Sorry if this had been said earlier, how many dpo are you?

ELW85 · 19/05/2019 20:58

@Abi58 sadly DH has been working all weekend but next weekend (when I’m due to test) we’re off to the Harry Potter studios!!

flossy12 · 19/05/2019 21:47

@Abi58 maybe! Although I finished AF on the 7th and DTD on the 8th, 11th and 17th do not sure, unless we had a miraculous conception on the 8th 🤷🏼‍♀️

Weird though after dinner time the cystitis symptoms and the pinkish loss both stopped and not had it since, I thought you had to be around 10dpo for implantation bleeding?

Abi58 · 19/05/2019 22:22

@ELW85 that sounds amazing though!

@flossy I think implantation can happen anytime in theory but usually between 7-10dpo

Have any of you noticed or checked your Cm after ov?

Claire78564 · 19/05/2019 22:57

Boo Sunday night! Hope everyone has more signs pointing to BFP tomorrow!

OP posts:
Abi58 · 20/05/2019 06:56

I'm still too early for signa but I do have the feeling of a uti coming, a cold, sensitive/sore nipples and nausea, hormones do crazy things!

My temp is still rising this morning

Claire78564 · 20/05/2019 08:20

Yeah it’s just a waiting game I guess. My boobs still sore. I have a feeling my AF will turn up tomorrow or Wednesday. My temps are still relatively high. Slight dip today so dunno if that’s a sign I’m out. Guess it all rides on tomorrow’s temp. Woke up boiling and this is usual for me before AF so feeling pretty unhopeful today! Not much Cm either so who knows what’s going on lol

6DPO, who’s with me 😊
OP posts:
0teaandtoast0 · 20/05/2019 08:26

How's everyone getting on? AF due on Thursday for me and my skin has started getting bad so I don't think I'm going to be lucky this time round. My FRERs should arrive tonight (first lot never arrived) so I'm going to test tomorrow morning I think (or tonight if I bottle it - anyone know if I should be doing it first thing in the morning or is it still likely to pick something up in the evening?).

Abi58 · 20/05/2019 09:26

@Claire78564 it doesn't look like it's dropped more staying steady, it can't keep rising forever 🤞🏻

@0teaandtoast0 after af is due it shouldn't matter but Morning is because it is more concentrated. Could try tonight after a good hold or in the morning? (Or both if you can't wait but don't get disheartened if you don't see anything tonight)

Abi58 · 20/05/2019 09:26

Does anyone know what temperature rise is normal after ov? Mine has gone up by just over 0.3 degree (centigrade)

0teaandtoast0 · 20/05/2019 09:49

Thanks @abi58. Since I'm using an expensive test I'll just try tomorrow morning - particularly as I'm convinced now it will be negative.

ELW85 · 20/05/2019 09:50

@Abi58 - I think FF states that 0.3 is their min temp rise post O, so that looks right!

Claire78564 · 20/05/2019 10:35

It is tempting to test early isn’t it but I’m trying to wait for when AF is due. Yeah I think my temps tomorrow will prob start to decline...begun with loose toilet business today (sorry for the tmi) feeling s bit off so dunno if it’s something I have eaten but oh well. Let me know how you all get on x

OP posts:
Abi58 · 20/05/2019 14:17

@0teaandtoast0 let us know how you get on!

@ELW85 thank you! Is that f or c?

@Claire78564 it really is tempting! I keep having to stop myself, currently 5/6dpo so far too early 😂

Are any of you tracking/checking or noticed your Cm? Mines gone a bit odd but could be normal I've never paid it any attention 😂


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Claire78564 · 20/05/2019 15:05

Yeah hang in there. I thought this TTC business was supposed to be easy! It’s not like we have been trying long but doesn’t time drag when you want something! Every time I go to the toilet I keep thinking Af is going to turn up. Just ordered some tests online. I have a first response one at home but don’t want to waste it x

OP posts:
ELW85 · 20/05/2019 15:17

@Abi58 it’s F. I used this study as a guide if that’s any help?
Its the opposite of what you’re looking at (a dip as opposed to a rise) but I thought the value was significant either way it was used.

Abi58 · 20/05/2019 15:41

@Claire78564 I know what you mean! I'm trying not to get too caught up but I can't help it!

@ELW85 thank you :) mine was in c so not sure how much that is in f but hopefully still good :)

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