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6DPO, who’s with me 😊

199 replies

Claire78564 · 15/05/2019 21:50

Hola so even though I said I wouldn’t, I’m at that point in the 2WW where seem to doin is think and worry about whether I’ve caught or not. Ive been doing BBT and today my temp dropped below the cover line. I’m 6DPo, had painful boobs which are increasing since 3 dpo (although this is a usual sign for me that I guess of happened) going out of my mind! Had a bit more cm than usual fx this is my month! How’s everyone else getting on?? X

OP posts:
mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 07:09

Tested.. bfN 😢 I'm 1dpo be honest could there still be a chance or Isit pretty likely I'm out this month ?

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 07:09

That should say 10dpo!

ELW85 · 26/05/2019 07:21

@mrssunshinexxx - On average, it takes 9DPO for implantation to occur and then 3-5 days for enough HCG to be produced to give a positive test.
Realistically, you shouldn’t be testing until 1 day after AF is due.

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 07:24

@ELW85 thanks for replying

Okay that gives me a little hope then not due until 1st June

ELW85 · 26/05/2019 08:05

I’d honestly not test til much later; I posted a link to calculators ages ago and at 10DPO, around 50% who tested got a false negative

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 08:08

Yes I remember looking at that I don't know why we do it to ourselves :( can you remember which thread you posted it on ?

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 08:13

@ELW85 I found it I'm going to just wait and see if af turns up

ELW85 · 26/05/2019 08:41
ELW85 · 26/05/2019 08:43

Ah sorry, just saw your other post now!
We put ourselves through so much, and I know I’m finding it hard to relax too!
Good luck!!

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 08:50

@ELW85 thank you x

Frillyfarmer · 26/05/2019 09:27

@mrssunshinexxx I'm 10DPO today and I've decided not to test until weds when AF is due. I know FRER are early detection but it just all depends on when you implanted.

Abi58 · 26/05/2019 10:24

@mrssunshinexxx it's still early. You're due af around the same time as me. I don't know why we do it to ourselves. The only thing that stopped me this morning is my first wee was at 6am and I was too tired to think 🙈 if you feel the urge to test say and we can support each other til af is due!

@Frillyfarmer agreed! I told myself the same but when the tests say they can detect it early it's like a gremlin telling me to test it's so frustrating and these few days are going so slowly!

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 10:35

@Frillyfarmer it's so hard isn't it

@Abi58 thanks Abi I aren't testing again now unless af doesn't turn up I'm either due on 28th or 1st depending which app but I have mentally told myself I'm out now cos the negative line was really strong 😢

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 11:20

Does anyone know if clear blue or first response is better ? (More likely to show a positive earlier )

Abi58 · 26/05/2019 11:57

@mrssunshinexxx I've heard first response are better and less likely to confuse with a false positive/evap

Not ever had a positive myself so just what I've seen

My temps are still going down, notbbelow cover line yet but not feeling hopeful

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 12:04

@Abi58 I feel really sad taken it much worse than I was expecting 😢 going to try cheer up as having a family bbq this aft and until af shows I aren't out but I will not test again until at least the 2nd June if it hasn't arrived x

Frillyfarmer · 26/05/2019 12:42

FRER are better than CB @mrssunshinexxx - pink dyes are better than blue although I can't remember why.

I've had 2 MC this year which is why I was holding off early testing, with my last MC I got a socking great BFP at 10DPO but it wasn't to be. My DS is 20months and my BFP with him wasn't until 16DPO!

The waiting game is so painful but (for me) I'd rather have AF than a BFN. I also know no matter how hard I symptom spot, it doesn't really mean anything as my PMS and early pregnancy symptoms are the same! X

mrssunshinexxx · 26/05/2019 12:45

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage @Frillyfarmer I can understand that theory.

I have one cb in the house and that's it so just gunna use that IF af doesn't come by the 1st it's gunna be a longgg few days Grin

ELW85 · 26/05/2019 14:39

I’m out this month ladies. AF got me.

Abi58 · 26/05/2019 15:54

@mrssunshinexxx try to enjoy the rest of the weekend and take your mind off it and see if af turns up. At least you can enjoy some drinks.

@Frillyfarmer sorry to hear about your mc.

@ELW85 sorry to hear af turned up, did she show on time?

ELW85 · 26/05/2019 17:28

@Abi58 - bang on. But at least it means my cycles are consistent and my luteal phase isn’t short, so on to the next cycle :)

Abi58 · 26/05/2019 17:35

@ELW85 that is good if you are on top of your cycles now! :)

My temps have gone down for 3 days now so think that's me out


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ELW85 · 26/05/2019 20:10

@Abi58 - keep your head up :) it’s not over til AF arrives!! I’ve got everything crossed for you

Abi58 · 26/05/2019 20:46

@ELW85 thank you! I'll let you know how I get on 🙈

ELW85 · 26/05/2019 22:02

@Abi58 - please do!! :)

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