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Anyone just starting the TWW..?

760 replies

HappyThoughts7 · 25/01/2018 20:30

Hi all,

Just started the 2WW (I think) as I’m pretty sure I ovulated yesterday/today based on Flo & the bloatedness I’ve had...just wondered if anyone was at the same stage as me and how they were feeling about it all? This is TTC #1 for me xx

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HappyThoughts7 · 26/01/2018 23:48

Probs a little too early then @penguin, still plenty of time yet though, so fingers crossed!

Oh, @Milly, I feel for you, Hun. You’ve been through it by the sound of it, so it’s only to be expected that you have days where you feel emosh. Don’t be too hard on yourself xx

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HappyThoughts7 · 26/01/2018 23:50

I think I ovulated Thurs, but as I’m not temping and this is my first cycle, I’m keep panicking I’ve missed it somehow & therefore keep badgering DH into another sess. He just told me he’s tired Shock Grin maybe I need to give him a break now. Been DTD every other day for 10 days, that should be us covered shouldn’t it?

OP posts:
DaisyMay25 · 27/01/2018 00:09

@HappyThoughts7 I think we're cycle buddies! Haha yes I think you've got it covered! Don't think my DH would ever tell me he's too tired!

lovesrunning · 27/01/2018 07:51

Mind if I join you ladies? Have enjoyed reading and now have plucked up the courage to post! Ttc #1 cycle 1 so just getting to grips with everything. Think I only ovulated day 22 or thereabouts so only 3 days ago. Used sticks just to get my head around what was happening in there as didn’t have af for ten years on the pill. Not expecting anything this time around but still hasn’t stopped me googling everything and wondering about it all the time! Good luck to everyone!

Millypad · 27/01/2018 09:57

Thanks @Happy - am much happier today! (Excuse pun!)

HappyThoughts7 · 27/01/2018 10:41

Haha, well tired or not, we still DTD, so I think he was just trying to make me do all the work Grin I think I’m around 2DPO so the waiting can officially begin!

Pleased you’re feeling better today @milly, hormones have a lot to answer for don’t they!

Welcome @running! I followed lots of threads too before I posted; I’ve learnt so much! Fingers crossed for all of us 🤞🏻 xx

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Dragonandthewolf · 27/01/2018 10:51

Ah milly I’m glad you are happier. This ttc business is stressful stuff!

happy where have you both got the energy 😆 I’m sure you’ve covered your bases. Your best chance is to dtd on the day of/-1 day before ovulation. But it’s hard to keep track! I’m not sure when I ovulated because I’m not tracking temps but I think Thursday.

Welcome running

HappyThoughts7 · 27/01/2018 11:22

Haha, I have no idea @dragon!

It is tough trying to fit all these extra sessions in when we both have full time jobs, but we’re determined to give ourselves the best shot possible! I think I ov’d Thurs too, although the other app I use said Tuesday, so we DTD Mon, Wed & last night just to be on the safe side! X

OP posts:
Mimilicious013 · 28/01/2018 06:23

morning ladies, hope l can jump aboard too.

4dpo here and af due on the 7th. been a long and tiresome ttc journey but am always hopeful. wishing everyone the best of luck

DaisyMay25 · 28/01/2018 16:59

Hello @Mimilicious013 we're on another board together!

How's everyone doing?
I'm already going crazy and only 3dpo!!
When's everyone testing??

Mimilicious013 · 28/01/2018 17:15

waves @daisy , how was your weekend?
I am not testing until af is late. I have decided not to store any tests in the house so hopefully won't be tempted to buy any. soo tired of seeing bfns hun

Mimilicious013 · 28/01/2018 17:16

waves @daisy , how was your weekend? the waiting is crazy hey!
I am not testing until af is late. I have decided not to store any tests in the house so hopefully won't be tempted to buy any. soo tired of seeing bfns hun

HappyThoughts7 · 28/01/2018 17:28

Hi guys,

Urgh, I’m driving myself mad! I literally can’t think of anything else, and this is only the first month! Does it play on anyone else’s mind continuously? I’m annoying myself as I can’t carry on like this, especially is TTC takes us a while. Any tips about how to not let it completely take over your life?! X

OP posts:
DaisyMay25 · 28/01/2018 17:46

@Mimilicious013 just finished having the family over for a roast! How's yours been?

I got two double packs of FRER from Asda yesterday... I have so many tests I'm so bad!

@HappyThoughts7 I'm the same, literally just count down that days until I can test, gonna test on Sunday when I'll be 10dpo.
No tips here, I'm no use at relaxing and patience! Haha

Millypad · 28/01/2018 17:55

Alas looks like I’m going to have to bow out of this thread, seems ovulation didn’t work again! Best of luck lovely ladies, got my fingers crossed for all of you xx

Mimilicious013 · 28/01/2018 18:26

thanks @milly, sorry you are going through this. best wishes to you too.

l have no tips for you too @happy, I have been at it forever but I still am impatient and no way of escaping it taking over my life. just make sure to continue doing the things you love doing.

that must have been a good distraction for you @daisy, and hope you enjoyed the roast with fam. oh my ,you are a testaholic dear haha.

l spent my day in pjs, watching tv and eating with the kids. not bad for a Sunday lol. dh will be back tomorrow

Dragonandthewolf · 28/01/2018 22:05

mimi your username sounds familiar, were you on ttc #1 threads during late 2015? I’ve changed my username several times on here! Although I’ve been around on and off for years.

I’m glad I’m not the only one desperate to poas! I’ve had major sweet cravings today, which is what I had when I conceived my first. Coincidence?! Ok yeah probably is 😂

Dragonandthewolf · 28/01/2018 22:06

Oh sorry milly :(

Mimilicious013 · 29/01/2018 04:34

5dpo Star
morning ladies, hope you start your week with lots of energy.
@dragon, it really could have been me. l started my ttc journey in 2015Sad and was on a number of buses. hope you were luckier and have a lo now . sweet cravings, hmm that's promising fx.

nothing to report my end. jus can't wait for time to fly by

Dragonandthewolf · 29/01/2018 08:37

Ah sorry mimi 😪
Has your gp referred you or suggested ivf to you? Sorry to ask personal questions!
Yes I have a DD now.

Karigan1 · 29/01/2018 08:40

In 2ww here too. Got my peak on the stick last Friday so ovulated sometime between Friday and Sunday I guess. Now it’s jist waiting to see if it worked. First proper cycle here so not hopeful but we dtd bang on time so you never know.

Pob13 · 29/01/2018 10:09

5dpo and have wanted to test since day 1. I have no patience!
Had a miscarriage in August and got symptons of pregnancy really early with that one, so im on red alert for sore boobs and nausea.


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MrzE · 29/01/2018 11:27

Mind if I join too ladies? Think I'm about 6dpo. I have irregular periods since having the implant out, so I can't be 100% sure on anything really. It looks like I have a high bbt as standard anyway.

This is ttc #1 c3. I symptom spot like crazy, it's so annoying, but usually they just end in a period. Trying to calm myself down this month but we dtd most nights.

DaisyMay25 · 29/01/2018 19:41

@Pob13 I know how you feel, I'm 4dpo and waiting to test is driving me crazy!
I've had nausea and lightheaded ness for about 3 weeks now and my Af never really came, just a little spotting so I don't even know if I'll spot any symptoms!

Fx for everyone this month!

Tyrionsbitch · 29/01/2018 19:48

Hi ladies can I join? Af due 3rd feb. Been having really sore boobs today and feeling bloated but bfn today. Must resist testing again now! Ttc #1

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