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Symptom spotting.

115 replies

JadeA021 · 30/09/2017 20:05

Thought i'd start a new thread so hopefully people can share what symptoms they're having on what day PO and then hopefully stay on to share the result at the end.

Might be a little easier having it all in one place with people that are going through the same other than googling it which is what I've been doing:))

OP posts:
WeeEnglishRose · 06/10/2017 22:39

@Peachy92, I don't know, I don't think so. It's def brown old blood, but I have the same crampy tummy that I get when AF starts. I don't know why it would come 2 days early though :S guess I'll find out over the next few days.

PumpkinPatch000 · 07/10/2017 09:16

How is everyone this morning?

i'm 11DPO today and still experiencing symptoms including, bloating, nausea (sometimes to the point where i'm nearly sick), tender boobs, sensitive to smells, feeling cold, stomach cramps in my lower abdomen/tender dull ache there during the day - it only eases during the night. Also achy arms and legs at times, tired, frequent urination (2-3 times more than normal) and emotional (weepy and irritable).

I'm testing tomorrow for the first time... eek! Nervous and excited. I'm still convincing my self all the time i am then i'm not etc I'll be glad to know either way for sure. AF is due Monday.

sillysausage16 · 07/10/2017 09:17

Just out of interest, how reliable do you think cheapie early detector tests are? Xx

PumpkinPatch000 · 07/10/2017 09:24

@sillysausage16 - i wondered that too and googled it a few days ago and found an article on it. They basically said that sometimes the descriptions around the sensitivity can be contradictory and misleading but i guess it depends on the brand. I've never used or seen any of them.

Peachy92 · 07/10/2017 11:45

Af arrived this morning back on time :( good luck ladies xxx

sillysausage16 · 07/10/2017 15:51

Sorry to hear that @Peachy92 Sad

Today's new symptom is dry heaving at tuna. Something which I've eaten at work every Saturday since March

WeeEnglishRose · 07/10/2017 22:40

Sorry to hear that @Peachy92 :(
Good luck tomorrow @PumpkinPatch000 !

AmazingGrace16 · 07/10/2017 23:30

Heavy cramping and shifting around feeling low down in my stomach behind pelvic bones. Nausea and migraine.
I've got no idea what's going on :(

PumpkinPatch000 · 08/10/2017 09:49

Thank you @WeeEnglishRose!

So I tested this morning and got a BFN [SAD]. i'm 13DPO and AF I assume is arriving tomorrow based on my last cycle length but that may not be correct as I only came off the pill a couple of days ago. Do you think i'm out as i'm already 13DPO?

I've had so many symptoms since 3DPO and still even have them today... confused as I never get any of these symptoms around ovulation or AF. They are all new to me.

sillysausage16 · 09/10/2017 18:57

Has af arrived @PumpkinPatch000 ?

I'm pretty new to this so I can't offer much advice

PumpkinPatch000 · 09/10/2017 19:09

Hi @sillysausage16 thank you for thinking of me! No sign of AF yet eek! i'm totally new to this too, TTC no1 on cycle 1. How are you feeling?

Thank you @WeeEnglishRose unfortunately yesterday I got BFN so still playing the waiting game!

VJONES1985 · 09/10/2017 19:19

I had LOADS of symptoms this month, all totally new, but AF got me on Thursday :-(

PumpkinPatch000 · 09/10/2017 19:32

oh no @VJONES1985 sorry to hear that Sad

JadeA021 · 09/10/2017 20:20

My symptoms slowly started to dissapear, I got a BFN yesterday and AF was due today but she hasn't made an appearance yet!

OP posts:
sillysausage16 · 10/10/2017 16:51

No af and bfn Envy

peachesarenom · 10/10/2017 18:44

Me too no AF and multiple BFNs!

JadeA021 · 10/10/2017 18:56

Day 2 and still no AF with multiple BFN but I have been feeling extremely nauseous the past 2/3 days and everytime I stand up the room spins to the point where I nearly pass out? I'm so confused right now

OP posts:
peachesarenom · 11/10/2017 07:42

JadeA021 I am also feeling nauseous every morning and eve. BFN! I'm starting to get a bit angry now, I just want to know!

PumpkinPatch000 · 11/10/2017 08:06

With you @JadeA021 @peachesarenom @sillysausage16 no AF and BFN (last tested on Sunday) still nauseous pretty much all day and dull aches below lower abdomen. Had these symptoms for 2 full weeks now.

I've totally gone of food too and I cannot stand the smell of porridge. Every time my DH makes it I'm running the the bathroom 🤢 It's revolting

sillysausage16 · 11/10/2017 10:58

Another BFN and had cramping for 2days but still no period 😩

sillysausage16 · 12/10/2017 10:20

Still no show from af!! I've given up testing just going to wait a few days

PumpkinPatch000 · 12/10/2017 13:40

So I'm really confused... AF showed up yesterday but I still have symptoms like nausea 😞 That's three weeks I've had it!


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sillysausage16 · 12/10/2017 15:42

Ah first spot of blood

JadeA021 · 12/10/2017 18:21

4 days late and still no AF and still Nauseous with cramps and Backache:( I'm still getting BFN though! I'm so confused

OP posts:
Flyingfruit · 13/10/2017 09:40

Has anyone literally had no symptoms and then got their BFP?

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