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Symptom spotting.

115 replies

JadeA021 · 30/09/2017 20:05

Thought i'd start a new thread so hopefully people can share what symptoms they're having on what day PO and then hopefully stay on to share the result at the end.

Might be a little easier having it all in one place with people that are going through the same other than googling it which is what I've been doing:))

OP posts:
VJONES1985 · 04/10/2017 18:03

I am 9dpo today and af is due on Sunday. Today I had quite bad cramping, a bit like AF cramps, but followed by backache, nausea, heightened sense of smell which left me queasy and a horrible taste in my mouth. Absolutely shattered and sore boobs. Have had loads of symptoms since just after ovulation, so this month is very different to what I usually experience.

sillysausage16 · 04/10/2017 18:28

Thought I would post on here too since you guys are in the same boat. Hope that's ok!!Hi all I don't post much on here but I do lurk for advice. I'm 36 and my partner and I are trying to get pregnant. I had my ds almost 11 years ago so all this is relatively new as I had no trouble having him but then again wasn't trying lol.

I've been tracking my cycle on Ovia since March, trying to get an idea of things. I'm quite irregular and have no idea of ovulation time because I'm useless with the opks. I THINK I ovulate relatively early.

I'm on cycle day 19 now and have been noticing some weird symptoms - been dizzy and nauseous for a week now, after almost fainting at work last Tuesday the only time I feel ok is when I'm eating, I had what I can only describe as a pain like being stabbed with a hot knitting needle on Saturday and some pink stained cm with that pain. Now today I've started smelling smells which no one else at work can. And the pain in my breasts is unbareable.

Has anyone had these types of symptoms and been found to be pregnant? I darent get my hopes up. Maybe I just need someone to tell me it's all in my head as it's too early to test yet.

Today's newest symptom is having the runs, maybe I just have a bug Sad

Peachy92 · 04/10/2017 19:13

@sillysausage16 you’re re not alone at all don’t worry 👍 this months been completely different for me to and I just caved with the test I had and got a BFN :/ but I’m not due until Saturday so could just have been too early. I think if you have a test at home it’s worth getting it out of your system personally as it stops you thinking about it - at least temporarily! If AF comes it comes if not test again. It really is the only thing you can do! X

PumpkinPatch000 · 04/10/2017 20:06

@Peachy92 my thoughts too. I think people know their bodies pretty well and what different and i definitely feel that.. but who knows! Will be thinking of you on Sunday! Fingers crossed for you! I'm also testing that day eek! i'm nervous but excited.. the days are really dragging now

sillysausage16 · 04/10/2017 20:10

I've taken a test which was a bfn!! But I'm not due on for a week so need to sit on my hands for a few days

peachesarenom · 04/10/2017 22:14

VJONES1985 I'm with you mate!

WeeEnglishRose · 04/10/2017 22:20

I'm due AF on Sunday, but caved and did a test yesterday and today Blush both BFN, but I think I might just be too early as I was 9 and 10 dpo.

I've got really sore boobs, having crazy mood swings, been feeling nauseous late afternoon for the past few days. Today I had some cramps, and then had some brownish mucus discharge (TMI, sorry!), so I'm wondering if maybe that was implantation? Could explain the BFNs. Could also be wishful thinking Grin

VJONES1985 · 05/10/2017 08:46

Big dip on my BBT chart this morning. Not a good sign?

Symptom spotting.
kirinm · 05/10/2017 08:58

Sorry VJONES - big dip suggests progesterone dropping.

I’m pretty sure I’m out too. Feeling very achy and exactly as I do when expecting AF. I think I’m 10dpo today but I know my body well and it’s behaving exactly as it normally does.

VJONES1985 · 05/10/2017 08:58

Annnnnd irs also changed my ov date, for some reason, so it now thinks I'm 14dpo but I'm pretty certain I'm still 10dpo. Argh!!!

VJONES1985 · 05/10/2017 09:00

@kirinm That's a shame :-( My body is actually totally differently this month, so I won't say I'm not disappointed if I do get AF.

kirinm · 05/10/2017 09:04

It could jump tomorrow if you think you’re only 10dpo but that would be an implantation dip.

I’ve been reading up on progesterone this month - I’ve had recurrent miscarriages so try to detach from the process as much as possible and try and understand why the symptoms come in order to keep myself sane. I’ve been horribly bloated since ovulation but it’s gone now which is why I think my progesterone levels are dropping. I don’t temp anymore but might do in a few months. It makes everything even more crazy (for me).

VJONES1985 · 05/10/2017 09:08

Ah, I see. I've had painful boobs since ovulation, every single day, which is weird for me. Have been nauseous and bloated too, had cramps off and on, and a few days including today, I've had creamy CM.

peachesarenom · 05/10/2017 19:27

I don't even know what's going on with my body anymore! I'm suddenly very hungry and starting to feel low so I thought I wasn't having any pms but now clearly I am!

sillysausage16 · 06/10/2017 10:55

Ok this morning I have woken up with a yellow tongue. Wtf?

WeeEnglishRose · 06/10/2017 12:22

Tested again this morning, 12dpo, still a BFN :( might just not bother testing again and wait to see what happens. I'm still getting nausea for a bit every evening, got sore boobs, moody. Who knows what's going on!

kirinm · 06/10/2017 12:44

I’ve had a small amount of spotting so I expect AF to arrive tomorrow (or tonight). I don’t normally spot but I also am sensible enough not to hope it’s implantation bleeding. It definitely isn’t as I feel exactly like I do when AF is arriving.

Peachy92 · 06/10/2017 16:17

Well I’m 14DPO today AF due tomorrow. Wednesday and Thursday and today I’ve had cramping and pinching LHS only I don’t think I’ve ever had lefty pain before always RHS and all over. I usually have a bad belly too so I admit I’m hoping for a BFP tomorrow not AF!

Peachy92 · 06/10/2017 16:18

@sillysausage16 yellow tongue... usually dry mouth so it could well be a sign :) any other new symptoms? X

sillysausage16 · 06/10/2017 16:56

I just feel generally achy and unwell, can't even put my finger on how I feel. Have taken another test but was negative. Think it's still too early xx

sillysausage16 · 06/10/2017 17:39

Oh I do have sore gums aswell xx

Peachy92 · 06/10/2017 18:45

@sillysausage16 I understand Hun. Best advice I can give is; you know your body better than anyone. If you have any symptoms you usually have then ignore them and assume AF as usual (which is still a good thing as you know your body is doing its job properly) and keep an eye out for anything you DONT have usually. Mine are my left hand side having activity instead of my right/ no real bad cramps yet/ random nausea and dizziness. Could be a nice mild cycle or it could be all the difference! Be good to know if anyone else had distinctively different symptoms the cycle they got a BFP? X


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sillysausage16 · 06/10/2017 19:41

@Peachy92 fingers crossed for you xx

WeeEnglishRose · 06/10/2017 21:48

Well, I've got brown spotting and cramps, so I think AF is coming two days early :( good luck to everyone else still waiting this cycle!

Peachy92 · 06/10/2017 22:29

@WeeEnglishRose could it be spotting? X

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