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Symptom spotting.

115 replies

JadeA021 · 30/09/2017 20:05

Thought i'd start a new thread so hopefully people can share what symptoms they're having on what day PO and then hopefully stay on to share the result at the end.

Might be a little easier having it all in one place with people that are going through the same other than googling it which is what I've been doing:))

OP posts:
Angelmiracle · 01/07/2018 21:52

@WeeEnglishRose just wanted to pass on my congratulations after RTFT.

It seems those of you with only a few symptoms or no symptoms ended up with a BFP Grin

Spooples · 01/07/2018 20:29

Aaahhhh amazing, WeeEnglishRose! Congratulations! 🎉 Love these sorts of follow ups!

WeeEnglishRose · 01/07/2018 20:17

Turns out it wasn't AF - sitting feeding my 10 day old baby just now!

Flyingfruit · 15/10/2017 22:13

Thank you! Any sign of AF @BetsyBoo87

Betsyboo87 · 15/10/2017 19:30

Congratulations Flyingfruit!

babysunshine20 · 15/10/2017 19:09

Flyingfruit - Congratulations. That's wonderful news x

Flyingfruit · 15/10/2017 19:05

So I just got my BFP and am freaking out but estatic!

Flyingfruit · 15/10/2017 11:00

No idea if that’s normal sorry @JadeA021 I suppose best to see a GP if it continues.
Still no AF for me so now 4 days late but too scared to POAS 😂

JadeA021 · 14/10/2017 13:59

So still no AF and still getting BFN? But the right side of my stomach hurts whenever I put pressure on it? Is that normal?

OP posts:
Betsyboo87 · 13/10/2017 16:34

BFN! On a frer with 4 hour hold at 15/16dpo so definitely not preggo. I thought that af would arrive the minute I saw it but still nothing. I’d rather she just arrived now so I can get on with next month. At least I’ll stop getting carried away thinking about an Xmas pregnancy announcement not feel guilty about wine.

VJONES1985 · 13/10/2017 15:30

@Betsyboo87 A glass of wine should be fine either way! It's hard but try to carry on as normal unless you get your BFP, of course. Good luck!

Flyingfruit · 13/10/2017 15:23

Let us know how you get on @Betsyboo87. I keep going to the loo every half hour to see if it’s on its way! Why is it so easy to get obsessive over this?!

Betsyboo87 · 13/10/2017 10:54

My af is regular too, I’m sometimes 28 days but I’ve never gone over 29 days. I often have sore bbs too but nothing. I do have a frer so wondering whether to use it tonight. I know fmu is better but I’m 15/16dpo so I guess it should show if I am pregnant. I’d rather know before tonight as I’m out for dinner and would like a glass of wine if I can!

Flyingfruit · 13/10/2017 10:18

Same. I was due on yesterday and been completely regular since my periods came back. But I have no symptoms at all, not even usual sore boob pmt symptom.

Betsyboo87 · 13/10/2017 10:13

@Flyingfruit I’ve been googling that all morning! I found that it seems more common to have no symptoms than to have them at this point. I was due af today at the latest but nothing yet. I have zero symptoms though so I’m holding back on testing.

Flyingfruit · 13/10/2017 09:40

Has anyone literally had no symptoms and then got their BFP?

JadeA021 · 12/10/2017 18:21

4 days late and still no AF and still Nauseous with cramps and Backache:( I'm still getting BFN though! I'm so confused

OP posts:
sillysausage16 · 12/10/2017 15:42

Ah first spot of blood

PumpkinPatch000 · 12/10/2017 13:40

So I'm really confused... AF showed up yesterday but I still have symptoms like nausea 😞 That's three weeks I've had it!

sillysausage16 · 12/10/2017 10:20

Still no show from af!! I've given up testing just going to wait a few days

sillysausage16 · 11/10/2017 10:58

Another BFN and had cramping for 2days but still no period 😩

PumpkinPatch000 · 11/10/2017 08:06

With you @JadeA021 @peachesarenom @sillysausage16 no AF and BFN (last tested on Sunday) still nauseous pretty much all day and dull aches below lower abdomen. Had these symptoms for 2 full weeks now.

I've totally gone of food too and I cannot stand the smell of porridge. Every time my DH makes it I'm running the the bathroom 🤢 It's revolting


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peachesarenom · 11/10/2017 07:42

JadeA021 I am also feeling nauseous every morning and eve. BFN! I'm starting to get a bit angry now, I just want to know!

JadeA021 · 10/10/2017 18:56

Day 2 and still no AF with multiple BFN but I have been feeling extremely nauseous the past 2/3 days and everytime I stand up the room spins to the point where I nearly pass out? I'm so confused right now

OP posts:
peachesarenom · 10/10/2017 18:44

Me too no AF and multiple BFNs!

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