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28 and TTC: Anyone else in same boat?

79 replies

FruitandNutty · 10/08/2017 21:41

Hi there,

I'm a newbie here, and I've been finding all the conversations/threads really interesting to read.

Me and DH have just started trying for our first baby. We started not using protection around day 20 of my current cycle (I have quite a long cycle at 30-31 days on average). I didn't really expect anything to happen, as probably too late/I had already O'd. Haven't had full on AF yet, but some spotting. Guessing she is on the way. After AF, we will be starting to 'try' properly, with a full cycle ahead of us – any tips would be appreciated!

Also, I have been doing some general research into how long it might take someone of my age. I had thought that 28 was relatively young (in my friend group, only one has children), but from reading around I see that the majority of people have had multiple babies by my age! What is the average age for first time mums these days? Is there even one?

Hoping to hear from anyone who is in a similar situation to me, and just at the start of their journeys :-)

OP posts:
Purpleiris89 · 19/08/2017 08:52

@InRainbows its soo hard at work isn't it. The other girls have a cuppa every hour!

I caught my college looking at me funny the other day so told my work friend turns out the other one thinks im pregnant i wish!

InRainbows · 19/08/2017 09:23

Yup I'm in a similar boat @PurpleIris I'm in a small team of three and close with my boss, she was saying she is going to TTC in Jan and asked me when I was going to TTC and it was written on my face 😳 I'm feeling a bit stressed that she knows but I work for a really crappy company so don't really have any aspirations for pay rise or promotion so it doesn't change much! Also she has not mentioned it since so that's good!

*@BabaGanouch I watched a vlog by Katie&baby she swears using the kits is what got her pregnant however I've heard they are very expensive, what cycle are you on? Maybe something to consider if you feel it is taking too long to TTC and you have the loose change.

Aspenn17 · 19/08/2017 10:36

Hi everyone!

Yes Nicolle let us know how the birthday surprise went!!

I'm finally going to test tomorrow morning as we're flying home tonight. AF is now about 10 days late, feel like I've had a few symptoms but still worried it's all just in my head Confused

Have any of you told your friends or family that you are TTC? Or are you keeping it to yourselves?

Aspenn17 · 19/08/2017 10:44

Ah sorry I posted that too soon before I had seen the other messages from this morning! Stupid hotel wifi.

InRainbows- hopefully if she is a nice boss she'll understand that it's maybe not something you feel comfortable talking about! My boss (a man) asked me last year if I was planning on having kids right after I got married, I awkwardly laughed and was like 'um I don't think you're allowed to ask me that?' But then I lied and said no, I feel like it would effect payrises etc in my case so fibbing was the best option!

Chochaw · 19/08/2017 18:48

Congratulations Nicole!
I had my doctors appointment and it was a new GP. She was lovely and took me serious. She has made a referral to the fertility clinic and has booked me in for blood test next week. I hope the waiting list isn't too long.
I read Izzy Judd's Dare to Dream this week and it has given me a better understanding of IVF. We have been talking about IVF and quickly ruled out private over here due to cost. I have been reading about IVF in Prague and we are considering it for next summer if we haven't conceived.
I have decided not to take digital OPKs anymore because they are so expensive and haven't helped us after 8 cycles of using them.

Karpuzkiz · 19/08/2017 19:39

I'm 28 and TTC#2 don't know if I'm allowed here haha! First time trying the clearblue ovulation kit, I've had 6 days of a flashing smiley face and no static yet! I'm away for the weekend so hoping the static will come Tuesday or Wednesday to give me a chance! But somehow I feel like it's not going to come so don't know if I'll buy the tests again, waiting game!!

Would love to find out I'm pregnant this month as next month we have to have a break for a few reasons and we're off to see the in-laws hubbys parents live abroad so would be nice to turn up and surprise them!

Baby dust to all xx

Aspenn17 · 20/08/2017 08:16

I can't believe it.... this just happened!!!!!

28 and TTC: Anyone else in same boat?
T4taylor · 20/08/2017 08:45

Congrats @Nicolle468 and @Aspenn17! So reassuring to see people can get pregnant quickly. Please keep us updated so we can share your journeys x

InRainbows · 20/08/2017 09:04

Yay Congratulations @Aspenn17 😘

AlexsMum89 · 20/08/2017 09:20

Hi, I'm about to turn 28 and am TTC no. 2, although I had my first when I was 20.
I'm on my first official cycle TTC after a lot of slip ups the past few months.
It was so easy to conceive my son and I worry about how much older I am now Confused
It's really great to see some BFPs on here! I'm due to test around 1st sept xx

Babaganoush123 · 20/08/2017 09:29

Congrats @Aspenn17 !

Aspenn17 · 20/08/2017 09:54

Thanks ladies! In total shock! Seriously jet lagged but no sleep for us today, too excited.

Really good luck to everyone. Anyone else testing soon? xx

AlexsMum89 · 23/08/2017 22:01

So I read the other day that female fertility starts to decline at age 27 (me) and male fertility at age 35 (DH) so feeling really rubbish now!!

Purpleiris89 · 23/08/2017 23:19

Congratulations @Aspenn17 thats great news. Smile

Af is due the end of the week, does any one else get so nervous and pissed off when its due? Got horrid skin atm so its not looking to good but finally told my mum im ttc and she was actually happy so hopefully ill be less stressed now.

Nicolle468 · 24/08/2017 08:54

Hi all,

Sorry haven't logged on in a while have been so busy.

Husband was in complete shock when I have him the 'box of goodies', he's wanted to try for a baby for years somdont think he could believe it's actually happening now !

I'm 4 weeks 3 days now but am worried. Had bleeding and cramps yesterday afternoon and still have now. Doctors said to pop in and checked urine/blood pressure etc and had a feel to check for infections or ectopic and ruled that out.

Got my first proper appointment on Tuesday so he said I'll just have to wait and see how it goes over the weekend as it's too early to scan.

So worried we're loosing our little tomato seed Sad x

Aspenn17 · 25/08/2017 09:28

So sorry to hear that Nicolle, fingers crossed everything is still ok, will be thinking of you over the weekend x

SpongeCake23 · 25/08/2017 09:40


I'm 28 and DP is 36.
This is our third month without using anything contraception. We're not actively 'trying, but seeing what happens.
I'm trying to not get too concerned, but so far, haven't got pregnant.
I'm not sure if I'm ovulating or not, but I do have regular moderate-heavy periods every month.
I am carrying some extra weight so that may be causing an issue. We have been having sex twice a day lately.
Wondering if AF will come this month. Will have to wait and see I guess.
Good luck to all x

Nicolle468 · 25/08/2017 09:52

Thanks @Aspenn17 but I think I've accepted we've lost it this morning.

Boobs no longer sore, 3rd day bleeding and my BBT has dropped to what it was pre ovulation.

So gutted, waiting to find out if I can get a blood test to confirm.

Fingers crossed for everyone else xx

SpongeCake23 · 25/08/2017 09:55

@Alexsmum89 I'm 28 and DP is 36! I didn't realise that's when fertility started to decline 😔

Nicolle468 · 25/08/2017 12:21

Fears confirmed.

Will hopefully be back TTC with you all in Sept x

28 and TTC: Anyone else in same boat?
AlexsMum89 · 25/08/2017 12:49

@Nicolle468 I'm so sorry Flowers

@spongecake23 no nor me, Google is a bad thing.

T4taylor · 25/08/2017 13:25

@Nicolle468 So sorry to hear that too, take time to look after yourself xx


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Purpleiris89 · 25/08/2017 13:35

@Nicolle468 im so very sorry. Hugs to you and your dh xx

Babaganoush123 · 26/08/2017 20:58

@Nicolle468 so sorry to hear what's happened Flowers

FruitandNutty · 27/08/2017 08:21

Hi ladies,

As the original thread poster I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long! I thought I would get a notification every time someone responded so assumed no one else had until I randomly checked today.

So much has happened since then. @Nicole468 i'm so sorry to hear what's happened... how are you feeling now? Thinking of you.

Welcome to everyone else at the start of their journeys. I am still in my first month ttc, at the tail end of fertile period. Have used 2 apps to track cycle My Cycles (which I actually really like as it's simple and clear) and Glo, which I downloaded recently but find so complicated despite it being a 'leader' in the period/ovulation tracking world!

We have dtd three times during fertile period, every other day. My hubby was complaining slightly that he thinks I now only want to dtd because I want to get preg not because I want to be close to him. I think it's hard for guys to come to terms with the potential change on the horizon! Almost jealousy over a baby? Anyone else experienced this?! Of course he says he would be super happy for us to conceive and that is what he wants, but he's double guessing my interest in dtd every time now. I guess he wants to keep the romance alive, which is nice. Also we've only done every other day because he travels every week, so I am surprised how hard it's been to find the time to dtd even every other day! We used to do c.3 times a week, but usually around weekends.. so having midweek sex has changed things up a bit!

And @Aspenn17 many congrats, I hope all is going smoothly. Keep us updated! How are you feeling? I am hoping AF doesn't show up, but starting the dreaded two week wait now! How early could I test do you think?

Good luck to everyone else!

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