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Let's get Pregvember off with a bang! November BFP bus (thread 2)

984 replies

Aprilray · 31/10/2014 22:17

Time for some fireworks!!

OP posts:
spinningirl10 · 01/11/2014 18:51

Frolic, where we went last night there were lots of houses, the ones who wanted visitors had their lights on and pumpkins outside or Halloween decorations. I thought this was a really good idea as I don't like the idea of worrying people by knocking when it's dark.

MrsExtraOrdinary · 01/11/2014 18:59

Spinning I have 4 boys myself and 1 dd. I had 3ds and 1dd with xh. Dh biologically has 2dd and 1ds and we share another ds. It's just that In our house all the time is 5 boys and 1 girl as my dss lives with us full time. God that's complicated! Dhs eldest dd is nearly 20, we see her about once a year. Dh also has 2 previous step children he brought up as his own, both girls. So my guess is dh has pretty balanced sperm for girls and boys. He was 1 of 3, 2 boys and a girl. His brother had 1 boy and 2 girls. My xh went on to have another boy too. But I think dd was a fluke as I was breast feeding older ds at the time. I love looking into sway! It's all good fun.

fattycow · 01/11/2014 19:00

Hello ladies, here is the ticket lady. I am here to inform you that your current tickets will mean that you are not allowed to board the December bus. So make yourself comfortable, as this bus is rolling on until July/August!

spinningirl10 · 01/11/2014 19:41

Ahh MrsE, you're very outnumbered in your house. I'm sure your dd would love a little sister. When will you tell the children about the pregnancy? Oh and did your Mum twig?

MrsExtraOrdinary · 01/11/2014 20:18

Spinning mums not twigged yet, but it's only a matter of time. Mums just know don't they. I'm not sure about telling the kids. Dsd is here this wkd so if we don't tell them this wkd we will probably hold off until 12 wk scan. We'd like to tell 7 of them at once that way there's no arguing about who heard first. But tonight dd is at her boyfriends and oldest ds and Dss are staying out at mates houses. Dh wants to wait until we know what we are having. I think he's a bit deluded. Lol

Dh got very emotional about the heartbeat. I think scans really make it real for men.

MissMrsMummy · 01/11/2014 20:48

Lovely scan pic mrse well done!

MissMrsMummy · 01/11/2014 20:49

I went to a first birthday party today - babies everywhere - want one so badly!

Orangeisthenewbanana · 01/11/2014 20:52

Great pic mrse Smile Lovely to see your little bean!

Dozygirl · 01/11/2014 21:12

Ok now I'm sad confused and a tad worried!

Just finished work, got home went to wipe and there was fresh red blood :( I'm only 7dpo so If its AF coming that makes my luteal phase far too short!! I ov'd really late this month but I don't know if that was down to adding b6 and EPO into the mix. Haven't had any brown spotting like previous months. Normally I get 3-5 days of brown sporting before it starts full flow. Was hoping b6 would stop the spotting but I'm surprised to have blood today! I'm cd28 today.

Mumwannabe82 · 01/11/2014 21:28

Sorry to hear that dozy Sad but don't give up hope just yet as the evil witch hasn't shown her full self Flowers

SunbathingCat · 01/11/2014 21:32

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MissMrsMummy · 01/11/2014 21:34

dozy could it be implantation bleeding? Seems to early for AF. I have short LP but usually 9 days. My friend had implantation bleeding for about 4 days. Sorry you're feeling sad and confusedx

MrsExtraOrdinary · 01/11/2014 22:11

Haha sunbathing, that would be fun although, I'm guessing little bean has already decided it's gender. Wink I did try and sway a little by taking extra calcium and magnesium, also I believe i conceived earlier, than later in the month. Who knows?! What will be will be. I'll love it just the same, it's just im limited to the amount of dresses I can buy if it's a boy Wink

spinningirl10 · 01/11/2014 22:15

Dozy, really hope it is implantation and not early af.

MrsE, ahh I think my dp would be like that at the scan. I can imagine it must be difficult to get all the children together at one time. As you say, I don't think it will be possible to keep it quiet until you know the sex!
Pleased you managed to keep it from your Mum for a while longer. I'm sure
My Mum would guess if I was pregnant and she'd be person I'd want to put off telling until I really had toGrin

MrsExtraOrdinary · 01/11/2014 22:24

My mum won't get it. She will get over it! But it's a conversation I don't have the energy for currently.

xBlueberry88x · 01/11/2014 22:31

Evening ladies,

MrsE im so jealous and excited for you I even shoved my phone in dps face and said awwww look at the little bean lol

Dozy really hope its implantation bleeding fx for you

After feeling sorry for myself all day I dragged myself out to watch fireworks and go to arcade with my 4 year old niece. She was a little angel I love her to bits!

Got tired really quickly though. ..more symptoms include enough creamy cm to show in my knickers, heart burn when I eat and then burping loads after.

Im not sure I want to test in the morning im scared

xBlueberry88x · 01/11/2014 22:32

ps hope everyones having a nice saturday! !

Huffs123 · 01/11/2014 22:39

Hopping on board!

Really hope it's implantation bleeding dozy I used to get brown spotting for days too before I was pregnant with ds. If it's only a little blood it could still be good news!

I'm 7 dpo at the minute and am desperate to POAS!

SunbathingCat · 01/11/2014 22:45

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CoffeeOne · 01/11/2014 23:08

Just marking my place for a catch up, been a busy week! I'm on CD18 so should be ovulating in the next couple of days. Good luck to those testing soon!

wanttobeamummyin2015 · 01/11/2014 23:17

If you so teat tomorrow hope it is good news blueberry as you deserve it xx

lucieloos · 01/11/2014 23:34

Fx its implantation for you dozy but if it's not then it sounds exactly like what I had last month when on epo and b6. I ov'd late and then had a much shorter luteal.

Good luck if you do test in the morning blueberry Smile


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Nordicmom · 01/11/2014 23:38

Hi all !
Sorry been AWOL but decided not to give it a go this month either and maybe try next with soy .
Haven't read through but noticed Englishgirl leaving on the other thread . You'll be missed ,good luck !

Illiria · 02/11/2014 00:34

So decided on whim to do EPO first half of cycle then bcomplex second half. Hope it will help,

Don't want to go soy route as have seen it isn't really recommended for those with regular cycles. Also eating soy products in second half of cycle is not apparently recommended, will eating them in first half have any effects and should I just avoid altogether?

MrsGingerbread · 02/11/2014 08:05

I know af is lurking, but I can't believe that I have made it to 13dpo - a twelve day luteal phase. Last month wasn't a fluke. I am amazed!

I'll go now before you think I am on commission for selling b6 ;)

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