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Let's get Pregvember off with a bang! November BFP bus (thread 2)

984 replies

Aprilray · 31/10/2014 22:17

Time for some fireworks!!

OP posts:
Number3cometome · 10/11/2014 09:07

toothachereturns - I didn't get a faint like if you turn to the light at a 45 degree angle and squinting in hope either.

Now on CD31 - BFN on cheapy, but woke up feeling sick? I'm sure it is all in my mind, I had to wrack my brains if I could have potentially eaten something to make me feel like that. My breasts are heavy and sore, but nipples fine? how odd.
I defo am not pregnant i'm just torturing myself

broodylicious · 09/11/2014 20:53

Thanks toothache! Indeed, 9dpo can throw up a second line! Fx these still time for you this month Thanks

xBlueberry88x · 09/11/2014 18:10

pop over to the new bus ladies!!

Pikz · 09/11/2014 17:31

Yay broody!

Away at inlaws in Cape Town which at least makes tee a lot shorter Smile

Beansprout30 · 09/11/2014 17:20

Congrats to broody.

im out, af arrived today 2 days bloody early. Short lp again worryingly. Good luck all.

toothachereturns · 09/11/2014 17:11

See I told you 9dpo wasn't too early. Wink Wink
I used an Internet cheap test this morning..... BFN. Not a hint... no "faint line if you close one eye and hold it up to the light".... sigh. 10dpo today.
I shall test again on Tuesday and if still negative I'll just wait for AF and move on to the December bus!
Fed up.

Thepurplegiraffe · 09/11/2014 16:59

Thank you Fififolle, I'm permanently petrified but very happy. Hope you get yours soon!

broodylicious · 09/11/2014 16:57

mlle, I also have a few spots! Got everything crossed for you whenever you testSmile

fififolle · 09/11/2014 16:55

Fantastic to see that you've got your BFP Purple x

Thepurplegiraffe · 09/11/2014 16:00

I tested at 11dpo and that was a definite positive MrsG, with an FRER. Just a couple of days time...

MademoiselleG · 09/11/2014 15:53

Wowsers broody , what excellent symptoms already!
My temp is still high at 9dpo - last cycle I took soy and it dropped at 10dpo, then spotting on 11 and full on AF on 12. I'm expecting this cycle to be longer as i didn't take soy so AF shouldn't be due until after Wednesday but I sooooo want to know. I've been feeling nauseous again today, as well as exhausted and have lots of spots. Could all be due to lack of sleep, or imminent AF, or being preggers!Wink So...should o test earlier than Friday or wait?

ToriB34 · 09/11/2014 13:50

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SunbathingCat · 09/11/2014 12:58

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broodylicious · 09/11/2014 12:37

Thanks everyone, you're all so kind Smile I'm excited but I'm sooo scared. I've driven over to my folks house (about 45mins) and I'm absolutely knackered by the time I've got here. Noticed bra doesn't fit properly and I am sure my jeans have gone a size smaller over two days! So good signs but eeeeek!

xBlueberry88x · 09/11/2014 12:22

awww Cariad I would love it for everyone to get through! Im trying not to get my hopes up this month I know clomid can take a while for some people

Cariad2014 · 09/11/2014 12:20

Ooooh Blueberry - there is nothing I would love more than for you to graduate from the pregvember bus with a BFP. Keeping everything crossed that this is your cycle.

xBlueberry88x · 09/11/2014 12:14
Blueskygirl30 · 09/11/2014 12:09

Mademoiselle I'll only be 8dpo on I'll probably just end up joining your poas party! Grin I do hate BFNs tho, I'd rather wait and let AF give me the bad news.

xBlueberry88x · 09/11/2014 12:08

welcome fifi

andddd AF has finally buggered off a day longer than normal how dare she!

Already having slight ovary cramps so clomid is getting them ready.

Any one doing anything fun today?

MrsE Glad your doing well bet you can't wait for your scan!

Sherbet38 · 09/11/2014 12:06

Congratulations on your BFP Broody Smile

MademoiselleG · 09/11/2014 12:01

Eeeek bluesky and proof , are we all going to cave before our party on Friday? I just can't face seeing a bfn - but not patient either. I guess I just need to use all my willpower to flush FMU away!
Welcome fifi and sorry you've had such a tough time. X

SunbathingCat · 09/11/2014 11:38

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tessiegirl · 09/11/2014 11:01

Congratulations Broody Fantastic news Grin

Big welcome to Fifi

Blueskygirl30 · 09/11/2014 10:34

Broody congratulations on your BFP!!! You have also destroyed my resolve though I think, might make it to 10dpo before I test this month now. Thank you for your tip on the fly repellent too, I'll give it a go.

Treacle I'm sorry you're not feeling well, hopefully you've already ovulated.

Spinning fx AF stays away, still hoping it's implantation!

Lucie thank you for the updates

Fifi welcome, sorry you've had a rotten time so far in your ttc

MissMrsMummy · 09/11/2014 10:21

Welcome fifi

proof could hve been implantation and that's what I'd be telling myself! Fx

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