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Let's get Pregvember off with a bang! November BFP bus (thread 2)

984 replies

Aprilray · 31/10/2014 22:17

Time for some fireworks!!

OP posts:
victoria401 · 01/11/2014 08:20

Omg toots I think you've lost the plot! Made me smile tho on the bus to work this morning, on a lovely sunny Saturday! Boo!

Think I've ovd stupidly early this month. Had ov pain yesterday and this morning (days of it not unusual), totally white opk last night even tho I got nothing more than a faint line in the days before. Dtd last night and cd7. Chances of that working?!

spinningirl10 · 01/11/2014 08:20

MrsE, good luck with your scan today, please update us later Grin

spinningirl10 · 01/11/2014 08:30

Could someone link

spinningirl10 · 01/11/2014 08:31

Oops, crazy iPad! Could someone link this bus to the old one please. I can't do it from hereGrin

angelaham · 01/11/2014 08:33

Mrs ginger, sorry for the bfn but hooray that the b6 is helping to lengthen your luteal phase, i have bought some vitamin b complex to see if that stops the mid cycle spotting along side the trying for a baby seven seas, just worried it may be too much to take but will see what happens

Blue500 · 01/11/2014 09:01

Morning all, taking my seat near the front as af is lingering any time now.
Toots I'm loving the enthusiasm - hope the sugar crash wasn't too bad Smile

Sherbet38 · 01/11/2014 09:13

Hopping on the new bus Smile

Cd26 here and a bit early for testing. But I have a party tonight and wanted to know whether I could have a glass of wine or 3 Wink So cracked open the frer... BFN Sad

MrsGingerbread · 01/11/2014 09:14

Thanks everyone.

angela Good luck with the complex. I just take b6 and had to go to 100mg (50 did nothing) and it has made a real difference. :) I checked with my gp first, he was happy for me to try it, but said it wouldn't make a difference.

I'll also be sticking with the epo. :)

I have bought this funky pill holder that makes my mornings a lot quicker!

Let's get Pregvember off with a bang! November BFP bus (thread 2)
angelaham · 01/11/2014 09:20

I love your funky pill holders, Ginger, where did you get them from?

xBlueberry88x · 01/11/2014 09:27

marking my place.

laying in bed feeling sorry for myself, had a bad dream that gynae doc was wrong blood test didn't show ovulation and had to have another scan which showed there was nothing they could do for me! woke up crying and with a migraine argh

MrsGingerbread · 01/11/2014 09:29

They are great. We have drawer-opening cats so this gives a bit of confidence.

I got it from Amazon - first item if you search for 'pill organiser' - I am very pleased with the quality of it. :)

angelaham · 01/11/2014 09:30

thanks , think il have to invest in some x

MrsGingerbread · 01/11/2014 09:31

Oh blueberry so sorry about your dream. Xx

Blue500 · 01/11/2014 09:33

Ah blueberry sorry to hear that, but at least you know it was just a dream.
The last two nights I've had vivid dreams about poas and being bfp... I tested again this morning and bfn. I feel like my dreams are torturing me!
Hope your migraine clears soon

wanttobeamummyin2015 · 01/11/2014 09:46

Sorry about the bad dream blieberry but at least you have ovulated! Have my fx for you

Feeling sorry for myself today work with headache and sore throat so bed for me today I think. Lucky that we managed to squeeze in a quick dtd before DH friend arrived yesterday!

ohlordyplordy · 01/11/2014 09:48

Ooh mrsg I've been looking at pill boxes on amazon and couldn't chose. This one looks really good. Thanks for sharing.

Treaclepie19 · 01/11/2014 10:01

Hi all :)
still excited about last night, eek Noel!
Haha. Plus it's November and I'm no longer sober for october.

Mumwannabe82 · 01/11/2014 10:06

Victoria, we always have a bit of lh surge through our cycle so the opk might be just picking that up, I would keep doing them over the next week or so XXX

Aprilray · 01/11/2014 10:12

Well done on staying sober for October Treacle. Enjoy a few Wine this evening!!

Vivid dreams are good girls, means your temperature is high Smile

OP posts:
victoria401 · 01/11/2014 10:34

Is that true April? I have vivid dreams all the time!

Well done on the sober October treacle! I thought about it and then said nah! Lol. Don't know how I'd do 9 months! Although I believe you don't like the taste when you're preg?
I had that awful ivf dream the other night blueberry, and a few weeks before I had a dream that they inseminated me on the wrong day and that was one if our 3 chances of iui wasted and they wouldn't give me another! I wish ttc would bugger off out of our sleep we get enough thoughts of it in the waking day as it is!

Its the ov pain that I'm concerned about mumwannabe. That can't lie. But I had no other signs :-( I thought I had time to work on dh! Mind you this did happen before, I think its the stress. My body tried to ov cd12 inc pains but then I really ovd cd18 instead giving me a much longer cycle than I anticipated! Must keep going!

spinningirl10 · 01/11/2014 10:45

April, I didn't realise that regarding the dreams. Since I've been taking soy I'm having very vivid dreams that wake me up.

Ginger, enjoy a few drinks tonightGrin

spinningirl10 · 01/11/2014 10:45

Ah what made me write Ginger!! Sorry I meant Treacle Grin


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TerrysNo2 · 01/11/2014 10:50

marking my place. CD11 here, let DTD efforts commence Wink Grin

Aprilray · 01/11/2014 10:53

I think that's what I read Victoria, I have done so much Googling over the last 11 months though I could be getting muddled. I'm sure I read that it's an early pregnancy symptom and to do with high temps. I usually get a few towards the end of my 2ww but not a sausage this month. I think there was a thread recently where everyone was sharing their vivid dreams.
And I think going off wine is an early symptom for lots of people. I am relying on that as I love my wine.
Oh, that's interesting re the soy spinning. I am considering taking it soon as there have been so many soy BFPs!!

OP posts:
Cariad2014 · 01/11/2014 11:39

Morning ladies. Marking my place. Thanks for the new thread title April. For some reason, having read everyone's posts I now have Katy Perry's Firework in my head!

CD9 at this end and I got my first high on my CBFM this morning. Thankfully, the cold that left me feeling like death for most of the week is now much better, just in time for us to start our dtdathon.

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