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When's the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive.


thread maxed out!!

532 replies

misskgb · 11/03/2014 08:55

The 'Um hello newbie' thread has maxed out at 1000 messages so hoping we can find the people who were on there and continue where we left people welcome too!!

OP posts:
binkybunny · 20/03/2014 12:39

weebairn that's fantastic! Bet it's a relief that there's only the one in there too. How nice to have a wave Grin

mrshjb · 20/03/2014 14:28

Aww congratulations that's amazing news! Would be very expensive to have 2 kids birthdays on the same day though!!!

weebairn · 20/03/2014 14:36

Thank you :)

On the contrary mrshjb, I'm thinking, joint birthday parties, half the price Grin

I'm sure this one will be late just like its sister though!

mrshjb · 20/03/2014 14:55

Haha I can see your logic. I used to have joint bday parties with my sister all the time!

How late were you last time?

misskgb · 20/03/2014 15:48

Excellent news weebairn Come on Gemnz we're waiting on you!

OP posts:
weebairn · 20/03/2014 16:02

"Just" 5 days (felt like an eternity at the time!)

Oooh genz!!! That's so exciting! I think a line is a line, no matter how faint!

Gennz · 20/03/2014 18:25

Hi ladies !!! Just tested and there's definitely a line; even DH can see it! Woop woop!!!!!!

Lolly84 · 20/03/2014 18:33

Congrats Gennz xx

mrsb87 · 20/03/2014 18:53

YaaaaaY congrats gennz, been waiting all day for that Thanks

mrshjb · 20/03/2014 19:33

Woohoo amazing news!! Congratulations :) how many dpo are you today?

binkybunny · 20/03/2014 20:13

Yay gennz congratulations!

Gennz · 20/03/2014 20:37

Thanks everyone! You are the only ones who know apart from DH! I have no idea how I will keep it under wraps, I work in media and it's a very drinky drinky kind of a workplace so I'm sure everyone will figure it out within a week. Very exciting though! It doesn't feel real at all.

I am 11dpo today mrs h. I definitely had a suspicion from about 7dpo that I might be knocked up - the super strong finger nails were weird, and I've been feeling a bit queasy since about 1dpo! (Really hope this isn't a bad omen for morning sickness... )

Ladymillion · 20/03/2014 21:06

Gennz massive congratulations!! Thanks

Hazelbrowneyes · 20/03/2014 22:10

Amazing news Gennz! Congratulations!

In my world....I got a positive today...on an OPK Grin

Nowhere near as exciting but I took a photo of it I am so excited to know when I ovulated and now I know when BFP is due! April 3rd...I'm counting down the days Grin

misskgb · 20/03/2014 22:13

Yes gemnz great news!! I felt really queezy the weekend I found out n its been on n off since but fx its come to nothing so far! !

OP posts:
Gennz · 20/03/2014 22:19

Thanks lady & Hazel! Congrats Hazel on the OPK, get busy!

mrshjb · 21/03/2014 07:48

Good stuff Gennz, really pleased for you!

Hazel I did the exact same thing the month I used them and I know I will do the same thing again this month if I get a positive!!

I was thinking this thread really proves the 'most people get pregnant within 3 months of trying' thing! Nearly all of the original girls on here got pregnant within the first 3 months and the rest of people aren't at that point yet (I don't think)! To be honest, when I look back, I don't think I had any chance of getting pregnant since we first started trying. Not convinced I ovulated the first month, had way too much spotting and random bleeding the second month and then stopped dtd way too early on the last month given the fact I had a double length cycle to what I thought I was going to! So hoping I have more chance this month and that can be my month number 1 of properly trying!! Last night have a bit of a 'my body isn't working and I'm never going to get pregnant' moment, really hoping this month proves me wrong!!!

Hazelbrowneyes · 21/03/2014 09:20

H We will get there. This is cycle 3 for me but cycle 4 off the pill. I've looked at my app and I can conclude the following:

I was shit at knowing when I ovulate Grin

To be fair, I knew on month 1 (didn't try this month) so didn't try around that time. January we DTD a day either side of ovulation and just didn't get lucky with that. February I completely screwed up with when I ovulated and we dtd too early and stopped too early.

This month we've DTD on CD10, CD12, CD15, CD17, CD18 and I'll probably make sure we DTD again today just incase

I've got cramps today, almost exactly like AF cramps. Will do another OPK tonight.

I've worked out if I get pregnant this month, my due date will be my birthday Grin

If I'm not pregnant this month then next month I'll up my game. Will stop drinking completely, eat even better, exercise more, make DH take conception vits for men and anything else I can think of.

I have to say, DH has been great. It's taken years for him to get to the point of wanting a baby but now he's been showing quite an interest, even examining OPKs with me, although looked less than impressed when I shoved yesterdays in his face whilst shouting "OMG, THE LINE LOOKED LIKE THAT WITHIN 5 SECONDS!!" Grin

however if he thinks he's drinking next month, he can think again

Lolly84 · 21/03/2014 10:12

hazel defo keep dtd! apparently you can ovulate up until 5 days after positive opk. I am sure your an expert but it the opk just recognise the hormone but that's the start of ovulation. I stopped dtd at positive opk because of a stressed and am 100% I am not pg but live I hope lol x FX xx

Lolly84 · 21/03/2014 10:13

Because of a stressed hubby x

mrshjb · 21/03/2014 10:43

Hazel Haha loving the summary! I think probably a lot of people don't get pregnant for a while because they are wrong about the timing. Realistically, it's really hard to keep going all throughout the month and it doesn't seem like ovulation is an exact science for a lot of people so it makes it a bit difficult to be 100% sure what the hell is going on. Sounds like you've covered every angle with your dates though, especially if you keep going for another few days and usually have a relatively regular cycle! I'm a bit daunted at the prospect of having to DTD for the next 40 odd days!!!

Fingers crossed for your BFP this month then! Yeah I am still having a couple of glasses of wine. I think giving it up would make this whole process even more painful than it already is! I am retrying the conception vitamins, but taking them at night in the hope they won't upset my stomach as much and also got DH on multi vit's. Cheaper and they include zinc etc so hoping that will be good enough!

Haha glad DH is getting in the spirit of things! I did read something that said generally it's stuff that happened 3 months ago that affect egg and sperm quality now because it takes that long for it all to mature. Absolutely no idea if that's true or not but if so means giving up drinking for one month wouldn't make a difference that month?! IT'S ALL SO COMPLICATED AND A BIG FAT HORRIBLE BALL ACHE.

Lolly- there's always a hope I think, which in a way makes it all the harder every month!

Hazelbrowneyes · 21/03/2014 11:10

H I keep saying to DH that it is sperm that was produced 3 months ago so he needs to cut down. He really has, actually. Just need to control weekend binges Hmm

I'm not hopeful, considering we're now using December's sperm Wink

No, Lolly not an expert at all. Will crack on with DTD over the next few days then!

Actually, I was going to ask...should I keep using the OPKs for a few more days?


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Lolly84 · 21/03/2014 11:50

Oh I didn't know about the sperm thing. Thanks ladies.

Yes Helen defo still hope. Feeling a little AF crampy this morning which is about right if AF is due in 4 days.

Hazel you could use the opk's but not sure there is much point if you know you are about to ovulate. Instead of that you could just go for gold over the next few days. How exciting.

Just calculated that I will have visitors over my next exact ov date. What on earth am I going to do? Might be another missed month. Aaargh.


Ladymillion · 21/03/2014 13:15

Hazel I would keep doing the OPKs to see how long your surge lasts... That way you'll hopefully get to know your body better i.e. Does it tend to happen quickly or over the space of a few days Wink hopefully it won't be relevant and you'll get your BFP this cycle!

misskgb · 21/03/2014 13:43

Remember ladies that sperm can live for about 5 days in you so keep dtd regularly for 5 days before expected ov & a few days after to give yourself the best chance. I never used opks-u all made them sound very confusing! I just put af dates in to pink pad n it told me the 10 days or so when we should be dtd. Obvs did it outside of those too ;-) only other thing I did was put a pillow under my pelvis when possible for 10 mins. Fx for u all, cant wait to hear about your bfps!

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