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Does the old pillow under bum trick actually work?

67 replies

Jemma7 · 16/10/2003 14:09

Me Again,

Just wondered if this actually worked!

Sorry if it's too much information but when DP and I BD i have a real urge to wee afterwards - so i usually just trundle off to the loo, have a jimmy and sort myself out

However, After BD'ing this morning i thought i would try the trick above and sat for 25 minutes dying for a wee with my bum on the pillow

Does this actually work or was i just making myself look like a prat and giving DP a reason to laugh at me (Again )

OP posts:
Roscoe · 30/12/2003 13:57

It sounds more like a man's wish-list. Apologies if I'm wrong. It's cruel to use this particular section for trolling.

Twinkie · 30/12/2003 14:00

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dinosaur · 30/12/2003 14:06

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Twinkie · 30/12/2003 14:08

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dejags · 30/12/2003 16:23

Haven't actually tried this but anything is worth a go.. (bum under the pillow I mean )

Jenny/Sue mmm... not making my mind up yet but seems interesting that "first timers" would come up with an amazing post before getting to know anybody.

Could get annoyed at possible trolls but will not pass judgement just yet... come back and tell us about yourselves - i.e. how long you have been ttc what ages your kids are (if you have any) etc.

Lisa78 · 30/12/2003 17:52

Sincerely hope this particular thread is not troll infested, its painful enough for the women asking for help on here without that, thank you very much

fisil · 30/12/2003 18:49

Hi dino - sorry to miss you earlier, lunch with the in laws! How am I? Not pg, but fine otherwise.

Don't like the thought of trolls. I agree with Lisa and dejags. It is painful subject, and lots of attempts have (quite rightly) been made to lighten up these threads recently - after all we all know that you are much more likely to conceive if you are relaxed and happy. I feel a bit hurt if you are trolls, Sue and Jenny. I feel hurt because I have tried not to get dragged down by ttc, but suddenly I can see how much it all matters to me.

Lisa78 · 30/12/2003 19:45

Sorry fisil, fingers crossed for next month

sunchowder · 30/12/2003 20:07

I just want to say that I was so dumb that I did not realize that it could have been a troll that would have mentioned another way to conceive. It has caused me some embarrassment also, but no where near what some of you could feel as you are trying to conceive. Hopefully we can all move on and forget that post entirely.

PotPourri · 20/03/2008 13:45

Yes, it can work. However, have recently read that you are more likely to get a girl if you do it this way - not sure of the science. But, if you want a baby then who cares if it's a girl or boy anyway?? Worth a shot - and yes, it is amusing for DHs - which is a good way to relieve the treadmill of keeping 'trying for a baby' TBH

fruitloopwants79eastereggs · 24/03/2008 16:58

I've been lifting my bum for 8 months! hahaha Not sure how effective it is but it anything helps!

Juicylucytoo · 26/03/2008 14:24

I started doing it after nearly 2 years of trying to get pregnant and then got pregnant. So, I think it can. How scientific this info is, is another matter. I just figured it couldn't hurt. The only downer is for it to be effective I read you have to have your bum in the air for 20-30 mins. THAT'S A LONG TIME - BELIEVE ME!!

We now have DS of 9mths from that pg.

Lulumama · 26/03/2008 14:26

this thread is from 2003!!

fruitloopwants79eastereggs · 26/03/2008 14:37

I know! I wonder how many of MNers who've posted in here have been successful . Imagine having to wait 4.5 yrs! Oh I hope that's not me!!!!

FioFio · 26/03/2008 14:39

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cutekids · 26/03/2008 14:53

i had fertility treatment and the specialist looking after told me that the pillow trick can work along with holding legs up against the wall etc.etc.He also told me not to run to the loo straight after sex.also,don't be too clean....!

Juicylucytoo · 26/03/2008 15:01

Flippin 'eck - didn't even notice how old the thread was! Well maybe someone ttc'ing now will be interested!

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