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Does the old pillow under bum trick actually work?

67 replies

Jemma7 · 16/10/2003 14:09

Me Again,

Just wondered if this actually worked!

Sorry if it's too much information but when DP and I BD i have a real urge to wee afterwards - so i usually just trundle off to the loo, have a jimmy and sort myself out

However, After BD'ing this morning i thought i would try the trick above and sat for 25 minutes dying for a wee with my bum on the pillow

Does this actually work or was i just making myself look like a prat and giving DP a reason to laugh at me (Again )

OP posts:
fio2 · 24/10/2003 10:43

If you have a retroverted uterus, like me, you are advised to do this if you are ttc. So it must work!

juicypips · 16/11/2003 11:56

Hi girls, just to say bum on pillow worked for me first time. Big fat fingers crossed to

popsycal · 16/11/2003 11:57

i reckon that it does....

Brunhilda · 16/11/2003 20:21

Hi - bum on pillow is good. a=Although dp insists that I do not use his pillow!!!!! Also a good one I think is 'doing it' last thing at night. Have a wee before, do the business and then lie back and fall asleep with your hips raised. Sperm dead happy then. Much better than a shag in the morning and then jump up and into the bath.

SueTh · 29/12/2003 17:29

Bum on pillow is a step in the right direction but I have a little variation that seems to ensure success. Immediately after DP comes tease him with the tip of your index finger. The important thing is to make sure he stays inside and stays erect. I've found that inserting just the tip of my finger by no more than a quarter of an inch or so into his bottom and using a very slow circular motion will almost always guarantee that he does ! If I combine this with a few well-timed vaginal squeezes (it comes easier with practice!) then inevitably DP will come a second time very quickly. Now the technique is to hold him in for at least a further 10 minutes (use that index finger again!). Only very rarely will he come for a third time but more importantly the "sperm plugging" effect (if that's the correct expression) has always seemed to work for me. Don't be sqeamish about that finger, it's in a very good cause after all. Have a good wee first though...

Moomin · 29/12/2003 20:11

Oh my life. I think after all that we'd both pass out.

popsycal · 29/12/2003 20:14


futurity · 29/12/2003 21:14

are you for real Sue?!

suzywong · 29/12/2003 21:18

My god, if I could get DH to stay awake for more than 10 minutes after I'd be lucky, hat off to you.

Do have to say that I did big big cushion under bum for 15 mins each time and it seemed to do the trick.

popsycal · 29/12/2003 21:19

a bizarre, slightly surreal first post for sue...

LIZS · 29/12/2003 21:32

hmm, have been thinking along the same lines popsycal

Angeliz · 29/12/2003 21:34

ooh, i'm not sure i wanted to read all that!
You're not shy Sue

stupidgirl · 29/12/2003 21:42

Not really sure I have anything particularly useful to add, but I just wanted to send some (((hugs))). I was really touched by your message and remember all to well the agony of ttc. The decision is out of my hands for me, for now.

Anyway, I used the bum in the air thing with dd on the second month of trying and got pg. It's got to be worth trying, really.

Best wishes, and keep on posting if it helps.

popsycal · 29/12/2003 21:49

for what it is worth, i used to lie on my back and assume the 'air cycling' position,,,,you know where you lift your hips with your hands so that your bottom is off the bed...does that make any sense?

fisil · 30/12/2003 09:17

Sue, don't fancy that much.

It might not help me to conceive, but it did wonders for my relationship last night when dp asked why I hadn't put my legs in the air and I just made a few contented noises in return.

Except that of course what I meant was "mmmm sleep", but I'll leave him to believe that I meant "mmm, great shag"

dinosaur · 30/12/2003 10:18

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JennyHW · 30/12/2003 12:36

Fisil, I didn't like the sound of it either but I've changed enough nappies so I thought I ought to be up to it. Turned out that DP came twice within 5 minutes last night (very loudly the second time, so make sure your windows are closed) and I must have had about another half an hour of being fully "plugged" after that whilst he snored gently. And I do mean fully. Actually I'm feeling very hopeful about this, has anyone else tried it ? So thanks, Sue. (Worth it even if you don't get pg in my book)

LIZS · 30/12/2003 12:42

First post for jennyhw too ? ?

dinosaur · 30/12/2003 13:28

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StressyHead · 30/12/2003 13:30

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alohappychristmas · 30/12/2003 13:41

Big hmmmmm here too.

dingo · 30/12/2003 13:44

This is all just a bit too graphic.


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StressyHead · 30/12/2003 13:45

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Twinkie · 30/12/2003 13:51

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dinosaur · 30/12/2003 13:57

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