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Very very cheap and lovely gifts you've received and loved

141 replies

Inthetropics · 23/11/2020 02:58

Asking out of curiosity really, because some of my favorite gifts throughout the years have been very cheap and i wonder if it also applies to other people as well.

My best friend knitted a lovely scarf for me using letfover yarn and it turned out to be one of my favorite gifts ever. When i was around 18 a good friend gave me a dessert his mom had made for me as an Easter gift and i remember how delicious it was. One of my patients gave me a pair of very cheap earings that i really love and use very frequently because they go with almost all my clothes ans are so 'me'.

OP posts:
uncomfortablydumb53 · 24/11/2020 14:22

A couple of Christmas's ago my DS1 found a lovely photo of all 3 DS's aged 2-6 and had it printed on a mug... I wasn't aware he still had the photo So thoughtful, I actually cried

HotPatootiebootie · 24/11/2020 14:30

I've just thought of another one.

When I was about 7 I bought my Nan a mug from hall Mark. It wasn't much, but it actually said "nanna" and she used to joke that it was her full official title. I used my saved up birthday money to buy it for Mother's Day because she was better than a mum to me. I lived with her until I was three and then started with her every weekend and holiday. She died 13 years ago and I still miss her terribly. Anyway, last week I was moving my bedroom around and found the box with her photos in it. Nestled in the box, wrapped in 13 year old newspaper is the much used, well lived mug of hers. I actually brought it out and have washed it and rewrapped it to leave in the cupboard. I am going to be taking over the title myself in February and she would have loved that I carry on using her mug. So that £3 mug will get a new lease of life 37 years after I bought it.

Itsonlymakebelieve · 24/11/2020 16:34

That’s lovely
@HotPatootiebootie 💐

33goingon64 · 24/11/2020 16:40

Back in our early relationship, DH made me a photo album of our holiday and even wrote out and stuck in the diary I'd written about it. Most thoughtful present ever.

AliceMck · 24/11/2020 21:47

I have a little tea light holder a friend gave me 15 years ago. It’s very antiquey looking, i love it, and always kept in every time I’ve moved. I know it didn’t cost much in monetary value but I love it and it always reminds me of her x

BikeRunSki · 25/11/2020 03:32

When DS (12) was in year 1, he coloured in a tiny, readymade, hexagonal cardboard box and out a chocolate in it for Mother’s Day at school. The kind of “blank” you’d get from Hobbycraft to decorate. The box is exactly the right size for my favourite necklace. I use it every day.

Zenithbear · 26/11/2020 07:29

A dog biscuit cutter from Lakeland.
Hotel chocolat tiddly pots.
A mini whisk and mini chocolate grater.
Adult colouring book.

littlestpogo · 26/11/2020 09:08

A homemade cupcake and chocolates from my work mates.

My ex husband had left me 2 weeks before my birthday. We never do anything for anyone’s birthday at work and are quite a reticent lot, so I didn’t expect anything at all. I came into the office to find my desk had been decorated with some of the Xmas decs, there was a little cupcake with a candle and someone had made my favourite flavour truffles plus a card with some lovely words. The colleague I sit next to got up and gave me a hug. No one made a fuss at all but I was so moved I actually cried!

BikeRunSki · 26/11/2020 14:17

My 50th was just at the start of this lockdown. I was pretty despondent. Over the weekend, various friends made and delivered lovely food. Homemade ice cream; afternoon tea; enchiladas; an amazing curry and all the sides!!

JustAnotherUserinParadise · 26/11/2020 17:51

When I was about 3 months from finishing my PhD and super stressed, my friend gave me a "PhD survival kit".
It was a shoebox covered in red paper with a red cross "first aid" kind of logo on the top, and she put all the useful things I'd need in it, biscuits, tea bags, eye drops, relaxing bubble bath, post it notes and lists, highlighter pens...
It was so lovely and thoughtful, we were all skint so probably didn't cost much but it was very much used! I only threw the box out a couple of years later when it'd gone all manky.

JustAnotherUserinParadise · 26/11/2020 17:52

I've actually stolen the idea for another friend - she's been super stressed lately so I've made her a "self-care kit" - fancy toiletries, the teabags and chocolates I know she likes, a nice candle... She also lives with all boys so loves a bit of girly stuff!

Lulu1919 · 26/11/2020 19:24

Primary fluffy socks and a foot moisturiser

A packet of my fave chocolate (dairy milk buttons ) and a magazine

A bath bomb that smelt awesome ...lavender it was

Lulu1919 · 26/11/2020 19:24

Primark not primary !!!

maggiethecat · 03/12/2020 00:40

Lovely ideas! Feel inspired.

TheLadyOfShallnott · 03/12/2020 00:52

When I had to move back home to my parents at too old an age, my mam made me a stocking and hung it on my bedroom door.

Exactly as it was when I was a child. Sock. A tangerine in tissue paper. A shiny red apple with a sticker on (v posh when I was small). A handful of mixed nuts. Some chocolate gold coins. And a small gift. And a note to say Merry Christmas and I was never to old to be her bairn.

I cried.

It is simply the most beautiful gift I’ve ever been given and probably cost less than a tenner.

The love in that sock was priceless to me and it will forever be my best ever present.

newnewnewbuild · 03/12/2020 01:13

This thread has made me cry, these thoughtful gifts are all so lovely

My most thoughtful "gift" was when me and my now DH were long distance as he was away at uni, and he turned up on my door step unexpectedly with tickets for a show. That was over 10 years ago now

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