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Do you believe?

92 replies

Autumncolourlover · 19/11/2020 13:52

I do. Always have and suspect I always will. I hope that Christmas magic never dies and that I've successfully passed it down to dc🎄

OP posts:
CloudyVanilla · 21/11/2020 05:57

@PandemicPalava that is exactly how I feel too.

There is also something very special to me in imagining all the people gone by, regardless of religion, feeling the same sense of celebration and reflection of life that we do now. It means more to me than I can express

fallfallfall · 21/11/2020 06:09

I believe.
In the magic of the moment there is hope for better, more peace, more love and more beauty.

Lipz · 21/11/2020 06:13

Gosh some miserable shites on here.

I believe in the magic of Christmas, I have definitely passed it on to my children, we all love it. And yes, we are all adults and know there isn't a fat guy in a red suit bringing the presents, but that doesn't stop us enjoying the happiness and being thankful at Christmas.

Lots of empty chairs at the tables this year, lots of people who should be alive are not. For me I'm very happy to see another Christmas and for my disease not to have progressed.

BefuddledPerson · 21/11/2020 06:14

I love Christmas and in this house we really go all out, from the 1st of December we are 100% about advent!

But no, I don't 'believe' because it is a story. I am pretty Confused at adults who pretend to believe tbh.

Teddybear27 · 21/11/2020 06:15

Of course I believe in Father Christmas, why would you not?! I am just hoping he has not put too much lockdown weight on and is still trim enough to get down the chimney? 😊👍🎅🏻

Pearsapiece · 21/11/2020 06:30

I'm with you op, I believe in big Father C! I know it's me who does the prep and when my kids ask me when they're older, I will tell them parents help the big man out but that Father Christmas is the head of Christmas Magic.
I believe he exists, just not in the simple aspect that we teach young children. How miserable must christmas be for people who don't even have a little niggling feeling on Christmas eve that santa is sitting in his arm chair knowing people all around the world will wake up to a magical festive day because of his story?

Mommabear20 · 21/11/2020 09:10

can I just ask, to all those saying 'it's stupid for adults to believe in Santa', how is an adult believing in a fat guy that brings joy to millions of children and adults every year, any different to people believing in God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha etc? At the end of the day, we know of all of them through stories past down by the generations that came before. Different people believe in different people, they don't need proof, a lot of the stories in the religious books are just as hard to believe as a guy that can fly around the world delivering gifts in one night.

At the end of the day it boils down to one thing, do you have faith?

As for me and my family, WE BELIEVE IN SANTA! 😁

FloreanFortescue · 21/11/2020 09:14

The best part of Christmas is making it magical for my family! I love to believe in Father Christmas/Jesus, otherwise what's the point? You surely don't celebrate Christmas then Hmm

MistyGreenAndBlue · 21/11/2020 10:51

If Father Christmas isn't real, then who is NORAD tracking every Christmas Eve? 🎅

I think we should be told

squashyhat · 21/11/2020 10:57


Father Christmas is a middle aged XX woman. The 'magic' doesn't exist without a lot of work from us. And the concept of the magic is used to keep us doing the wifework organising it all. Even more so this year where it's the MAW in the family are organising everyone to make sure single people in the family are not spending Christmas alone.

Yes. Nailed it.
Inthetropics · 22/11/2020 03:00

I belive in kindness, love, in being a good and decent person. Christmas is about that, and so much more. It truly is a magical time for me.

Icecreamsoda99 · 22/11/2020 06:46

Now I know that Santa is much bigger than a single person and that what I take part in on Christmas Eve is ancient, timeless magic.

@thelegohooverer you made me tear up! That's exactly what I feel!

I know I'm going to cry when we take part in the bell ringing at 6pm on Christmas Eve. I'm also a Christian and well aware that the Christmas story has been embellished over the centuries but the feelings and emotions are something deeper and spiritual, "the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight" gets me every time!

BeautifulandWilfulandDead · 22/11/2020 10:04

I believe in the Magic of Christmas. I'm not religious but Christmas does feel quite spiritual for me- timeless, sacred and somehow bigger than me. It feels very special.

LazyDaisy22 · 22/11/2020 10:32

@thelegohooverer What a beautiful post. Thank you

SpnBaby1967 · 22/11/2020 10:46

Well, Santa was St Nicholas....a REAL person so yes I do believe in Santa. Just not that he is still knocking about Xmas Smile

But the magic of xmas, even with all the extra work, I totally do believe in. I'm having a tough time right now, and that early xmas magic is already helping me through. Just the bright twinkly lights of a Christmas tree is enough to light up that dark hole currently residing in my chest. Every day, that hole is being made a little brighter with those lights and everything else.

The magic is real, if you want it to be Star

Howmanysleepsnow · 27/11/2020 17:13

@SpnBaby1967 I love your post. Here’s to lots of Christmas magic to light up the dark Star

jessstan1 · 28/11/2020 14:30


Well, Santa was St Nicholas....a REAL person so yes I do believe in Santa. Just not that he is still knocking about Xmas Smile

But the magic of xmas, even with all the extra work, I totally do believe in. I'm having a tough time right now, and that early xmas magic is already helping me through. Just the bright twinkly lights of a Christmas tree is enough to light up that dark hole currently residing in my chest. Every day, that hole is being made a little brighter with those lights and everything else.

The magic is real, if you want it to be Star

That's lovely!

It's a good idea to tell children about St Nicholas so they know from where the Santa story comes.
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