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Do you believe?

92 replies

Autumncolourlover · 19/11/2020 13:52

I do. Always have and suspect I always will. I hope that Christmas magic never dies and that I've successfully passed it down to dc🎄

OP posts:
merlotormalbec · 19/11/2020 18:37

Yes Op I do believe. I love the magic of Christmas!

thelegohooverer · 19/11/2020 19:25

I stopped believing when I was 10 until the year I turned 40 when I took the dc to visit a shopping centre Santa Claus who turned out to be the man himself.
I mean I know that he has another identity for the rest of the year, but he was wise and warm and full of Christmas spirit and as real as Santa could ever be.
He explained to my dc that being naughty and nice was a simplification for young children but that they were old enough to understand that it was kindness that creates the magic and that it is something that we all create together.
He rekindled my belief. Until then I had just been pretending for the sake of the dcs. Now I know that Santa is much bigger than a single person and that what I take part in on Christmas Eve is ancient, timeless magic.
I’m a believer.

jessstan1 · 19/11/2020 19:30


Sorry, I thought with it being the Christmas topic it would have been obvious. I mean Father Christmas but I suppose the same question could apply to Jesus. Both are down to faith.

*@madcatladyforever* I was an abused child and we didn't have much money, then I was an abused wife who is still being emotionally abused by my exH but I must have missed the memo that said there was no magic for me. Maybe you thought this was aibu with your unkind comments.

I certainly don't believe in Father Christmas, never did really despite parents trying to convince me of the myth when I was very small. My Christian faith is quite strong but I don't think anyone believes he was born on 25th December and there would not have been snow in Bethlehem; however, that isn't important. I like to hear Christmas carols and the general atmosphere around Christmas and am really glad that people of all faiths and no faith enjoy it too.

I'm so sorry you were abused, madcatladyforever.
JinglesWish · 19/11/2020 19:32

I believe in the magic of Christmas. It would be wonderful if the legend of Father Christmas was true. Instead I enjoy experiencing that wonderful hope and excitement through the eyes of my young DC 🥰

As a footnote, I don’t believe in the existence of a divine being either. However, I enjoy the nice story of the nativity being rehashed every year, as it’s sweet.

Holothane · 19/11/2020 19:34

I believe 9n Christmas magic it kept me going hoping my ex wouldn’t ruin another Christmas being drunk, today can rejoice in my Christmas magic.

Cam2020 · 19/11/2020 19:36

Yes I do, OP, I love Christmas! I do plenty of grown up things all day every day (even at Christmas) - enjoying things in your one and only our life has nothing to do with being grown up. I'm ignoring the humbugs.

Mommabear20 · 19/11/2020 19:45

At 26, I still believe in Father Christmas! Do I believe there's a fat guy that lives with elves and has flying reindeer? No. BUT I believe in the magic it brings to children's eyes to search the sky on Christmas Eve, I believe in the lesson of generosity and good will. Father Christmas is everyone that is kind and generous and who asks no more in return than the odd mince pie!

SOboredofcleaning · 19/11/2020 19:55

Yep! So love Christmas 🥳 🎄✨✨✨

firstimemamma · 19/11/2020 20:01

I really love the magic of Christmas but I don't believe in Father Christmas and don't know any adult who does!

pinkksugarmouse · 19/11/2020 21:01

I stopped believing in Father Christmas a long time ago. I stopped believing in God and Jesus not much longer afterwards.

I don't think adults require either to enjoy Christmas or for any other reason.

pinkksugarmouse · 19/11/2020 21:02

But I do enjoy Christmas, the lights, my tree. I don't think I understand where you were heading with this post. 🤨

Feawen · 19/11/2020 21:24

It doesn’t stop being magic just because you know how it works Star

MrsWhites · 19/11/2020 21:24


At 26, I still believe in Father Christmas! Do I believe there's a fat guy that lives with elves and has flying reindeer? No. BUT I believe in the magic it brings to children's eyes to search the sky on Christmas Eve, I believe in the lesson of generosity and good will. Father Christmas is everyone that is kind and generous and who asks no more in return than the odd mince pie!

This ^ absolutely.

I had to check that I was on the right board when I read some of the responses on here! Honestly, who invited the grinch and scrounge onto the Christmas board!
MrsWhites · 19/11/2020 21:25

*Scrouge (not scrounge obviously 😂)

00100001 · 19/11/2020 21:30

Father Christmas definitely exists. Otherwise who is the person on the pictures/in the stories etc. FC therefore exists as part of our consciousness. It doesn't have the anything physical or magical or whatever.

To me it's the same Idea as Manchester United. What make it a real thing? The name? Well that changed... The place they call home? That changed...the players...nope..the management...nope.botnone single thing remains the same, hero "Manchester United" exists.

Lellyo · 19/11/2020 21:38

Absolutely x

TheLastStarfighter · 19/11/2020 21:43

Yes, absolutely I do!

Mommabear20 · 20/11/2020 06:38

@MrsWhites I think we've been in 2020 too long! People have forgotten how to see the good in life 🤦‍♀️

Suzi888 · 20/11/2020 06:42

[quote Inastatus]@madcatladyforever - bit harsh!

OP, I believe in the magic of Christmas. There’s definitely a different feeling in the air and generally people are nicer and kinder to each other.[/quote]
I think so too.
Merry Christmas OPSmile

Cinderellashoes · 20/11/2020 06:55

Yes, I believe there is always magic to be found. And it’s in abundance at Christmas.

kavalkada · 20/11/2020 06:57

I was an abused child and I believe in Christmas magic. Because I had no happy Christmas memories as a child, I want to make it magic for my own children. And no, not with spending hundreds and thousands of pounds that I don't have, but with simple things like reading Christmas stories all through the December, baking cookies, letters to and from Santa, walking and watching Christmas lights...

justanotherneighinparadise · 20/11/2020 06:57

I did. I really did. Then I got ill and no matter how good a person i was, nothing made me better. So my belief in magic disappeared and I now believe in nothing. I do enjoy watching the magic in my children’s eyes though 😍


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CountFosco · 20/11/2020 07:02

Father Christmas is a middle aged XX woman. The 'magic' doesn't exist without a lot of work from us. And the concept of the magic is used to keep us doing the wifework organising it all. Even more so this year where it's the MAW in the family are organising everyone to make sure single people in the family are not spending Christmas alone.

duckme · 20/11/2020 07:13

Of bloody course I do!
I hope the excitement and joy I feel during the Christmas season never dulls.

michone · 20/11/2020 07:17

I believe

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