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Do you believe?

92 replies

Autumncolourlover · 19/11/2020 13:52

I do. Always have and suspect I always will. I hope that Christmas magic never dies and that I've successfully passed it down to dc🎄

OP posts:
Cinderellashoes · 20/11/2020 07:34

But the magic doesn’t have to mean work does it? The magic can be playing in the snow. Or driving round pointing out peoples Christmas lights! Or a carol service. Or giving to a charity or food bank knowing you’re going to help make someone else’s Christmas a bit better. None of these things cost anything and can all be enjoyed.. of course wrapping presents and cooking and cleaning CAN be hard work but it can also be an excuse to spend time with family and imagine the looks on the faces you’re wrapping presents for.

Cinderellashoes · 20/11/2020 07:35

You can go in home bargains and get a window sticker pack for a quid. Put it in your front room and watch how many people smile and point it out as they walk past. Why can’t that be magic?

mrsanflowerpot · 20/11/2020 07:43

I believe in the magic of Christmas and always will (despite some shitty ones!) ✨💫

Howmanysleepsnow · 20/11/2020 07:56

I believe. He exists in us all (maybe not in matcatlady!) and in every kind deed done without expectation of recognition or thanks. He exists in joy found in the darkest times, and in excitement for the future.

MarcelineMissouri · 20/11/2020 07:56

I know exactly what you mean and I do believe in the magic of Christmas and everything it brings. And although I buy and wrap the presents for my children’s stockings and make sure there are mince pieces crumbs and carrot ends left on the plate a teeny tiny part of me chooses to still believe Santa is out there too. 🎄🎄

missmouse101 · 20/11/2020 08:00

No, absolutely not,

Autumncolourlover · 20/11/2020 08:00

It's great to hear from others who believe too. So many lovely replies, thank you 🎄

OP posts:
Bluntness100 · 20/11/2020 08:02

I’m also curious, if you believe in Father Christmas, you do not buy or wrap any gifts for your children and believe Santa brings them?

Oreservoir · 20/11/2020 08:04

@thelegohooverer you definitely met a very wise man.

crochetmonkey74 · 20/11/2020 09:30

i used to love it, and believe in the magic of it- then A LOT of big sad things happened to me in a very short space of time and I'm struggling to get the joy back - but I am finding the Christmas boards here are starting to get my inner fairylights (multicoloured not white) starting to glow again. I so want to get the excitement back and feel the magic but is it possible once you've had loss, bereavement, depression etc? I really want to believe I can get it back!

PandemicPalava · 20/11/2020 09:33

I believe in the spirit of hope of the season and the joy it brings, the thoughts of others, the magic of the cosy warmth. I love Christmas history, pagan tales, earth religions so the whole bundle makes me feel like magic is in the air

Milkshake7489 · 20/11/2020 10:09

Ignore the snarky responses OP.

I believe in the magic of Christmas and always will Grin

TicTacTwo · 20/11/2020 10:13

I don't believe in Jesus or Santa but I enjoy spending time with friends and family and fairy lights (is that Christmas magic?)

Aposterhasnoname · 20/11/2020 10:22

All the grumps need to watch a miracle on 34th street, then you’d know what OP is on about.

And yes, I believe.

Tiredmum100 · 20/11/2020 10:30

Ignore the grinches OP. I hope you have a magical Christmas. I believe. I like, that, at Christmas there does seem to be more good will and people appear to show more appreciation. I wish it would last all year round. Merry Christmas to you 🎅 🎄

duckme · 20/11/2020 11:20

I think you can get the magic back. In fact it's the magic of the coming weeks (in whatever form they are) that's keeping my head above water at the minute. It's been a year of heartache and bereavement for me too and a struggle with low moods like I have never known. But having such a magical season to focus on a look forward to seems to really help me.
I am so sorry that you are struggling at the moment and truly do hope that the bell will begin to ring again for you soon x

Needdistracting · 20/11/2020 11:27

I believe

UndertheCedartree · 20/11/2020 11:28

@madcatladyforever - I find your comments very insensitive. We are poor and I was once an abused wife - I still make Christmas magical for my DC. I also support a homeless charity and we spread a lot of Christmas cheer to homeless people in our community too.

Yes, I believe in Christmas magic.

Spied · 20/11/2020 11:31

I saw santa one Christmas Eve when I was supposed to be asleep. So, yes. I believe.

lazylinguist · 20/11/2020 11:34

Do I believe that Christmas can be 'magical' in the sense of being wonderful, special, exciting and masses of fun- yes, definitely! I love Christmas!

Do I believe in the literal existence of Father Christmas and actual magic - no, of course not.

A lot of these arguments seem to be based around a wilful ignoring (on both sides) of the ambiguity of the word 'magic' tbh.

Autumncolourlover · 20/11/2020 11:58

I am having a crap day and all the positive comments are really helping me cheer up. This year is shite but Christmas is something to look forward to. My 5yo is growing more excited by the day and although it won't be the same as usual we will make it as wonderful as possible.

OP posts:
crochetmonkey74 · 20/11/2020 12:13

[quote duckme]@crochetmonkey74
I think you can get the magic back. In fact it's the magic of the coming weeks (in whatever form they are) that's keeping my head above water at the minute. It's been a year of heartache and bereavement for me too and a struggle with low moods like I have never known. But having such a magical season to focus on a look forward to seems to really help me.
I am so sorry that you are struggling at the moment and truly do hope that the bell will begin to ring again for you soon x[/quote]
You could be me ! The struggle like you've never known rings many bells for me!!


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Bbq1 · 20/11/2020 12:55

Horrible attitude @Madcatlady. Just because you're an adult doesn't mean that you can't have Christmas magic and have beliefs. This is a nice thread. Yes, I believe in the Magic of Christmas and I believe in Jesus and God.

jessstan1 · 20/11/2020 23:28


I saw santa one Christmas Eve when I was supposed to be asleep. So, yes. I believe.

What were you on? I would worry if I hallucinated.
CloudyVanilla · 21/11/2020 05:54

Yes OP I believe strongly in the spirit of Christmas for many reasons. It's one of the few thinga that gives me that sense of genuine excitement and wonder that you get when you are a child.

So while I don't believe FC comes and gives my DC presents (because I buy them!) I do know exactly what you mean and there is that far off little part of me that feels wrong saying I know he isn't real and I can fully imagine him off somwwhere Grin

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