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What do people buy their husbands for Christmas?!

100 replies

timeisnotaline · 19/10/2017 08:44

Every year I'm stuck on this one. We may do a budget solution this year and get ourselves a couple things we want like a nice grill pan but I'd still like to get him something ... not a very materialistic guy, likes sports, reads a bit, loves musical theatre...

OP posts:
mintbiscuit · 25/10/2017 22:13

Fine whisky and fine rum. I enjoy the challenge of researching and choosing something new to try for dh. He enjoys the challenge of drinking it!

I have done beer club subscriptions in previous years that have gone down well. I'm tempted by a gin club subscription this year.

Can you spot the theme...? Grin

AdoraBell · 25/10/2017 22:16

I have no clue this year. Not a single bloody idea.

stellacat123 · 25/10/2017 22:22

We get each other Lego every Xmas & birthday. Otherwise just do something fun together. You could both make bucket lists with realistic options & have mini adventures eg go to the ballet, go to your local pantomime, go to tourist attractions, places you've never been, have a space hopper race on a beach, visit friends you've not seen for ages & live somewhere nice, go on a canal boat........

drinkswineoutofamug · 25/10/2017 22:27

Mines getting nothing as he didn’t buy me anything for xmas last year , or for my 40th . So fuck him

DeadDoorpost · 25/10/2017 22:35

I can't say what I've got mine as he's on MN occasionally and might see it... but he should be happy with it hopefully. I did get him to write me a list so I've gone from that...

NellyTimes · 25/10/2017 23:45

Think I'm going to get my OH a fire pit for his garden (we don't live together) but not sure what sort yet, need to look around the garden centres. Then probably just a few smaller things to go in a stocking. He generally just buys what he needs, so I'm hoping he won't think to buy a fire pit before Christmas!

SymphonyofShadows · 26/10/2017 00:40

I got mine today. Despite saying I was getting Grenson shoes I ended up with a mohair tonic suit and a beautiful greeny-grey pork pie hat (he is a massive fan of old, original ska and dresses the part).

MamaOfTwos · 26/10/2017 06:42

Place marking

Pengweng · 26/10/2017 07:05

We are buying each other gig tickets.
Then from the kids (5) he is getting slippers, chocolate, and a nice bottle of whiskey.

Cakesprinkles · 26/10/2017 07:27

Dh has a December birthday so it’s a right pain! Have booked us a night in a posh hotel in London for his birthday and may book theatre tickets for a matinee as well. Then for Christmas he always gets a magazine subscription for his hobby and a jumper and then any other little bits and bobs I think he might like.

GreggsSausageRolls · 26/10/2017 07:34

Following for ideas!

NoWordForFluffy · 26/10/2017 07:50

So many of us with December birthday DHs! Aren't they a nuisance?! 😂

Dayanara · 26/10/2017 08:26

also just ordered a cornerstone shaving kit for Dh! Lovely idea and thanks for the link. Here’s another £10 off voucher Smile

ConstantlyCooking · 26/10/2017 09:03

the coffee and classic book subscription sounds interesting.
I have no ideas yet for DH - we have been making an effort to go out together more so have been buying theatre tickets and he likes to use the library for books and music. Plus he isn't really into gadgets!

WeatherDependent · 26/10/2017 09:27

I’m loving the curry subscription idea, if it’s ok I may well pinch it for my DH.

He is so hard to buy for, a few years ago I bought him a coffee machine, he’d never expressed a desire for one but he loves it. Often we pool our present budget and go away for a night in January.

Mummaofboys · 26/10/2017 09:36

My husband likes Art so I'll get him some supplies like brushes and paint that are something he loves to receive then I'll get him some clothes a designer jumper or something like that, something he wouldn't buy himself. If your husband likes the theatre why not get him some tickets to see a show?

13luckyblackcats · 26/10/2017 13:09

MaisyPops that’s what I do for my DF, it’s nice to give people exactly what they want!

WutheringTights · 28/10/2017 19:26

If he likes musical theatre he'll love the cast recording of Hamilton - it's the one everyone is raving about. You could even try to get tickets for the London show, I think some are coming on sale soon. My musical theatre-loving husband is also enjoying the cast recording of Tim Minchin's Groundhog Day at the mo.

Westiegirl3 · 28/10/2017 19:57

I’ll be getting H a coffee machine this year. Can’t think of anything else to get him and the one we have is on it’s way out.

Shockers · 28/10/2017 20:05

I always buy him a Ted Baker shirt (he likes the fit) and socks.

But I take him somewhere too. Usually a city break just after Christmas. Last year was Amsterdam, but this year I've booked a break in the Lake District, as I've pushed the boat out for his birthday with a 0 during the summer.

He usually gets a wrapped Rough Guide, or Lonely Planet book to reveal the surprise.

13luckyblackcats · 01/11/2017 14:14

Shockers the guidebook sounds like a lovely touch! We are broke this year but I’m filing that away for the future.

RustyParker · 01/11/2017 15:16

DH likes to cook roast dinners so I bought him these lifting forks for his recent birthday. They are really big and chunky, perfect for lifting and slicing meat -


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Sorvats · 03/11/2017 17:04

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HappySpade · 03/11/2017 21:43

Shreddies as a joke in his stocking ... but also not a joke

redexpat · 03/11/2017 21:46

A seasonpass for the holiday park (aquadome, soft play).
A deathly hallows tshirt.

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