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What do people buy their husbands for Christmas?!

100 replies

timeisnotaline · 19/10/2017 08:44

Every year I'm stuck on this one. We may do a budget solution this year and get ourselves a couple things we want like a nice grill pan but I'd still like to get him something ... not a very materialistic guy, likes sports, reads a bit, loves musical theatre...

OP posts:
littleredlipstick · 19/10/2017 15:49

Black smithing experience and he came away with a bbq tool/fork he made. Was a great day and stopped off in Cambridge on the way home.

Piccolino2 · 19/10/2017 15:59

My husband likes photography so in the past I’ve got him experience days for that. Some really good ones, at the zoo, a big cat sanctuary, photography books, lenses etc. A 10 week photography course. It’s been the gift that keeps on giving. This year I’m tempted to book him a photography weekend away but it would be one of his only presents as it’s so expensive!

Other than that, things he’s loved have been Hermes ties (has built up a collection now), a Mont Blanc wallet, the usual socks, pants, new release DVD’s, aftershave and as an Arsenal fan always some kind of Arsenal clobber!

MrsK · 19/10/2017 19:25

I’m taking my DH to Scotland in the new year with my BIL & SIL, we’re having a long weekend visiting Whiskey distillery’s on Speyside. I’ve also got him an Xbox elite controller so he has an actual physical gift to open. He also likes socks, funnily enough so did my Dad 😏

Unicorn81 · 19/10/2017 19:27

Always nice aftershave, just bought him a firetrap jacket in sale, sweets, t shirts, then he normally asks for something techy whic is his main pressie

Evilstepmum01 · 19/10/2017 19:29

Lego vw camper van! He's going to love it! Grin

Quietwhenreading · 19/10/2017 19:31

We don’t buy each other anything.

We’ve been together a very long time and in the early days of our marriage discovered that we both found the pressure to buy each other a “perfect” gift one of the most stressful parts of Christmas. So we stopped!

Some years we make a donation to charity. Some years we buy something for the house. Some years we buy theatre or opera tickets or schedule a weekend away in the new year.

We do buy each other fairly fabulous presents from the children at Mother's Day and Father’s Day though.

Ecureuil · 19/10/2017 19:31

Cooking stuff (equipment or cookery classes), Wales replica rugby shirt, new wallet, gig tickets...

EssGeeEmm · 19/10/2017 20:00

Thanks tellme ! I just ordered a cornerstone kit for my dh using your link! He’ll love it - and hopefully it’s given you £10 to spend now too! Smile

EssGeeEmm · 19/10/2017 20:03 Oh, and here’s a link for anyone else who’d like £10 off their order! Passing on the kindness. Smile

SheepyFun · 19/10/2017 20:17

Another one who gets lego! To make things more complex, we're expected to provide lists of suitable things to our families. So I put pretty much everything on those lists, and get something really small; we're fortunate to be in a position to buy what we need when we need it, so we don't need to wait for essential clothes/replacement tools etc.

wobblywonderwoman · 19/10/2017 21:20

Really don't know. We might buy something for the house.

speakout · 19/10/2017 21:28

OH and I don't like stuff or clutter.

Gifts are small and low key. Maybe something we need that's practical, or a shirt. A nice bottle of Port or whisky always goes down well. Plus a pack of false moustaches. Always.

What do people buy their husbands for Christmas?!
NoWordForFluffy · 19/10/2017 21:36

I've paid for DH's name to be put on a plaque on the under side of the XH558 Vulcan bomber. I've got a certificate which I'm going to have framed with a photo I bought of the Vulcan in flight at our local airshow.

His birthday is 2 days' before Christmas and I've got him a record player and some vinyl to go with it for that.

buzz17 · 19/10/2017 21:59

My DH birthday is very near christmas.

He has asked for new pc headphones and a sat nav.

So one for birthday and one for Christmas.

I usually buy something "Daddy" from the children, and I like to buy him a new tshirt as he never gets clothes.

I may look into new shoes actually because he has one pair of DCs that are very old now!

TellMeItsNotTrue · 19/10/2017 23:23

Thankyou EssGeeEmm £10 has been credited and will be put to very good use

goose1964 · 20/10/2017 13:43

Joint present with the in laws , cricket club membership and travel to matches. On the day I do a stocking for him.

13luckyblackcats · 20/10/2017 14:46

**Taking copious notes
My husband is incredible at buying me presents but also seems to buy himself every thing he wants through the year, so I tend to stick to practical and/consumable gifts.

This year he’s getting a custom handkerchief from Etsy and some lovely woollen socks from Falke, maybe in a slightly Christmassy colour like cranberry. Keeping an eye out for an interesting vodka too, anyone got any suggestion? I stick to gin...

coastalchick · 20/10/2017 14:53

we are not married yet (engaged) but this year we've decided not to buy each other anything and go away for a long weekend instead. Neither of us can think of anything we actually want but we love going away so that is our joint present to ourselves!

youokayhun · 20/10/2017 14:56

Mines asked for a makita coat that you put a battery pack in and it heats up for work HmmConfused

He asked for limited edition drills for his birthday this year....

ilovetea14 · 20/10/2017 15:48

I bought my Dh timberland boots, tickets to a comedy show,Liverpool jersey and aftershave. His birthday is in November so bought two nights away to Belfast and tour of Game Of Thrones he's really excited about it.

washingmachinefastwash · 20/10/2017 15:50

My husbands getting an Apple Watch this year.

I’ve no idea what to buy him so if he doesn’t like it, he can return it.

SymphonyofShadows · 21/10/2017 00:52

I'm thinking of getting mine some 'hand painted' Grenson brogues, he has a real thing for nice shoes.


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tigercub50 · 21/10/2017 00:59

Money has been an issue in past years but this year will be better. Having said that, DH is tricky to buy for. Will probably get him clothes.

Trumpton · 21/10/2017 05:48

Me too ! I have booked marked their page since August ! So beautiful . Just need to check their returns policy as he has size 6.5 feet ( same size as mine ) and I am not sure about their fit .

Buying SIL ( in his 30s) a twin set of The Tile as he is always misplacing keys and wallet !

SymphonyofShadows · 21/10/2017 08:11

Trumpton I returned a pair this year and it was fine. We took them to a local shop that was a collection point. I'm stalking the black wedge loafers for myself, in the hope they are reduced in the sale.

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