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if you wrap early...

61 replies

DorothyL · 24/12/2015 07:46 do you remember what each thing is? Or do you not care? I put post it notes on to remind me but have been known to forget them on there, so had to whisk in quickly to scoop them off Blush

OP posts:
planter · 24/12/2015 20:35

I'm not sure why I'd need to know what each gift is.

DD's are wrapped and kept together, then unwrapped in a jumble so it doesn't matter what each is.

Everyone else is wrapped and gift labelled, then set aside.

ClaireHW1978 · 24/12/2015 20:37

What apps are you using? The one I use is the first one in this picture, top left.

if you wrap early...
sooperdooper · 24/12/2015 20:39

I don't understand the numbering of presents? Is it so you know each child has the same number of gifts?

elQuintoConyo · 25/12/2015 01:38

Stickerrocks may I introduce you to Caga Tio. DS hit him this evening with a foam sword (should have been a stick, but hey ho) while singing a song, and he pooed Smarties, a Christmas torch and Polar Express dvd.

This is a pic of him a while ago. He needs to be fed and watered well in advance of Christmas so he works up rather a large 'backlog'

Happy Christmas y'all Wine

if you wrap early...
Stickerrocks · 26/12/2015 15:57

Oh my goodness. All these years and I never knew such a thing existed.

Badders123 · 26/12/2015 16:14

I just wrap in whatever paper I have and put names on in sharpie.
Stocking gifts are wrapped in tissue paper last thing on Xmas eve.
Never lost one yet.

startingallover · 27/12/2015 00:53

I use a sharpie and write a number on the right at the bottom. I then make a page for each child in a Xmas organiser and record the number and the item. On Xmas eve I get the parcels out, check the number and tick it off in the organiser. Works brilliantly and helped me realise last year a big present was missing. Found it in the garage where it had fallen behind a box.

yumyumpoppycat · 28/12/2015 17:29

I think the more children you have the more a spreadsheet becomes the only way to be sure things are reasonably fair or an important present doesnt get missed. I had a spreadsheet at first but needed a more final list of hiding places as one bag did get lost and cause a lot of time wasting late at night on christmas eve!

janaus · 02/01/2016 10:54

Omg I can't wrap early, or I forget. This Xmas day I was still wrapping for the grandkids late afternoon on Xmas day before going to see them on Xmas night. Never again, I was wrecked.

CharmingChampignon · 02/01/2016 11:03

Ive always taken photos as it helps me realise how fair things are going to look etc. However, dc are now much more interested in my phone and gallery so may need to move to an app!

Pobspits · 02/01/2016 15:40

Santa presents get wrapped in different paper for each child and listed in my notebook under stocking.

All other presents for Dh and the kids are listed and then marked with a number on the back of the gift tag which corresponds to the list so you can tell what's inside. This is anal but worked well this year when we needed to find one present and open it and I could pick it out immediately - oh but that was also because I note what kind of wrapping paper it's in (eg striped, hearts, tartan).

Presents for people outside the family are just ticked off as they're wrapped because they don't get many presents each iyswim?

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