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Teenage girls

56 replies

BelligerentGhoul · 28/11/2010 17:20

Agh. Am really struggling with buying gifts for my teenage dds this year. Their lists are useless!

What can I buy them that will look 'big' under the tree but doesn't cost much at all please?

They will already have - a Wii game each, a DVD each, a book each, PJs - but it will look like nothing when wrapped, despite having cost quite a bit!


OP posts:
asdx2 · 11/12/2010 07:54

What about one of these I'd love one so am buying it for dd

optimistletoemumma · 10/12/2010 21:37

Soap and Glory stuff from Boots? 3 for 2 and comes in a great gift bag!
Ipod lamp from John Lewis - charges up ipod in the lamp base....

is1 · 10/12/2010 18:16

They have big boxes with a 'circle' of cadbury's chocolate fingers in tescos half price at the moment, £2.50 I think (also saw the jaffa cakes there the other day)

SantasKnickersOnMyHead · 10/12/2010 18:05

They sell onsies in asda btw.

sparklyjewlz · 10/12/2010 17:50

Yes: the clue is in the thread title I s'pose! Xmas Blush

lilolilmanchester · 09/12/2010 22:04

sparklyjewlz - you might get more answers if you start a new thread??? (I happen to have one of each so opened this)

However, something relevant for both as stocking fillers if they have computers: re-writeable CDs, jewel cases, CD marker pens

sparklyjewlz · 09/12/2010 08:24

Brilliant thread! Any ideas for teenage boys?

Guitargirl · 02/12/2010 20:41

Have just had a Hush catalogue through the post with some lovely looking gift boxes - they do a PJ box, accessories box and dress/leggings/long-sleeved t-shirt box. Am very tempted!

NOT cheap though unfortunately...

posey · 02/12/2010 19:55

Are they snow fans? My 2 are both getting plastic sledges off the grandparents, £10 in the garden centre and will make quite an impression under the tree.

Just hope we get snow after Christmas Grin

bluejeans · 02/12/2010 19:51

WWWY didn't realise M&S doing free delivery and returns. Never mind the onesie I want a skirt and bra - I'm snowed in this week so might order online - thank you!

NordicPrincess · 02/12/2010 12:42

why dont you buy them an experience or a day out or trip? pedicure at a nail salon etc..or tickets to see a band they like?

TheHouseofMirth · 01/12/2010 20:46

What about a wire photo holder?

WhatsWrongWithYou · 01/12/2010 19:41

Bluejeans, they still have age 9-10 and 11-12 in stock; M&S have free postage & returns, so you could order both and send one back.

merlin · 01/12/2010 17:33

Funky hot water bottles I've just bought this one for a 8 yr old

and this one for a teenager

5GoldenFimbos · 01/12/2010 17:28

I have bought my dd hair straighteners.

bluejeans · 01/12/2010 17:25

Oh WWWY My DD wants a 'onesie' too! She is 10.5 though and not sure what size would fit.

WhatsWrongWithYou · 30/11/2010 20:11

Cake stands also nice on the dressing table for chucking jewellery/hair clips/make up into.

WhatsWrongWithYou · 30/11/2010 20:11

Cake stands also nice on the dressing table for chucking jewellery/hair clips/make up into.

WhatsWrongWithYou · 30/11/2010 20:09

And I might also get her a jewellery box - some lovely ones here.

WhatsWrongWithYou · 30/11/2010 20:03

I'm looking forward to having a good read of this thread later, but I've finally got into Christmas mode and this arrived today - DD has been asking for a onesie for ages!

bluejeans · 29/11/2010 19:14

Smile yes - I got one for Christmas last year - it's fab

BelligerentGhoul · 29/11/2010 19:07

Baking stuff is such a good idea but we have lots already. Haven't got a cake stand but tbh I'd like one more than they would! :)

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bluejeans · 29/11/2010 19:01

Are they into cooking/baking? Big pizza pan or muffin tin or silicon bakeware? Or a cake stand?

ChateauRouge · 29/11/2010 14:01

Grin Me too!
I love having stuff all matching Blush and their christmas stuff is usually good...

BelligerentGhoul · 29/11/2010 13:01

Paperchase is always a safe bet with teenage girls - except it's mostly small stuff and I want BIG! Besides, I think they own most of the store already. :)

God, I love Paperchase.

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