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Stomach bug or labour?

64 replies

Bumpandus · 13/06/2018 13:32

Last night I started getting regular contractions or BH every3 minutes that we’re innocent my back and lower abdomen and also felt in my hips. Quite intense and probably lasted about 45 seconds each.

I went to the toilet and had watery diarrhoea. Came back to bed more cramping then I was sick. Fell asleep then repeated this about 4 times in the night.

I’m 30 weeks pregnant and the diarrhoea has literally just started to settle a bit now and I have managed to drink some water and eat a banana. I’m now getting pressure down below which is also quite intense but comes and goes and some niggles in my back.

Could this be the start of labour OR is this a stomach bug causing all of this? Any experiences would be appreciated. Due to see my M/W tomorrow.

OP posts:
Bumpandus · 14/06/2018 13:14

Everything calmed down for now thanks everyone

OP posts:
Bumpandus · 14/06/2018 14:53

Midwife suggested I could be getting pelvic girdle pain. Has anyone else had this suddenly start up I’m 31 weeks today and the pain has been coming not long before I started this thread maybe 2 days? Gets worse with walking.

OP posts:
xxreeldancerxx · 15/06/2018 16:40

My daughter was diagnosed with SPD which sounds like what you may have .... certainly gets worse with walking. She's awaiting a physio appointment to hopefully help but, seeing as she only has 3wks left, I've a feeling it may be too little too late. Mention it to your midwife at next app ....

Bumpandus · 16/06/2018 02:21

DD2 was born last night at 9.19pm weighing 3lbs. Thanks all! 31 weeker! She’s fab x
Wasn’t SPD!

OP posts:
Counter27 · 16/06/2018 05:42

Congratulations! Hope she is doing okay and you're recovering well 💕

greeneggblueegg · 16/06/2018 08:35

Wow!!! Congratulations SmileThanks

Devilishpyjamas · 16/06/2018 09:24

Shock congratulations!

Doyoumind · 16/06/2018 09:28

Congratulations! I knew it sounded like labour. Good to hear she's doing well. I hope its not too many weeks before you can get her home x

MrsMozart · 16/06/2018 09:29


Congratulations. Hope all goes well.

Gunpowder · 16/06/2018 09:29

Congratulations! Awful that the hospital told you not to go in Hmm

Gunpowder · 16/06/2018 09:30

Snarky face was at hospital not you OP.

Iputthescrewinthetuna · 16/06/2018 10:59

Congratulations. Hope you are ok OP and your baby is doing well!

knockknockknock · 17/06/2018 09:09

Congratulations. Hope the hospital apologise!! What is she called??

humphreysabout · 19/06/2018 09:25

Oh wow...congratulations! Grin

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