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tightenings over top of bump

93 replies

Unbuffy · 29/11/2010 13:09

I am 40+2 with no.2 but dd1 was elcs for late diagnosed breech so I have no idea about labour pains or anything! I keep getting tightening/stretching type pains accross the top of my bump - really quite painfully and frequently. I am also getting lots of lower 'period' pains (presumably Braxtons as they have been going on for much longer?)

So at the risk of another 'is this labour' thread, does anyone have any ideas? Is it just baby getting bigger and hitting my ribs - still seems quite high and not engaged as far as I can tell - or is it Something Else?

OP posts:
Unbuffy · 04/12/2010 19:55

News at last...

Thursday lunchtime. Go into hospital to be told 'go home, you are not in established labour, we cannot find your cervix'. Off we go (reminder: hospital is an hour away). Get home. Have hot bath. Something goes 'pop' inside - feels really weird and not great. Get out of bath, go to loo, yellowish bloody stuff - is this a show? Contractions get A LOT more intense.

Return to hospital around 8pm. Not a show, waters went, plus (oh joy) meconium. And only 2cm dilation so far, so no pool and straight onto every moniter they've got. Have some painkillers (diamorphine I think) around midnight, do very little except make me throw up (again). Still no further dilation by around 3.30am, plus baby's heartrate keeps dipping. Contractions very very strong but not completely regular and not achieving anything. Registrar starts talking about augmentation / c-section options, I start thinking 'we need to get this baby OUT, it's unhappy and we're all worried now'.

Epidural at about 5am, partly against pain, partly to try if relaxing me physically will increase contraction rate, partly just in case we need to go for section, thus avoiding a general anaesthetic.

Attempt augmentation around 6.30am as final Vbac attempt. After 10 minutes mw stops drip as baby seriously distressed and heartrate very dodgy indeed, dh and I quite frightened by now.

7.04 Friday morning, baby James Anthony born shouting VERY LOUDLY (no aspiration of meconium there then!) by cs under topped-up epidural. He had the cord tying his hands to his head and wrapped round and round, and so no clear pressure was able to get to the cervix - hence lack of progression and probably extended build up too

2.30 this afternoon we got home! James is feeding like a little angel (not like his big sister did) and sleeps and I got 4 hours and 3 hours straight last night (on heavy dope it's true but also after 48hours-odd awake - eek)

So that's all, folks! Thank you all so much for your support and hand-holding, it means a lot - this week's been such a mess and i kept feeling a fraud saying 'i'm in labour - oh, no, maybe not' and you've all been very patient Grin. I'm off to have a GIANT bacon sandwich and cuppa (mmmm, drinknig tea again, mmmm, bacon and bread, mmmm) and then to bed!

OP posts:
AlbaDeTamble · 04/12/2010 20:08

Congrats Buffy, great news! Maybe not the birth you'd planned but a healthy boy eating and sleeping well and you sounding really upbeat, and home so soon after cs, seems like a pretty good outcome to me... Well done!! Grin

SamanthaB123 · 04/12/2010 20:53

Well done Buffy, sounds like a bit of a marathon but worth it! Congratulations!

spendalittlelivealot · 04/12/2010 22:33


Magic8ballhastheanswers · 04/12/2010 22:42

Congratulations on the arrival of your little man! Lovely news!!!! Well doneBuff!!!! xxxxx

Gi1da · 04/12/2010 22:58

Oh Buffy I am so so so pleased for you xxx

Welcome to Baby James and congratulations to all of family Buff.

clareanna · 05/12/2010 10:02

fab news buffy - sounds scary but at least you know what was causing the stop start labour and your boy arrived safely. Glad you are back at home - hope you're getting some rest?! xxx

Redheadgal · 05/12/2010 11:11

Well done Buffy! Brilliant news. Enjoy your time with baby James!

toomuchteaching · 05/12/2010 12:17

Just come across from the other thread... and wanted to add my congratulations here as well. I'm so happy for you. You've had a long old week but now you've got your gorgeous little boy... enjoy every minute. xx

lia66 · 05/12/2010 13:37

Yey buffy many many congratulations on the birth of lieelt James,

Am pleased all was well eventually, the body has powerful ways of showing us all is not as it should be and no progress was good in your case as little James could have got into serious trouble if he had gone much further into the birth than he did.

If you need to debrief, please feel free to email me.

Look after yourselves and enjoy your babymoon. xxx

sparklyrainbow · 05/12/2010 15:32

Congratulations family Buffs, well done and welcome little James :)


HappyGirl1 · 05/12/2010 16:09

Congrats Unbuffy, absolutely delighted to hear about the safe arrival of Baby James after a tricky labour. So glad all was well in the end and that James is here safe and well.

BunnyBaby · 05/12/2010 19:40

Well done buffy and welcome James! Xxx

Meita · 05/12/2010 20:58

congratulations unbuffy! welcome little james!

though a c-section is not what you wanted, isn't it good that the option is there when needed? sounds like you did a brilliant job - held out as long as possible but made the right decision when it was necessary.

all the best, enjoy your new family member!

zayja · 05/12/2010 23:24

OK, found your other thread! Congrats again! So glad baby James is here safe!

thefatladyscreams · 06/12/2010 11:54

Wow Unbuffy - huge congrats on the arrival of James. Sounds like one hell of an experience but so glad he's here safely. Well done you - sounds like you did brilliantly despite everything nature decided to throw at you.

If ever a bacon buttie was deserved!!!

Unbuffy · 06/12/2010 12:37

aww thanks guys xx

Am actually quite relieved there was an explanation for all that stop/starting - it seemed really weird at the time and it all makes sense now. We did all we could to try for a vbac, and it was very important to us that we did that, but we are both very pleased that we made the right decisions at the right times and ended up with a safe and healthy baby - and an emcs without GA as a bonus!

We are all resting now and getting used to being a bigger gang - dd is confused but I don't think it will take her too long to get used to the idea.

I want to thank you all again for all your support and good wishes, especially Lia for calm and reasonable advice at times when I was not feeling at all calm and reasonable - you seem to have picked exactly the right times and the right things to say! It would have been a very different experience without all of you pompoming and sending good feelings, you stopped dh and me feeling very lonely and confused at a tricky time Xmas Smile.

OP posts:
LeeWT · 06/12/2010 14:18

Unbuffy! HOW did you go home a few hours after a csection?!?!? you're a wonderwoman!!!

I didnt get out of bed til that night!

Delighted that wee James is here and safe and fair play to you for attempting the Vbac..

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