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tightenings over top of bump

93 replies

Unbuffy · 29/11/2010 13:09

I am 40+2 with no.2 but dd1 was elcs for late diagnosed breech so I have no idea about labour pains or anything! I keep getting tightening/stretching type pains accross the top of my bump - really quite painfully and frequently. I am also getting lots of lower 'period' pains (presumably Braxtons as they have been going on for much longer?)

So at the risk of another 'is this labour' thread, does anyone have any ideas? Is it just baby getting bigger and hitting my ribs - still seems quite high and not engaged as far as I can tell - or is it Something Else?

OP posts:
Magic8ballhastheanswers · 02/12/2010 07:14

I'm here!

Sounds good Buf!


Unbuffy · 02/12/2010 07:23

just need to work out when to phone the hospital - delicate balance, see, cos of

A)the hospital being almost an hour away

B)me being a Vbac (and wanting as little intervention as possible but aware of potential problems)


OP posts:
Magic8ballhastheanswers · 02/12/2010 07:26

Have you got snow hun?
Call now, can do no harm Wink

Unbuffy · 02/12/2010 07:40

No snow, too far in the SW! bloody cold, mind...

Am attempting ContractionMaster (technololgy not strong point mind) so as to collect some data for them now

Am now panicking having read 'too smily to be in labour' thread as i am so releived it may actually be happening at last!! Grin

OP posts:
Unbuffy · 02/12/2010 07:41

(ie i am too calm and relaxed... ommmmmmm)

(for now...)

OP posts:
Gi1da · 02/12/2010 07:48

Morning Buffs here's hoping today's the day for you Smile. I also read the too smiley thread, I'd keep zen but swear like a sailor at them over the phone for effect if you think you need to!

[dusts off pom poms in readiness]

SamanthaB123 · 02/12/2010 07:52

Morning Buffy! Just checking in to wish you a {can't think of the right word} 'good' labour. You should just give the hospital call anyway. If you go in earlier than you need to it doesn't mean you'll be intervened with. Just be firm and make informed choices. I was in the car going to hospital with contractions three minutes apart and it was very uncomfortable, I wouldn't recommend it. Good luck and let us know how it goes, Sam x

lia66 · 02/12/2010 08:23

Come On buffs you can and are doing this, labour, contrary to popular advice doesn't have to be earth shatteringly blood curdling screaming.

The time will come when it will become more intense but for now the best thing is for your body to carry on what it's been doing, and thats taking things slowly and regularly.

fx this will keep going, thank goodness you have no snow. I have a lady due today who lives in the middle of nowhere, I am praying she doesn't go into labour.

We are cheerring you on, can't wait for the birth announcement, it's been a long journey. x

sparklyrainbow · 02/12/2010 08:32

Thinking of you buffs and looking forward to some news :) Hope everything goes well x

VivClicquot · 02/12/2010 09:28

Good luck buffs - we're all stood rooting for you with our pom-poms :) x

AlbaDeTamble · 02/12/2010 09:58

Just checking in with some more ommmmmmmm (and pom poms of course) for Unbuffy Xmas Smile

Loopymumsy · 02/12/2010 10:08

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clareanna · 02/12/2010 13:30

In a mtg at work but with you in spirit buff! best of luck you will be fine xxx

Redheadgal · 02/12/2010 14:54

Fingers are well and truly crossed for you Buffy which is playing havoc with the pom poms. But cheering loudly nonetheless :-)

JustKeepSparkling · 02/12/2010 15:23

No post since this morning?

Hope all is well Buffy :)

Gi1da · 02/12/2010 17:47

Aaw my DH just came home and asked if there was any news on UpDuffy Xmas Grin

Thinking of you chook and hoping you are cuddling your little one by now x

SamanthaB123 · 02/12/2010 20:10

Hope all well Buffy, I'm thinking of you, Sam x

spendalittlelivealot · 02/12/2010 20:26

looking forward to some unbuffy news :) xxx

Meita · 02/12/2010 22:56

unbuffy, hope all is well. I'm thinking you might be cuddling your little one by now :)

HappyGirl1 · 03/12/2010 01:19

unbuffy really really excited to hear ur news Smile

Magic8ballhastheanswers · 03/12/2010 08:47

Just checking in Buff hope all is well xx

SamanthaB123 · 03/12/2010 13:24

Buufy, Buffy where for art thou?!


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Loopymumsy · 03/12/2010 17:00

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spendalittlelivealot · 04/12/2010 15:29

any unbuffy news? xx

spendalittlelivealot · 04/12/2010 15:29

any unbuffy news? xx

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