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Editor's comment re: Jordan OK! article

105 replies

boogiewoogie · 09/08/2007 09:01

I don't know whether this has been mentioned already but I read this yesterday from the Times.

Melanie McDonagh

Sounds as if she feels guilty about not being a "successful" breastfeeder. I am pro choice and do not have a problem with formula feeders but it's the smug and sanctimonious tone of the article that annoys me as well as the sloppiness in accuracy re breastfeeding. Is the point of her article the reason why women formula feed is because they're selfish? An insult to many who do ff. Also misses the point about the Jordan OK! debate that's going on.

OP posts:
Bushnels · 12/08/2007 21:00

My sister think that extended breast feeders are getting a sexual kick from feeding.

You can see why I didn't tell her I was still bfeeding dd at 2.5 yrs. I have only just stopped.

I had a terrible time with both kids and breastfeeding and honestly even though I managed it ( I felt I had to as there is a history of asthma and eczema did little good ds had the worst eczema and now is asthmatic)I would never ever encourage someone to do it.

If dd wanted to do it when she is older I would help as much as I could but if she was in as much agony as i was (mastitis etc) I would gently suggest she mix feed or stop all together.

Kewcumber · 12/08/2007 22:01

Difers - its more common in the US - I've never heard of it in the UK and IIRC its not the same nutritional value so the only point is as a bonding exercise. Not for me though.

casbie · 13/08/2007 08:56

bushnels - "If dd wanted to do it when she is older I would help as much as I could but if she was in as much agony as i was (mastitis etc) I would gently suggest she mix feed or stop all together."

bf should not get to the point of mastitis, but stop feeding at this point jepardises the health of the mother. the only way to help with mastitis is to keep feeding to remove blockage.

what women need is more one-to-one support and this is what will help women continue breastfeeding. that and support in hospital!

Bushnels · 13/08/2007 20:31

Someone here psoted a link to a research website where the great and the good have good look at breastfeeding. There was a research paper there about chronic pain in Bfeeding mothers and it described my situation to a tee. According to those experts it was likely to be an infection (not mastitis) that needed long term antibs.

Honestly I Bfed dd for 2.5 years and it would still hurt at times. I also can't stand dp touching them which does not go down well .

Bfeeding for some can be hard. With DD I had to stay in hosp and had loads of support. The Bfeeding counsellor there told me that she couldn't believe I was continuing as my nipples were so traumatised. They were scabed and bleeding.

I have big nipples too which DP loves but dd with small mouth - not so. My nipples would not fit into the expressing machines at the hosp.

casbie · 15/08/2007 13:23


much sympathies bushel!

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