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October 2013 - Countdown to D-Day!

999 replies

roxvox · 05/08/2013 14:58

Baby due dates/sexes/name choices here

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chickieno1 · 06/08/2013 04:34

natalie if you and your dp are concerned I would go in for monitoring. You had a growth scan recently didn't you? Sorry if mixing things up but baby was a good size wasn't he? Ring your midwife first thing and she will advise/support you.

Thinking of you

OrangeBlossom2 · 06/08/2013 07:00

How is everyone today?
Ana look after yourself! And thanks for giving us all an excuse to snack!

Another rubbish night up at 2.30, 4.30 and 6.30 with painful hips and to go to the loo and stayed awake for maybe an hour each time. No combination of pillows seems to help. I am now trying sleeping sitting up against three pillows to get a bit more sleep before giving up. Does anyone else have a tubigrip? Have you tried sleeping in it? I might give that a go tonight. I feel bad moaning because my little one is moving around nicely (all the time it seems!).

My mum and youngest sister are coming to stay for a couple of days. Trying to think of free and not too tiring things to do. I think we will have a picnic in Richmond park today. If I can find the fold up chairs!

bluesnowfalcon · 06/08/2013 07:06

nat hope everything is ok and I think I'd go for monitoring if baby was quiet. Try not to let a horrid woman stop you from putting yourself and baby first. Keep us posted and sending Flowers

falcon hope leaking has stopped and if not that you manage to get seen and checked. Let us know how you get on x

Welcome to all the new mums on the thread and when I log on from my laptop ill add my details to the list but can't do it from iPad.

Starting to think I ought to get a move on and sort nursery and do a practical shop for nappies etc but then until nursery is done I've got nowhere to put stuff!

OrangeBlossom2 · 06/08/2013 07:16

Nat you haven't really had any good movement days since it began Have you. The baby has been quiet for a while. I agree with going to get it looked at again. Did you have similar with your DD? You have had a baby before so you know what feels normal and what doesn't. Is it the stupid midwife putting you off? Can you take someone with you for moral support?

PseudoBadger · 06/08/2013 07:54

Orange have you got a long pillow? I couldn't sleep without mine.

Nat, please please go and get checked, and don't leave until they've given you some satisfactory service and a clear plan of what to do if this continues.

Falcon I do hope your leaking hasn't continued or that you're being checked out.

OrangeBlossom2 · 06/08/2013 08:00

Yes thanks badger I have a long dream genie pillow plus other normal pillows...

saffkey1 · 06/08/2013 08:05

My DD is the 1st of October!

Flyer747 · 06/08/2013 08:06

Another one here with a disturbed shitty nights sleep, it's like the jet lag feeling I used to experience constantly. Maybe it's our bodies way of gearing us up for the sleepless we are going to encounter in the next few months.

Nat I agree with everyone else go and get things checked out.

Warlin · 06/08/2013 08:53

Morning all, wow page 4 of a new thread!! How exciting, I wonder if there will be any births on this one. Though at the rate you ladies gossip I doubt it and as we all become less and less motivated in work, I predict the posts to increase dramatically Grin

nat I agree with the others, get checked. I'm sure it's fine but it will help you to relax to get some reassurance. Don't let some midwife's your baby.

On the dog front, I was a little worried last time and it turned out to be in vain. Rest assured that your dog knows already so it won't be a total surprise. Mine knew when my waters were about to break as she became massively clingly and in round my feet, and then the gushing happened. And she knew I was pregnant this time before I did. We have a labrador but all breeds are the same in this respect. I only have experience with female dogs so maybe male dogs (like their human counterparts) are a bit less tuned in!! Dh brought a worn babygro home from the hospital to let the dog smell and then I came home later that day. I just went in, petted her, made a fuss of her and then dh walked in and set the maxi cosi down without saying anything. She went up and had a good sniff. Your baby will have a similar scent to you so the dog knows it is one of its pack. One tip I would give is to not shut the dog away and to let them be involved, even if it means he/she runs off with the odd nappy :) Obviously never leave them alone but when you are in the room, let the dog have a sniff. I also made all visitors give her a treat and not just proceed directly to the baby. Dogs are like toddlers and will get jealous if they feel they are being pushed out for the new arrival. Maggie has always been so gentle and would literally tiptoe round the he is on the move they are great friends. You need to make the dog see that the baby benefits I was at home every day for 10 months and we had a walk every day with the baby. Sorry if I'm teaching people to suck eggs but it's just my experience and if you get it right from the start baby and dog will have a great friendship. Get it wrong though and you end up with a resentful and unhappy dog. Sorry for the essay!

Sorry to those with rough nights, I had a great night's sleep. Went to bed by 10 and heard nothing until ds at 5.45. Feel much better for it. I am so tired these days though and really not sure how I'm going to get through 4.5 weeks of work.

Hard to believe some of our babies will be here next month!!!

thethreeblondies · 06/08/2013 09:05

I was awake at 4ish for a couple of hours, mainly as I was worrying as I hadn't checked on tbe guinea pigs before going to bed Blush at 6 I got up to to go out and check but could already see them out grazing so was clearly worrying for nothing!

Had lovely day in London yesterday, only managed natural history museum as had an hour queue to get in, don't know how u ladies who live there manage the tube and crowds everyday, felt like I wanted some sort of force field around me!

Hope those of you that need checking out get some reassurance, naughty babies! Mine is a real wriggler, was head down for midwife last week but has been feet down for couple of dsys could feel head really clearly by my ribs (freaked dh out a bit, then he was worried I was poking him/her in the eyes!) getting kicks in the fango is not that fun though Wink

roofio87 · 06/08/2013 09:06

hope everything is alright nat, agreed you should get checked out at least so you can relax a bit. my lo still changes position pretty much daily, one day he's head down, the next he'll be sideways again!! 31+4 here so still plenty of time to settle!!

thethreeblondies · 06/08/2013 09:08

Warlin your dog sounds similar to mine, if dd2 started to cry and I wasn't in the room or I was trying to finish something and didn't go straight away she would get very cross with me for "ignoring" my baby! Smile

roxvox · 06/08/2013 09:24

I hope Nat and falcon are doing ok today?

I am another one who had a really poor nights sleep. I feel supremely tired today, and have an incredibly painful back to boot. Feel like I want to curl up in a ball (which I did try this morning, unsuccessfully due to bump) and sleep. Not sure how the guys in the office would feel about that though.

OP posts:
OrangeBlossom2 · 06/08/2013 10:12

My DH read me a couple is sentences from pregnancy for dads last night.
The thing your partner needs most now are rest and sleep. The things your partner will find hard now are rest and sleep. Very true.

I just had an hours nap, I can manage that long on one side. I am already dreading going back to work after the summer holidays, no time for naps then!

Any news falcon?

legallyblond · 06/08/2013 10:13

Nat and Falcon - really hope all ok today.

We have a young dog (9 month old chocolate labradoodle), but to be honest, I have just assumed that she'll be fine. We already had DD when we got her - DD was 2.3 when she arrived. From day one (at 8 weeks old) she has been prodded, pushed, tail pulled, ear yanked etc by a very keen toddler. After the first day or two, the dog realised that, although we love her, she is below DD in terms of rank and once she was trained out of puppy mouthing, she has never so much as growled at DD. I assume she will just accept the twins as more human members of the family... Her life won't change at all really, so I am hoping it will be easy!

Flyer747 · 06/08/2013 10:17

Warlin, I liked your post on dogs. I also love labradors I grew up with them and they have the nicest natures. I'd have opted for a lab however dp has pet hair allergies so we had to have a hypoallergenic dog, hence a none moulting bichon frise, she has a lovely soft docile nature like a labrador. We both think she will be fine and so does the vet (we asked when getting her booster jabs) like you said, the vet advised lots of involvement and attention and they'll become best pals. She already loves children especially toddlers, so fingers crossed. Suprisingly when we were talking about dogs at NCT the other day i said to the instructor about our dog probably just wanting to lick the baby when we bring it home, and she promoted this and said "Go ahead and let her lick the baby''

She has started to get very clingy and needy with me recently so I do think they already know. So cute isn't it, bless these little canine creatures.

BowlFullofJelly · 06/08/2013 10:51

Gah, I've been trying to catch up as haven't been on since last Wednesday but have forgotten everything - have I missed anything significant? Anyone had any babies yet Smile?

32+2 today, 2.5 weeks left at work - woo hoo!

On the downside carpal tunnel has kicked in, so am spending a portion of every night waving my hands around trying to get feeling back, and DS after having decided he is not wearing nappies at night and being dry for a month, has now started weeing the bed every morning between 5 and 6am. Legally was it you that was mentioning your DD was having the same problem? Any suggestions on what to do - he is adamant he does not want to wear nappies and gets really upset when I try to suggest it.

LostMySocks · 06/08/2013 10:53

May and falcon sorry you've been so worried. Hopefully speaking to MW will put your mind at rest
Mine gave me magic antibiotics last night. I had one at 7 and by the time I went to the loo at 3am the awful pain had stopped and I got some sleep. Slightly annoying to have to go back to hospital pharmacy this morning to get rest of course (closed yesterday evening and the MW could only nick 2 tablets from A&E pharmacy) by def worth it. Still don't feel 100% but no bad pain or blood. Thanks for making me call MW

OrangeBlossom2 · 06/08/2013 11:03

Very glad they kicked in quickly socks.

HotSoupDumpling · 06/08/2013 11:28

Glad you feel better socks - I know what you mean, they are utterly magic.

Welcome all new mums!

Smitten1981 · 06/08/2013 11:34

flyer and warlin My dog has been really clingy too, especially in the last week, she's followed me everywhere and the second I sit down she come up and snuggles me. I think DH feels left out.

We have to get her 'done' before the baby comes though, she had her first season last month and it was awful, she seemed really out of sorts for a month, so I'm not putting her through that again.

I can't bring myself to make the appointment though as I feel terrible for putting her through it, I know it needs to be done though :(

TheFalconsmistress · 06/08/2013 11:38

I was in hospital last night till after 1am so I missed my gtt test this morning. After an exam it did not appear to be my waters but where it wet on my bed it did not smell or stain like wee They have asked me to monitor just in case but no more has come out.

I am really tired of this pregnancy now I know that sounds terrible after 3 m/c and 4 years of trying. Willow is very much wanted but im so so tired of being pregnant I want my body and mind back!!


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roofio87 · 06/08/2013 11:44

haha orange at first I thought you were saying that what our partners/husbands need right now is rest and sleep, I was going to say some very rude things on that matter!!Wink

Flyer747 · 06/08/2013 11:45

Aww glad to hear all ok Falcon, I feel the same, getting bored of being uncomfy etc etc.

Is anyone elses bump sore? like a tender feeling at the bottom of it, mine is really uncomfy it feels so tight and my tail bone is killing.

roxvox · 06/08/2013 11:55

Glad they have said all is ok falcon. You've had a stressful 24 hours, so you shouldn't feel guilty for feeling like that. I am feeling almost exactly how flyer has just described (sore bump and painful lower back) and I don't know what to do with myself to shift the pain. Can get pretty intense mentally at times, but I think we all know that these moments will barely be memorable once we have our little babies in our arms Smile

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