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October 2013 - Countdown to D-Day!

999 replies

roxvox · 05/08/2013 14:58

Baby due dates/sexes/name choices here

OP posts:
Wickedgirl · 05/08/2013 21:28

Falcon, I hope everything is ok

Sanjifair.......that's because your muscles have separated to make way for the ever increasing bump. Once you give birth, the muscles go back together and you'll have a nice tummy again

OrangeBlossom2 · 05/08/2013 21:30

Falcon have you given midwife/maternity assessment a ring? hope you are ok.
Sanji my tummy goes triangle shaped whenever I am tensing my muslcles to sit up/ lay down.

GTbaby · 05/08/2013 21:32

Falcon are you still leaking? Have you called Triage?
I know this sounds obvious but if you change the pad keep the dirty ones in bags so MW can look.
By your description of the liquid you should go in and get checked pls.

pinkbuttons · 05/08/2013 21:35

sanji sounds like doming which is where your abdominal muscles stretch and seperate slightly to make room for baby. Happens to everyone but some more noticeable than others is important to try and not do activities that cause it so movts like sit ups or lifting heavy things. Just because it may cause an increased seperation. Everything should return to normal aftee birth but I used to run physio classes for people who had large gaps. nothing to worry about atm though Smile
natalie hope all is ok tomorrow, did they say why it might be that hes havibg these quiet days? hope your ok.

Glad you got seen lost and that everythings ok. hope those antibiotics kick in soon.

Is leaking still going falcon? agree with others may warrant a call to the midwife.

Off on our holidays in the morning armed with a huge bottle of gaviscon and my fit to fly letter Smile Wont be able check in so hope you all have a lovely week and will no doubt catch you on the next thread. No impatient babies while Im gone please Grin xx

roxvox · 05/08/2013 21:42

That sounds like a good option, thanks Gtbaby! I will be sure to walk DH around Mothercare nearer my due date and will point out anything I love which is boy or girl specific! I feel for you not being able to leave home for 5 weeks. I'm keen to get out with my new LO as soon as I can after the birth to go shopping. Of course I might feel very different after I've gone through labour/a few sleepless nights!

sanji mine does that too when I try to use my stomach muscles. Includes sitting in an awkward position in the bath/relaxed on the bed.

I hope everything is ok falcon. Sounds scary, but fingers crossed it is just very weak urine or something not baby related.

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roxvox · 05/08/2013 21:44

Cross post - have a fantastic holiday pinkbuttons. I am feeling super jealous of you all going off on your babymoons and summer holidays!

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TheFalconsmistress · 05/08/2013 21:44

Dont seem to be leaking onto a pad I am embarrassed to call incase it is just especially clear wee :S but i will to be sure xx

Dollybird86 · 05/08/2013 21:49

roxvox I have no idea I bought some stuff on cuteness alone and then my DSIL gave me quite a few bits, there is always the internet and Next have next day delivery for free if you spend over a certain amount so i wouldnt worry. Im not sure about the poppers down the back I think it would make it difficult with a wriggling baby but who knows.

textbook neither did i until today! Did a practical shop at asda and mothercare just to get it out of the way.

Falcon I hope your ok I would call the midwife.

3boys3dogshelp · 05/08/2013 21:50

Please can I join in? I'm due third boy on the 11th October :-). I'm starting to feel very disorganised and could use some inspiration to get me bag packing and nesting. Especially as I ended up in antenatal triage for monitoring last week after the midwife thought I was in labour!

OrangeBlossom2 · 05/08/2013 21:50

Oh dear I had triangle tummy when I was still doing Pilates up to 20ish weeks with lots of sit ups pinkbuttons. I presumed everyone's tummy went like that. May take a while for it to go back together then.

OrangeBlossom2 · 05/08/2013 21:55

Welcome 3 boys. Glad you weren't in labour after all.

Racheld33 · 05/08/2013 22:09

Hello everyone,

I was on the first couple of months of threads but completely out of the loop with holidays, toddler and work. So thought I'd re-join now!

Hope everyone is well, now we're on the countdown..... Lots of babies will be arriving in 8 weeks time! Smile

Flyer747 · 05/08/2013 22:12

Hope all ok falcon, good idea to call just to be on the safe side.

I have that triangle thing too. I'm actually finding it hard to imagine what my tummy will look like afterwards, I used to have a toned stomach, not that I'm under any illusions it'll look like that post birth.

Dolly you are way more organised than me, I now feel the need to buy more vests and sleep suits

BridgetandtheHairyBrigands · 05/08/2013 22:28

Gosh, another thread already! Hope you are ok Falcon - yep, definitely a roller coaster.

Welcome 3boys the more the merrier on this thread x

Orange - my tummy does the triangle thing when using my muscles to go from lying down to sitting up etc too. Arrrgggh, I better try to be a bit more careful from now on.

Does anyone have any experience of the maxi-cosi cabrio fix or pebble? Trying to decide which to go for but not sure if the pebble is worth the extra money. We'll be fiitting either with a seat belt rather than iso-fix base.

legallyblond · 05/08/2013 22:30

Bridget... In my experience, cabriofix is better because its lighter!

roxvox · 05/08/2013 22:31

dollybird I hadn't thought about Next, might be a nice plan as I can do some window shopping prior to the birth too!

Welcome 3boys! Judging by your mumsnet name it sounds as though you have your hands full!

racheld33 I asked a few threads back if anyone had heard from you. Was worried, so am pleased to see you back in here again!

Please let us know how you get on falcon.

OP posts:
OrangeBlossom2 · 05/08/2013 22:32

Welcome back Rachel. Are you maternity leave now?

3boys3dogshelp · 05/08/2013 22:33

I have a cabriofix and love it. I have a seat belted base (easybase?) for it and it does make life a lot easier even though it's not essential.

legallyblond · 05/08/2013 22:34

Welcome back Rachel! Funnily enough, a couple of people were wondering how you were a little while ago. We all seemed to remember you being a dentist.... That may be totally wrong! Anyway - hello again!

BridgetandtheHairyBrigands · 05/08/2013 22:49

Thanks legally and 3boys - weight is definitely something to bear in mind and I had no idea seat-belted bases existed (shows how behind the times I am with all these baby products!)

ananikifo · 05/08/2013 22:52

Welcome back Rachel and welcome 3boys!

Falcon I hope you're ok.

I am home now. After my last post they came in and told me I had +++ ketones in my urine. They asked me if I had diarrhoea or vomiting and told me that normally with that level of ketones you get admitted for IV fluids. It was really bizarre because I didn't feel that bad at all compared to how I feel normally these days. They made me eat a sandwich and drink some more water and tea and retested me and I only had trace ketones.

DH is now on a mission to make me eat and drink more, which is annoying and nice at the same time. I'm sure there are lots of days when I let myself get dehydrated and low blood sugar at work, simply because it's inconvenient or embarrassing to be constantly snacking and drinking. I think the moral of the story is not to make excuses and to just eat and drink anyway. (I normally have breakfast and lunch but my snacks and drinks really vary depending on my schedule for the day.)

GTbaby · 06/08/2013 00:20

Pebble or cabriofix. I had the same confusion last year. Couldn't work why the out extra cost... So went with cabriofix also used seat belt base. Which was at times difficult to use (getting seat off) but I suspect that's more to do with my car being low.

Also. Reminder. Take anti bacterial wipes in hospital bag! I used Milton wipes but I'm sure any will do. Was a life saver at 10pm when they wheeled me into postnatal ward. In the dark. The table was dirty nxt to my bed. I had an epidural so husband was trying to put everything I needed within easy reach. They were rushing him as everyone was sleeping Hmm


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tuckingfits · 06/08/2013 00:47

I've got my phone back :) yay!

Welcome back rachel and welcome to all the new mummies.

falcon hope you're ok & got checked out & reassured,you've certainly had a rare old time of it this pregnancy. Will look out for you in the morning.

natalie you've had some worries too,hope your little lad stays put til it's time & you're ready for him! What is it with all these little monkeys misbehaving?

gt good tip about antibacterial wipes. I shall try to remember...

Natalieand · 06/08/2013 04:07

Please tell me I'm not the only one awake at rediculous o clock? I've just been up for my 5th wee dh is snoring away and I now can't sleep!!

Dh thinks I should go in for monitoring as its been continuous now the reduced movements since friday with one day of absolutely no movement at all and as he says 'if something's wrong and u ignore it we will pay the price' which is true and its not like him to be a worrier normally he's the exact opposite so its got me panicking now :-/

Welcome rachel nice to see u back :-)

Welcome to the new ladies xxx

falcon how r u? Did u get seen by the hospital? Xxx

tuckingfits · 06/08/2013 04:28

Hi. I'm awake briefly due to DP having been diagnosed with gout tonight & accidentally kicking something while staggering about a dark bedroom. Poor bloke,it looks so painful.

If I were you natalie I would go on for monitoring. I really would. The technology is there to be used... Could you request of your supervisor midwife that the one who was so rude to you the other night is not to treat you,or at least that she is told to behave herself?

Don't let one poor experience cloud the rest of your pregnancy. I would go & get your little boy checked. I don't want to scaremonger at all,but it really could makes big difference.

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