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October 2013 - Countdown to D-Day!

999 replies

roxvox · 05/08/2013 14:58

Baby due dates/sexes/name choices here

OP posts:
JellyCurls · 06/08/2013 18:40

TMI alert!!

Just been to loo and wiped and am passing mucus, proper snot consistancy. DC3 so should know but is this normal at 32 weeks? Have been crampy past few days but put down to post holiday constipation but now pregnancy hormones putting my mind into overdrive?

Any advice?

Wickedgirl · 06/08/2013 18:44

Was it blood stained or "just" mucusy discharge? I would speak to your midwife but unless it was bloodstained, I think it will just be normal. Good luck

roofio87 · 06/08/2013 18:46

jelly from what I understand its normal to loose some of your mucus plug anf it will 'grow back' but maybe give your mw a call to see what she thinks!?

MotherOfNations · 06/08/2013 19:13

I think some mucus discharge is normal. I've had it too but always better to phone the midwife if you're worried jelly.

The plans for a healthy dinner aren't going well. I took youngest dd to the shops to but vegetables for making soup but the supermarket is right next to a McDonalds which dd begged to go into and I didn't take much persuasion. I did get a fresh orange with my McChicken sandwich so that makes it OK doesn't it? Hmm

GTbaby · 06/08/2013 19:17

MON I always get the OJ, with quarter pounder with cheese n fries n ice cream on way home
OJ makes it seem healthier to me though! Omg I want one now.

GTbaby · 06/08/2013 19:21

Yeppie dh is getting me pizza from local take away.

GTbaby · 06/08/2013 19:27

Spark. Lo was sitting up at 6months so shouldn't be in carry cot at that stage. We were putting lo in pushchair at 3months in lay flat position. Does it say 6weeks? As some say not suitable from birth. But I'm sure that's not until 6months.

Natalieand · 06/08/2013 19:29

Chippy for us tonight, although I won't lie I'm jealous of your take away pizza. I don't even have orange juice with macdonalds I have full fat coke! Terrible

I'm not feeling rediculously stupid for going to the hospital as the baby has probly moved more in the last 3 hours than he has in the last 3 days, which is odd? Do u think I should still go in tommorow ? Or will I be wasting there time?

jelly I second what others have said its normal as it can regenerate unless there is blood in it then I think its less likely to regenerate, that's what I heard anyway? Xx

Natalieand · 06/08/2013 19:32

GT buggies usually start from either birth or 6 months but to whoever is Asking (can't remember who sorry) I would say stick with carry cot until baby is unhappy with it, dd could sit unaided at 4 months so would have been miserable in a carry cot, the 6 months thing is a guideline and usually just because the buggy doesn't like 100% flat

I have brought the babystyle oyster for bump and have ordered the carry cot for it as the seat unit is suitble from 6 months apparently but I will almost definately use it before that, probly not before at least 4ish months tho z

JellyCurls · 06/08/2013 19:34

Wicked not blood stained just a lovely snot colour. Will call mw tomorrow I think. Tummy sore but think its just tired cause I was back at work today

Slippysnow · 06/08/2013 19:53

sparkleigh buggies and carriers did my head it trying to figure out the rules for the safety of babies.

I was baffled, for example... The bugaboo bee isn't 180 degrees recline but it is considered suitable from birth. Then other buggies like the oyster, you can use a carry cot or a car seat (which aren't flat in the slightest!!) from my research you shouldn't have the baby in the car seat for long periods of time.

My plan is to use a baby bjorn carrier most and on occasion use my baby jogger gt in fully recline seat until they can support their head then raise it.

Just realised this probably didn't answer your question! Just wanted to say you're not the only one worrying.

Shootingstarsandcomets · 06/08/2013 19:54

It might be your mucus plug jelly but I don't think that means labour is imminent as they can unplug themselves weeks before labour starts. I'd phone the midwife though.
No healthy tea here just a huge bowl of pasta. DH is out so I'm contemplating going to bed very soon.
gt if love to say my DH was as good as yours sounds but mine didnt do a night until ds was 9 months old!!! Ds has never been a great sleeper and he still wakes now even at 11 months I'm hoping dc2 is better or I really will be dead on my feet.

roxvox · 06/08/2013 20:12

Earlier on in my pregnancy I had a couple of very mucusy days jelly, and it always coincided with constipation (which I think you said you'd had). Midwife told me that the irritability of the constipation would've most likely caused the unusual amount of mucus, and not to worry unless it had fresh blood in it. I would definitely say to get checked out though to ease your mind.

natalieand I would say to keep your appointment tomorrow. If the movements slowed down again the next day then you'd kick yourself for not going and finding out what your little boy is up to in there!

Ham, egg and chips for me for tea. So not exactly the health-tastic option I had intended for me either MoN!

OP posts:
roxvox · 06/08/2013 20:17

Yes to sparkeleigh re not having much room in your stomach any more! I can barely manage half a meal before I feel like I'm going to explode!

There isn't enough room in there anymore, and tonight it feels like my throat is going to give with everything pushing up under it. I wonder if it's just an extreme form of indigestion... Might give some Gaviscon a go.

OP posts:
MotherOfNations · 06/08/2013 20:26

I've got my soup on the boil now. I thought I should make it so I could say I had something healthy. It's leek and potato though so not really vegetable packed but I'll resist the urge to add grated cheese to it like I usually do. At least it means I'll have something there ready for lunch tomorrow.

textbook · 06/08/2013 20:33

I'm totally joining in this mega-moan! SPD horrendous today, can barely walk (let alone drive 25 miles each way to work), up approx 5 times in the night to wee, baby either head down so shooting cervix pains or feet down and kicking me in the bladder. I'm exhausted, have zero motivation for work, hate everyone and just want to lie on my bed with my massive pillow eating jam donuts!

Pregnancy is such a special time Grin

So glad to hear that Nat and Falcon are ok, and glad you got magic drugs socks!

Got my section date today - October 1st! I'll be 39+4 then so I'm worried they are cutting it pretty fine... Hoping if placenta is still low at 35 weeks they will bring the date forward, although I am keen on the date - it sounds like a nice birthday! I'll update the spreadsheet for now Smile

HotSoupDumpling · 06/08/2013 21:21

Did someone say jam doughnuts? Uuugghh...hungry...I must go off and raid the kitchen.

Textbook, lucky you with your section date. Saw my consultant recently but he won't give me one until later. Are you going to tell friends or family what it is?

Natalieand · 06/08/2013 21:33

textbook that means u will most likely be out first official October birth :-)

MrsO27 · 06/08/2013 21:47

textbook I think we should have an official mumsnet October 2013 ante-natal club 'lying in bed with a massive pillow eating jam donuts' day!

legallyblond · 06/08/2013 21:59

Textbook - a close friend had an elcs for placenta praevia (low lying placenta)... I'm afraid to say that they kept her c section date as 39 weeks but she had to be in hospital full time from 37 weeks in case of haemorrhage.... All fine (she got to 39 weeks with only one small bleed) but she had to arrange for her parents to look after her DD during that time... Has your consultant talked through the plan at all?

legallyblond · 06/08/2013 22:01

Oh, and we're not telling anyone in RL the date of my c section (apart from the neighbour who is having DD that day)..!

GTbaby · 06/08/2013 22:01

Where are the donuts ...??


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GTbaby · 06/08/2013 22:03

My previous post from today seems to have got lost. Sry if it's repeated.
Hot soup- I could kiss you! I keep searching online but all advice is I should be more comfortable on my side. I through I must be crazy
Or just not have spd. If u find anything helps let know!
I have tried pillow between knees, thick n thin. Pillow behind my back pillow and duvet under bump.
Only thing slightly ok for a short period is 3 pillows under my knees, slightly on my side with a pillow under my back left side.

Nat so glad things seem positive. OC seems scary when you search online. But most the research is based on studies 25years ago. So don't stress. Have you been itchy?

Natalieand · 06/08/2013 22:07

Yes GT itchy belly, but I put that down to stretching. I didn't mention the itching as I thought nothing of it but the doctor asked if I had been itchy, I'm yet to google OC as I think its unlikely I will have it, think they are just being cautious. Isit linked to reduced fetal movements?

GTbaby · 06/08/2013 22:16

Itchy tummy will be skin stretching.
OC itching is in palms of hand and feet.
I didn't have reduced movement, just one evening of paranoia that meant they kept me in. I got symptoms at 36 weeks and was induced at 37.
General advice is induction at 37wks with OC due to research carried out 25 years ago. However, I think they have stuck with this as they can't really say to an OC mum "do you fancy waiting to see what happens" , medical technology has come so far. So in my opinion not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things.

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