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Surviving Twins

86 replies

RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 22:46

Perhaps we should chat here


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RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:15

Not sure

I had one placenta 1 outer sac and then 2 inner ones sort of thing

can't really descibe it

What date was the scan?

my 5 week one just showed 1 then 7 week one there were 2

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psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:16

Max is Maxwell Alex John, so maybe Charlie Bubble John. They still have the conection of John then, in liu of any photo's or footprints.

RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:17

oh that is lovely

Charlie Bubble John

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psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:20

My first scan was at 6wks....two bubbles with a flicker of a heartbeat. One week later had pain, then started to bleed. Was scanned again, and my uterus was filled with blood. Carried on bleeding for a few more days, then scanned at eight weeks, to find one heartbeat.

Chandra · 22/02/2005 23:22

Please don't tell me I have just said that, but if I did please somebody tell me how to withdraw the message it was not my intention at all

RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:23

oh my

They could be identical I don't know

Perhaps if you asked to see your notes

It would probably say

what the sac/s were like


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psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:27

I am sorry...but what does...IYSWIM mean?

The notes idea sounds worth a thought

RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:28

Chandra I think your message is ok

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RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:28

if you see what i mean

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psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:28

Me too chandra

MunchedTooManyMarsLady · 22/02/2005 23:29

if you see what i mean

Chandra · 22/02/2005 23:33

Thanks (such a relief) I was heading for a sleepless night. Thanks.

psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:33

Thankyou kanga.

Just out of interest was your DT1 as a baby. Max was very grumpy and cranky. I had also suffered a car accident at 32wks pregnant with him, and he then came at 36wks, and I often thought he was cranky because of that. One of my best friends tho had twins a year ago, and she thinks Max is grumpy (he still is even now), because he misses his twin. I never thought of that till she said it, and have wondered. But don't know of anyone else who has lost a twin. I hope you don't mind me asking that?

RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:41

Interesting thought

DS {DT2} maybe does feel that now aged nearly 10 years.

He was a happy baby IIRC

One of DH friends is a Surviving twin but was not told and he says he always felt something was wrong and missing

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RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:42

He was upset today when he found out about Bubbles

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RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:46

When he is talking about his twin I will ask him how he feels

How does Max start to talk about brother?

Is he happy or angry or sad?

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psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:48

You bring tears to my eye's

Thankyou for your kind words, especially about your son. I am sorry for not paying attention to your earlier post on your son being DT2.

I am going to wish you a good night now. It is nearly midnight for me...chatting to you has been lovely, and I am up later than

I hope to be able to chat to you tomorrow tho. Where do you come from? Am I right in thinking you are not from England?

psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:49

Max come over very happy, if a little confused, telling me he has seen his 'other brother', but he won't play properly

psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:52

he was 2 the first time, and we were out with friends. To say it threw me would be an understatement!!!

Now tho, he is often found trying to play football with someone, and I ask who. He tells me "m other brother", then off he goes. Writing this down now tho, I wonder why I haven't told him. There seem to be plenty of oppertunity's I seem to have missed

RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:53

I mean DS was upset about Bubble

not DH friend

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psychomum5 · 22/02/2005 23:54

Also...if he see's another blond boy while out, he occassionally says something. Max himself is VERY blond. His younger brother is also blond, but will only ever point out boys his own age or size when he does mention it. Significant????

RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:57

I am in England too

DS did have an imaginary friend when we went to USA when he was 5

It was the name of a child that I childminded 2 days a week

He came everywhere and had to do everything we did etc

So perhaps it was his twin he was thinking about
his twin

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RTKangaMummy · 22/02/2005 23:59

Yes I think he knows already

so it would be lovely for him to know about Charlie Bubble John

Then he can call him Charlie rather than just his brother

OP posts:
psychomum5 · 23/02/2005 00:04

Sounds as tho he may have been.

Well, seeing as time is going so fast..(why oh why does time fly so while on here? One of lifes, I really should be off too bed. Got 4 schoolkiddies to sort in the morning, a lively 2yr old to entertain, and DD2 birthday to arrange for thursday. Phew....busy busy!

Soooo...lovely to meet and chat, and I hope to do this again very soon.
Bug hugs.....xxxxxxx

RTKangaMummy · 23/02/2005 00:05


lovely to chat to you too

goodnight x

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