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Shae for a girl?

114 replies

Samzzz · 01/03/2024 17:48

I just made a post for Shiloh but my partner has now thrown Shae into the mix. We like gender neutral names but I particularly like Shae for a girl. What are your thoughts? Also would you spell it Shae/Shea/Shay/Shaye?

OP posts:
apossumatthewindow · 01/03/2024 17:51

I'd spell it 'no way' but I'm just in a bitchy mood. Hope this gives you a bump though for a constructive poster to post

JanewaysBun · 01/03/2024 17:52

I knew a lovely Shae, beautiful on her tho i have other preferences for my DC

MrsArcher23 · 01/03/2024 17:56

Is it pronounced the same as Shay for a boy?

Usernamewassavedsuccessfully · 01/03/2024 17:56

I taught a Che and a Shay, both boys. The only Shae I've heard of is the prostitute who shags Tyrion in Game of Thrones. Shea is a moisturising cream.

KirstenBlest · 01/03/2024 17:57

Looks like a typo for Shame

BromCavMum · 01/03/2024 18:00

After the Game of thrones character? I wouldn't

RichPetunia · 01/03/2024 18:03

No to both Shiloh and Shae, I'm afraid.

CaptainMyCaptain · 01/03/2024 18:04


AnEmbarrasmentofWitches · 01/03/2024 18:05

Sorry, no

OlderGlaswegianLivingInDevon · 01/03/2024 18:09

Oh dear, why would you do that to your child ?

Were you hoping for a boy ?

you do realise the child has to live with that name for the rest of it's life - tho of course s/he can legally change their name when older by deed pole.

clearly you don't expect your child to do well in life by giving it a stupid name ?

Allmarbleslost · 01/03/2024 18:10

Prostitute in game of thrones? I wouldn't

LessOfMe99 · 01/03/2024 18:11

Horrible, ugly name.

NoCloudsAllowed · 01/03/2024 18:14

Not nice

Reminds me of che Guevara

But desperate sounding

Also 'she's Shae, isn't she?' 'what did Shae say'

TwoTeas · 01/03/2024 18:15

It's more of a sound than an actual name. Is there nothing more defined that you like - Faye or Shane or Sia?

Gibs0nGirl · 01/03/2024 18:16

I love it for a boy or a girl.

Crimblecrumble1990 · 01/03/2024 18:18

I met a Shae (girl) when I was travelling - she was so gorgeous and nice I associate the name with her and so I like it. Never met anyone else with it though.

JanewaysBun · 01/03/2024 18:18

I prefer shiloh,

Deadringer · 01/03/2024 18:19

In ireland Shay is a fella in his 60s or older. I used to know a female Shae though and she was very cool so if you are not in Ireland, it's a yes from me.

Onelife2024 · 01/03/2024 18:27

I quite like it, but I prefer it as short for another name such as Shayla, Shana, Shannon maybe?

PickledScrump · 01/03/2024 18:28

I like it, it’s much better than Shiloh. I think Shae would be the best spelling. A lot of people will initially think of the prostitute from game of thrones as it was such a big show, but that association will go once they get to know your child.

cyclamenqueen · 01/03/2024 18:30

I was at school with a Shae and I’m in my late fifties . I’m not a huge fan but maybe it’s due a revival . The most important thing is that you and your dh like it .

NotFastButFurious · 01/03/2024 18:33

I think it’s awful, the sort of name i’d expect the kids on the Teen Moms programme to use!


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defi · 01/03/2024 18:38

I think it’s awful, the sort of name i’d expect the kids on the Teen Moms programme to use!

^ it's actually an Irish name. There is a whole world and cultures outside of traditional white English names.

Alaina7 · 01/03/2024 18:39

It’s a bit chavvy and also a bit beige.

Foxesandsquirrels · 01/03/2024 18:40

I actually know an 18 year old Shae lol

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