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Worried what people will day if we choose the name !

99 replies

hayser33 · 14/06/2017 19:09

Can anyone give me an opinion on which name they prefer
The middle name will be Dawn after my Nan
Choices are
Maggie (which I love so does partner and eldest daughter)
Thanks I'm worried about comments if I have Maggie!!

OP posts:
Muumi3 · 16/06/2017 17:57

Probably Alice

I'd like Leni if it was short for Leonie, Lenora, Lenore

TheCraicDealer · 16/06/2017 18:02

Love Maggie. You can just imagine a little round cheeked baby called Maggie! It's on my list, but as a nn for Margot.

LexieLulu · 16/06/2017 18:04

My daughter is called Alice, but I absolutely love Maggie... we must have similar tastes

FromthePinkGlitterySide · 16/06/2017 18:14

My daughter is called Emmy. I get so many people commenting on what a lovely name she has Smile

OSETmum · 16/06/2017 18:15

I once taught a 10 year old Maggie. She oozed cool, but in a nice, sensible way. She really suited her name.

FizzyGreenWater · 16/06/2017 20:03

Maggie is nice!

Don't like Margaret much though - if you did want a long name, Margot? That's cool. Or Margeurite?

hayser33 · 16/06/2017 20:48

If I had all my own way I'd have Leni but other half and daughter really aren't keen ,same with Emmy I think that is so pretty but they aren't so keen on that either.
So it's between Alice and Maggie and I think Maggie is a little more unusual nowadays

OP posts:
mummytobemaybe · 17/06/2017 00:07


GreatFuckability · 17/06/2017 00:35

I really like Maggie. And I hate thatcher lol.
My inital thought is Maggie Simpson, who's the coolest baby ever!

GreatFuckability · 17/06/2017 00:37

I would pronounce Leni as Lay-ni as its a bit scandi to my mind, would you say it like that? If so, its awesome! not as keen on Lennie.

FreeNiki · 17/06/2017 00:51


Maggie is harsh sounding. Mag, Mags as nicknames.

I would hate to be called that.

squoosh · 17/06/2017 01:25

Alices are a pretty drippy lot. I wouldn't go for that one.

knockedover · 17/06/2017 01:27

I love Maggie, a friend has a little Maggie, it's so sweet I never connect the two, go for it x

OhTheRoses · 17/06/2017 05:16

That's a horrid generalisation squoosh.

OliveSoap · 17/06/2017 07:37

I'm going to charitably assume that the 'awesome' in your reference to Thatcher was a misprint for 'loathesome', Roses.

hayser33 · 17/06/2017 07:37

It's odd how baby names invoke such strong opinions off of everyone ...I suppose we all do it to some extent

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 17/06/2017 07:42

I prefer Alice but there's nothing wrong with Maggie (other than my personal dislike of putting a diminuative on a birth certificate. I would always go for a full name just to give the child options later!)

I love Marguerite, it was my grandmother's middle name, but I always have to double check how to spell it.

SoupDragon · 17/06/2017 07:42

I never thought of Thatcher BTW, my first thought was Maggie from The Simpsons.

5moreminutes · 17/06/2017 07:48

Children will think Simpson not Thatcher for Maggie. :o

I do think the only comment most of the names on the list will attract is "sweet - what's it short for?". Up to you whether you are fine with that (yourself and on behalf of your child as they grow up and as an adult). People are going to assume all of those names except Alice are short for longer "real" names - if you are going to get cross about that then probably better to choose Alice :o

MiriAmmerman · 17/06/2017 10:16

I know a 7yo Maggie (just Maggie - not short for anything) and she's fab. Very feisty, and super cute with a mop of dark curls. No one ever says anything negative about her name and her mum has never regretted it.

Also - Maggie Tulliver is a brilliant literary association. You can give her a nice edition of The Mill on the Floss when she's old enough.

BadToTheBone · 17/06/2017 10:23

I know a little Maggie and have only heard positive comments, even behind the back of the mum, lol.

My sd's middle name is Dawn but she absolutely hates it, but it's a middle name, they should only be used for laughing ammunition for your mates.

squoosh · 17/06/2017 10:46

That's a horrid generalisation squoosh.

It's been my experience I'm afraid. 💦


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OhTheRoses · 17/06/2017 11:39

So my grandma and dd were and are drippy then squoosh? You know that do you. I think hard working, brave, feisty, bright, individual and independent, never part of a herd. Decent, moral, caring, humble, quiet, determined also fit.

SoupDragon · 17/06/2017 11:43

Presumably rather than "Alices are..." you meant to type "The few Alices I have met have been..."

(No, I don't have one.)

TheCraicDealer · 17/06/2017 11:45

People have been harsh about my RN on here before, you can't take it personally. You just need to read the comments from teachers who avoid certain names because of their experiences with kids called it to see people make associations with even the most inoffensive names. It's hardly unusual.

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