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What do you think of Sunny?

81 replies

CassieAndKez · 02/09/2013 09:41

What do you think of Sunny as a boy's name? I love it and we're thinking of using it, but not sure whether to spell it "Sunny" or "Sonny", I like it with a 'U' but hubby thinks it's too feminine and should be spelt with a 'O'; opinions please??? :D

OP posts:
mummybare · 02/09/2013 11:59

Do you like any names it could be a nn for eg. Samson, Harrison etc.? Just to throw something else in the mix.

I quite like it with an 'o'.

Marne · 02/09/2013 12:04

I like it, but has to be spelt Sonny as 'sunny' sounds like your describing the weather.

TheSecondComing · 02/09/2013 12:08

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Writerwannabe83 · 02/09/2013 13:24

I like Sonny but it has to be with an 'o'

Inflicting Sunny onto a boy is just wrong...

aladdinsane · 02/09/2013 13:29

I came across a Sunny Day once

OutragedFromLeeds · 02/09/2013 13:39

Sunny is lovely for a girl, but would just look misspelt on a boy.

Sonny is awful imo. It sounds like you couldn't be bothered to think of a name and just added a bit onto son. Daughtery is also not good. I quite like D.S. for a boy though.

Layl77 · 02/09/2013 16:41

Please spell with an 'o' it's nice. Sunny too girly and floaty

JamieandtheMagicTorch · 02/09/2013 16:55

It's lovely as a nickname for a little boy but I would think seriously about whether he'd thank you for it as a teenager/adult

tywysogesgymraeg · 02/09/2013 17:05

Stupid name, sorry op. and it's not even a name.
Can you imagine him being a headmaster, or head of the Bank of England, or come to that, a vicar, a bin man, or a plumber with that name, whichever way you spell it

starfish12 · 02/09/2013 17:46

Love it - its our top boys name. Sonny though not Sunny.

I think it's v cool - go for it!

MrsEllsmore · 02/09/2013 18:34

I know a male sunny who obviously likes his name as his son is also called sunny. When spelling his name he often has to say sunny like the weather.

nooka · 02/09/2013 19:00

I think both variations are awful. I call ds Sonny Boy as one of his nicknames and I can possibly imagine using Sunny as a nn for a very cheerful child, but as a given name I think it's deeply naff.

kay1975 · 02/09/2013 19:05

My little boy is called Sonny, we named him after my grandads brother. The name goes really well with his brothers, Teddy!

mrstowers · 02/09/2013 19:10

Please not if your surname begins with a D!

mathanxiety · 02/09/2013 19:12

When I saw the thread title I thought it was about naming a girl. I agree with Nooka about the name anyway. Definitely a nickname imo.

sonlypuppyfat · 02/09/2013 19:15

Sorry its more than stupid

LEMisdisappointed · 02/09/2013 19:47

why the hell is it ok to be so obnoxiously rude about the names of other peoples children?

If its not to your taste and you have a reason for it then maybe put it aross but otherwise, why bother contributing to the thread with stupid comments!

mathanxiety · 02/09/2013 20:01

'Stupid' is maybe in the eye of the beholder?

LEMisdisappointed · 02/09/2013 20:03

Well, yeah, if its stupid to think that calling a persons name choice stupid, for no other reason than apparently, its stupid, then call me stupid Hmm

mathanxiety · 02/09/2013 20:20

I don't go around calling people or their opinions stupid.

The opinion that something is stupid is pretty self explanatory. So is the opinion that a comment is stupid.

cafecito · 02/09/2013 20:33

Sunny - spelling error. Sonny - ok. I know a boy called Sonny he's fab

noddyholder · 02/09/2013 20:34

One of ds mates called Sonny I like it


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Layl77 · 02/09/2013 20:56

Could you give Jackson/Harrison/Jenson or something on birth cert just in case and nn sonny?

nooka · 02/09/2013 23:27

I'd completely forgotten but my cat is called Sunny (adopted he came with his name). He is a sort of goldeny colour, bit it's a bit of a boring name really.

My personal rule on naming was not to tell anyone until my children were born, and I'd never comment to a parent on an actual child's name, but here where people are asking 'what do you think of' questions I don't think it really is unreasonable to be honest. Otherwise what is the point of asking?

Eastpoint · 03/09/2013 05:41

Sophie Ellis Bextor's son is called Sonny.

The Obamas have just named their new female dog Sunny.

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