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To buy some Christmas presents second hand?

175 replies

Deemented · 24/09/2009 06:59

Money is very tight this year.

I've been buying a little bit every month since about May, and putting it aside. But DS, 5, has been going on and on about getting a DSi. To be honest, i don't feel he's old enough for one yet - it's a lot of money for something that's easily broken, and i thing the only reason he wants one is because his cousin who's a year older then him, has one.

So he knows that he will not be getting one. However, i've been talking to DP, and we've come up with the idea of perhaps getting him a gameboy and a few games, and if he's shows me that he's responsible with it, and can look after it, then i'd be inclined to think about getting him a DSi next Christmas.

We went to a car boot sale yesterday, and found a gameboy colour with five games, a battery pack an a few other bits for just a tenner, so we bought it and put it up for him. I was telling my sister about it, and she was horrified that i'd even consider giving him second hand presents. It's in good condition, and works perfectly, so i can't see what the issue is.

DD will be 20 months at Christmas, and she really likes books, yunno the thick card ones, and i've picked a few up for her from car booters that have been in good clean condition. Again sister is horrified and wants assurances that whatever we get her son will not be second hand!!!

AIBU in buying second hand, or is she BU in turning her nose up at it?

OP posts:
cantmummyhaveabreak · 24/09/2009 14:31

have put a wanted on my local one for you. will post back here if anyone gets back to me with one for you unless there's an easiers way of finding you!!

cantmummyhaveabreak · 24/09/2009 14:32

or if DS can find his gameboy when he's home you're welcome to that if you wanted it- may be a little too old for him tho?

frazzled74 · 24/09/2009 14:33

boxes get scuffed coming down the chimney in this house!

Mmmmcoffee · 24/09/2009 14:42

YANBU. I shop in second-hand shops all the time, and you can get some brill stuff in them.

I have no problem buying my immediate family secondhand toys or gifts - and if you're giving to friends or other family, as long as the things you give as gifts LOOK new, it's fine.

I do think it's a bit tacky to give something that's obviously secondhand as a gift though unless you've checked with the recipient. My friend gave my daughter an old electric organ for Christmas and she was thrilled even though a couple of keys didn't work. But if she hadn't asked me first I might have been a bit miffed.

TheLadyEvenstar · 24/09/2009 14:46

Cat have posted a wanted ad on my local freecycle for.

kazkiss · 24/09/2009 15:13

I do wonder if the same people that get precious about buying second hand stuff are also the same ones who go on about the environment. Surely it is better to reuse and unwanted item no one else wants than go and buy a brand new one! I have no qualms about anyone buying my babies second hand gifts and as I have twins they probably end up with more second hand stuff than they have new. Although i do have high standards for anything i buy. I have got some really bargains and at the babies ages they really dont know the difference. And i think as they get older it will probbaly teach them good values such as the value of money and that it is a good thing to reuse/recycle!

ilovesprouts · 24/09/2009 15:35

i buy ds2 sencond hand toys etc.but not for xmas and birthdays

cat64 · 24/09/2009 15:58

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TheLadyEvenstar · 24/09/2009 16:01

Cat, ds1 has a GBA. I will ask him if he still wants never know with these kids!

MrsGokWantstogocampingagain · 24/09/2009 16:21

My eldest will actually ask if something is Ebay, Freecycle or from MN "because we are poor and don't have much money and anyway it's good for the enviroment to recycle." He's 7.6 going on 26.

kif · 24/09/2009 16:55

I always find it weird when people are snobby about second hand. I strikes me as an OCD trait in the vein of not being able to poo anywhere but home, and scrubbing down hotel rooms before being able to sleep there.

To my eyes, people that buy everything new have 'GULLIBLE' written on their foreheads. It's like they can't judge the worth and quality of something themselves without it being advertised to them on six foot billboards, or spoon-fed to them by Mr Asda.

waitingforbedtime · 24/09/2009 17:00

Ds got lots of second hand stuff last year - I couldnt care less what people think tbh. He was getting all the Bob the builder vehicles and there are LOADS and to buy them new would have cost squillions but we bought a few new and the rest from ebay etc.

I probably wouldnt buy something for someone else's child secondhand though, dont know why really.

I have always bought ds secondhand books etc : you could spend your entire life worrying about diseases and bugs but then your kids would still catch airborne things so why worry? I always give them a wipe with a milton wipe and that'll do for me.

KiBe · 24/09/2009 17:09

One of my best christmasses was when my parents got me a mountain of barbie stuff second hand, it was amazing - cars, horses, swimming pool, tons of dolls abd clothes, all in great condition. Second hand is ace if you get the right stuff you can get loads of things for not much money! and if you scour boot sales, some people sell lovely stuff practically new.

I understand your sister in law a bit, but don't let it influence you. You could ask to compare notes on what you buy and spent against her after christmas and see how she feels about second hand after that!

Don't bother with DSi, but you may get a good deal on a used original DS from Game or Gamestation and you get 3 months warranty I think. Older gameboys are fun and cheap but they won't get any of the latest games on it. and if he's so inclined, hmv has the guitar hero ds game for £7.99 right now which is mega cheap for that!

BlueBumedFly · 24/09/2009 17:11

YANBU - good for you for finding a way of getting something he really wants xx

You know you can trade games at GAME as well? They do not have to be new, just have the box and all the instructions. We swop regularly!

panicpants · 24/09/2009 17:22

I don't think either of you ABU....I would buy secondhand for ds, but not as gifts. But I wouldn't class homemade or baked goods as secondhand..they are completely different.

Can someone explain how freecycle works please??!! see how my Christmas may be transfromed!

SequinEncrustedFrayedKnot · 24/09/2009 17:23

YANBU at all

I bought DS a lovely bike on E-bay last year fo £16 as opposed to the £100 it would have cost new - and he was thrilled with it.

panicpants · 24/09/2009 17:23

Umm that wasn't supposed to be a link btw

mrstimlovejoy · 24/09/2009 17:33

yanbu last xmas i did a dressing up box for my dd [4] everything came from ebay,i think i spent around £20 for about 10 outfits.i'm doing the same again this year and will probably re sell last years if they are getting abit small for her.
i buy alot of books 2nd hand too and dvd's,videos.
infact a few people will be getting things off ebay this year

jemart · 24/09/2009 17:41

If it was in as new condition then I would happily give a secondhand item as a gift to my children - not to other people though because they might think I'm being tight fisted.

This Christmas my dd is in for a big treat - Grandad has cleared out the loft and found all of mine and my sisters old sylvanian families, boxes of em! I am going to have a major clear out of dd's old toys just to make room for it all.

nickschick · 24/09/2009 17:50

Jemart id love to play with all those myself lol .

alypaly · 24/09/2009 17:52

you but within your means and if the books are clean what is the problem. Lots of the oxfam charity shops have virtually new books and virtually new baby clothes

alypaly · 24/09/2009 17:57

should have said BUY not BUT


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pushkar · 24/09/2009 18:07

secon dhand board books could be cleaned with one part vinegar 3 parts water wiped over on a clean cloth
nothing wrong with 2nd hand toys is one of the best places to get hold of toys and books
why spend money tou dont have .. they soon grow out of them and are onto the next phaze....

mum2phoebs · 24/09/2009 18:15

Second hand is best, you can buy much more for your money!!

We were given a second-hand bike which we gave a scrub, decorated with pretty stickers, put tassles on and we gave it to our DD for her 3rd birthday, she loves it!!

Already got one present for DD from charity shop, Crayola Doodle Doug £12.99 in Argos, £1.75 in charity shop! Boxed & unused so wheres the harm in giving it as a present!

I think most of the books my DD has are from carboots and charity shops. I got a Complete Collection of Thomas the Tank Engine stories in hardback for 25p...R.R.P £19.99!!! Because we buy secondhand books it means my daughter can have as many as she likes!!

Second hand rules!

CheerfulYank · 24/09/2009 18:32

NBU at all. Almost everything DS has- (toys, books, clothes)is secondhand. His favorite toy (a bin of plastic farm animals) was purchased for the low low price of zero dollars from a curbside box. He's gotten more use out of that than any of the expensive toys his grandparents have given him!

I'm actually trying not to buy anything for any of us (besides stuff like food and toilet paper obvs) that's not second hand for a year. I probably won't make a month, but I'm going to give it my best!

Tell your sis it's secondhand or nothing. I bet her son would prefer secondhand!

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