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F£$^%&g chuggers!

83 replies

babyignoramus · 22/07/2009 16:06

I was in town with a friend today. DS (5 months) is normally v. good natured but was screaming his head off having a bit of a whinge. I am heading to the shop my friend wants to go in, obviously in a hurry to get there so I can hide in a corner and whip him out of the pushchair to see what the matter is. 2 fecking chuggers tried to stop me with a screaming child. Do I look like I am able to stop and talk now you idiot?? Then when I leave the shop, having exhausted all possiblities and decided to take him home another one tries to stop the people in front of me effectively completely blocking the path - again I've got a screaming child and am clearly trying to run for the bus that has just stopped.

I hate them I hate them I HATE THEM!!

I feel better now. As you were.

OP posts:
Debbs43 · 23/07/2009 19:23

Chugging is intrusive and many people don't like it. Chuggers also harrass and guilt trip people as they walk by. They've also been known to lie about their cause. Check on to find out more information about them.

This form of fundraising is currently unregulated by local councils because they are exploiting a loophole in the law which controls only cash collections and not direct debits.

You'll be relieved to know that this loophole is about to be closed in 2010 and councils will have the power to stop their dubious practices. I would recommend complaining to your local council licensing debt by sending an email in order the them to tighten up these controls on Chugging in 2010. If you don't complain, they won't solve this issue.

Debbs43 · 23/07/2009 19:40

By the way this is an interesting link. Click on listen to hear Radio stream. Its very enlightening!!

DidEinsteinsMum · 23/07/2009 19:48

YANBU i hate them too. Got really peed off one day and told a NSPCC one who had tried to stop be 3 times not to mention the other 30 or so in town exactly what i thought of the charity. He very quietly walked away muttering.

Dont get me wrong they do a lot of great work but i had had a very bad day, was obviously very stressed and was in an evil mood. The views expressed at the time were not true views but that of a deranged mind and it was the chuggers that i had the problem with not the charity. Walk past one and the next bugger had to talk to you. No is no

NotPlayingAnyMore · 23/07/2009 20:51

Not the worst of experiences here, but the first time I got "chugged" was by Greenpeace in London.

Despite explaining that my grandmother had died that morning after I'd seen her in hospital only the night before and I was just trying to get home (100 miles away), she kept on so much that I had to sign up to get rid of her

chegirl · 23/07/2009 20:55

Bloody hell not what a heartless bitch (the chugger obviously, not you).

AnnVan · 23/07/2009 20:57

yanbu!! I hate them. I was heavily pregnant, it was pissing it down with rain, I'd worked late asnd this guy would not leave me alone.

frankiecat · 23/07/2009 22:28

this is not a chugger story (wrong thread i guess??) but i live near a youth rehabilitation centre and we sometimes get them knocking on the door trying to sell you teatowels,etc. they reckon this is where they are from and they tell you it's part of them trying to get another job as it gives them a reference,etc. they look at you in such a way that if you don't buy from them, then they will let themselves into your house later for your wallet anyway. i haven't bought anything, but i feel bad that i haven't too.

it's horrible being under pressure like that

your story made me so angry chegirl. god knows how awful that was for you as it was. they should definetly not canvass in those areas. very insensitive

chegirl · 23/07/2009 22:31

There was a big spate of that in the 80's frankie. Unemployed people were sent out selling horrible dusters. It turned out it was all run by scammers using desperate people to sell shoddy crap.

Sounds like we have come full circle sadly.

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