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F£$^%&g chuggers!

83 replies

babyignoramus · 22/07/2009 16:06

I was in town with a friend today. DS (5 months) is normally v. good natured but was screaming his head off having a bit of a whinge. I am heading to the shop my friend wants to go in, obviously in a hurry to get there so I can hide in a corner and whip him out of the pushchair to see what the matter is. 2 fecking chuggers tried to stop me with a screaming child. Do I look like I am able to stop and talk now you idiot?? Then when I leave the shop, having exhausted all possiblities and decided to take him home another one tries to stop the people in front of me effectively completely blocking the path - again I've got a screaming child and am clearly trying to run for the bus that has just stopped.

I hate them I hate them I HATE THEM!!

I feel better now. As you were.

OP posts:
Pikelit · 22/07/2009 18:56

I hate them with a vengeance that touches on the Biblical. Unfortunately the sodding dog refuses to look even vaguely bitey so I'm left fending off increasingly intimidating approaches. I don't give to charities that employ chuggers and I wonder how long it will take for the charities to realise how counterproductive a method of fundraising it is.

HecatesTwopenceworth · 22/07/2009 19:00

I had one at the door the other day.

She started with the "hello, nice day isn't it, how are you, do you know anyone who is deaf..."

i looked her in the eye and I said "You can leave me a leaflet and I will look at it but I NEVER, under any circumstances, give out my bank details on the doorstep."

She turned on her heel and left!

My sister, being far less nice diplomatic, said to the last one who called at her place "It's wet, I'm cold, cut the crap and tell me what you want."

MrsChemist · 22/07/2009 19:04

Apparently they make more money from chuggers than they do from shaking a tin. Not sure if this is true or not.
I told the last one that stopped me that I really really needed to piss, and that seemed to scare him off. I did need to pee, so it wasn't a lie.

MrsChemist · 22/07/2009 19:07

They can come round to your houses as well?

HecatesTwopenceworth · 22/07/2009 19:24

oh yes. we get them a lot. They can be quite rude.

I have decided to tell the next one that I will give them my bank details if they give me theirs!!!

shivster1980 · 22/07/2009 19:27


scaryteacher · 22/07/2009 19:28

They do this in Belgium as well. I just tell them I donate via my UK account, and they leave me alone.

Sickofbloodyswineflu · 22/07/2009 19:29

I just close the door on them when the knock, or dont open it in the first place when I see them with their clipboard and inane grin.

For some reason, I cant be rude to them in the street, I almost apologise for not having time/money/inclination.

DesperateHousewifeToo · 22/07/2009 19:35

I once told someone that I do not give out my details to people on my doorstep and he said ''oh, it's ok, I'd come in''

littleducks · 22/07/2009 19:37

I hate the way they do it too, blocking your way etc,

I slow down walking, say 'are you a volunteer?' if they say no i walk faster and shake my head saying sorry, it works

one time a woman said yes, i paused then she realised what she had said and was very when she stuttered ah, no but.... and i walked off

Toffeepopple · 22/07/2009 19:38

I hate them too, loads around here.

One said to me once really sarcastically "why are all you mothers in such a hurry?" Err..... because it is 3 o'clock and you're standing right between two schools, you moron!!!

I hate the door-to-door power people too. I had one today said "sorry, I'm not interested" and I was closing the door when he put his hand on it to stop it closing. So rude!

I know they are all just doing a job, but whenever they are out (which is often) I usually pass three of them four times in a day. It gets wearing....

I have stopped the Jehovah's Witnesses calling though - said I had had a blood transfusion and didn't think it was a sin. I'm now on a black list back at the JW ranch.

Sickofbloodyswineflu · 22/07/2009 19:38

What Littleducks??...are these self-righteous teenagers drawing a wage for their chugging?

CyradisTheSeer · 22/07/2009 19:41

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Nancy66 · 22/07/2009 19:43

I do like arguing with them sometimes though - especially if the stats they are quoting are clearly made up shite.

one said to me 'do you know that there are 30million homeless people in London?'...err, no i didn't. that's extraordinary - what with there only being about 8million inhabitants.

chegirl · 22/07/2009 19:47

Of course sick! They often know feck all about the issue they are guilting you about.

There have been a few threads re chuggers since I have been on mumsnet. So you are not alone in your hatred.

I have a really chugger story but I must have told it about 4 times on MNs so far so I wont bore you all with it again

I bloody hate their behaviour and whoever came up with the concept should be locked in a room with 20 of the little twonks. All that teeth and hair and headtilting smiles and 'do you care about dying children, do you. WELLL DO YOU!!!!!?'

angrypixie · 22/07/2009 19:54

I hate them too, with a passion. I seem to attract them, they must think that I am so 'past it' that I will be grateful for a little flirting!!!

Am working on my negative body language!

saggyjuju · 22/07/2009 19:55

just heard for the first time "chuggers" on greg james show radio 1,didnt know what it meant,but how wierd you put this on here,fully upto speed now and many thanksand yes in short they are all pains in the arse!

Tidey · 22/07/2009 19:58

YANBU. They're always in a long line down the high street. I'm polite to the first, slightly short with the next, and any who bother me after that, having seen me already say no to the previous ones, are in trouble.

junglist1 · 22/07/2009 20:03

I feel sorry for any chuggers who try to hold the door open round Tottenham where I'm from. Seriously.

AvadaKedavra · 22/07/2009 20:08

What's your story Chegirl?

junglist1 · 22/07/2009 20:10

Yeah go on fill us in we are chugger bashing after all

monkeyfeathers · 22/07/2009 20:20

I find it unbelieveably annoying that chuggers have started coming to your door. I'm quite happy to put some money in an envelope for the old ladies that come round for Christian aid or whatever (who are obviously not getting paid for their time), but I really do object to charities paying some students to come to my house and try to get my bank details out of me. It's bad enough that they harass me in the street, but coming to my door is hideously intrusive.

Actually, I don't see why I should have to commit to donating to their specific charity by direct debit at all. They should be glad of whatever change people have in their purses at the time, if those people want to give it to them.


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ItsAllaBitNoisy · 22/07/2009 20:21

I have perfected The Look. It says: "Don't come fucking near me, I'm busy and don't even think about asking me for my bank account details."

It works.

GentlyDoesIt · 22/07/2009 20:24

Another good tactic if you get stuck with one - if it's a cause you wouldn't mind supporting, ask for an address that you can send a one-off donation to.

ItsAllaBitNoisy · 22/07/2009 20:26

I actually think Chuggers have probably effected the regular tin shaking collectors. I find I just ignore the whole lot now, as they irritate me.

I should be able to differentiate between the students working for beer money (chuggers) and the kind people giving up their time to stand for hours shaking a tin.

But no, by the time I've run the gauntlet I'm fed up of the lot of them.

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