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To discharge myself from hospital?

224 replies

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:27

I’m desperate.

Admitted on Monday with ?appedicitis. Then told I had a UTI; possibly kidney infection. Then ended up catheterised. Then told my sats are too low (92-95) and that I’ve got a chest infection. Told I need a CT scan and a chest x Ray. A doctor came round at 4pm and told me I’d be given a nebuliser tonight and possibly oxygen. I can’t lie flat as I can’t breathe without wheezing, coughing to the point of vomiting.

Come night shift - nurses said they have zero record of that conversation and there’s nothing they can do. I haven’t slept more than four hours since Sunday. I haven’t got any water, I’m being left with a full catheter bag for 12-14 hours at a time. I’ve no idea what’s wrong and if I have got an infection it isn’t being treated. I’m so tired I’m hallucinating.

I’ve just asked the band 2 nurses for help and got snapped at. They’re sitting discussing Chinese takeaways.

I don’t know what to do. I live only a mile away. I keep thinking of packing up and going. I can buy a syringe from boots to take the catheter out. I don’t know what to do, I’m scared and desperate.

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Am I being unreasonable?

351 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
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fairymary87 · 05/04/2024 01:28

Oh gosh is there another A&E you can try?

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:28

I can breathe on air but only sitting at a 90 degree angle with shoulders supported. If I lean back it’s horrendous, like a cat meowing very loudly.

OP posts:
allmyown · 05/04/2024 01:29

Dont leave - you will be further from help then and you need help. Call the nurses again. If they don't help, then complain to pals in the morning. When was the last time you had water? if they don't give you water then call the police.

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:30

I don’t know. There is another hospital but I haven’t even got clean clothes, I’d be going out in a gown. Only pyjamas I’ve got are sodden as catheter bypassed. I’ve been given morphine and dihydrocodeine so I’m wobbly on my feet.

OP posts:
Kinneddar · 05/04/2024 01:30

if they don't give you water then call the police

Just when you think you've seen it all 🙄

VioletPickles · 05/04/2024 01:31

Sounds horrendous, you poor thing. Call the nurses again and ask for help.

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:32

I don’t think calling the police will do much, it’s just the not being able to breathe that’s scaring the shit out of me.

I crashed out eventually last night, woke up at 4 coughing my guts up, everyone in my room buzzed - ignored, no sick bowl in reach - threw up, nurse came in - ‘why have you done that?’

daytime are fine it’s night that are no help at all. They just keep saying the doctors are too busy to help.

OP posts:
toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:33

VioletPickles · 05/04/2024 01:31

Sounds horrendous, you poor thing. Call the nurses again and ask for help.

I can’t, I asked if one of them could come and talk to me and got cut off halfway through - ‘we’ve already told you there’s nothing we can do.’

OP posts:
protectthesmallones · 05/04/2024 01:33

There will be a ward round in the morning. Ask whoever is in charge tonight if a doctor can explain the treatment plan to you during the ward round.

Sorry you are going through this it sounds miserable. X

allmyown · 05/04/2024 01:34

I'm worried about the water situation - how bad is it?

Thedogscollar · 05/04/2024 01:35

Are you on antibiotics@toldyouiwasill

DyslexicPoster · 05/04/2024 01:35

Ask the nurse again and descretly record them. If they are shitty send it to pals.

Why won't they empty your catheter? That's insane. If I was you and its full they wouldn't help I'd spill it out on the floor. Won't it back up? I don't know how they work. Can you empty it into the loo?

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:35

I’ve had a couple of jugs during the day it’s just overnight they don’t replace and there’s no access to any more. They said my BP was 80/60 when I came in.

OP posts:
toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:37

DyslexicPoster · 05/04/2024 01:35

Ask the nurse again and descretly record them. If they are shitty send it to pals.

Why won't they empty your catheter? That's insane. If I was you and its full they wouldn't help I'd spill it out on the floor. Won't it back up? I don't know how they work. Can you empty it into the loo?

It’s bypassing, and hurting like hell as I’ve got no leg bag or support - just dragging a 2 litre night bag around - they said it only needs emptied once or twice a day at most. I used to do this job and we were taught every four-six hours or when full.

OP posts:
Couldthishurtanymore · 05/04/2024 01:40

Hi OP, I have no advice but I wanted to say I'm thinking of you. I hope you get some water and your bag emptied soon. Being thirsty in hospital is awful.

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:41

My colleague sexually abused me in a hospital seven years ago when he was meant to be catheterising me, I can’t cope with the whole thing. I just want out. I need to get out.

OP posts:
ATerrorofLeftovers · 05/04/2024 01:43

Sounds horrendous OP 😔

Hsve you asked them why they’re refusing to bring you water - what is the rationale for that?

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:47

I think it’s just not thinking re water and catheters and looking for an easy life. Staff nurses doing drug round has her mobile and Stanley cup on the drugs trolley.

OP posts:
ATerrorofLeftovers · 05/04/2024 01:54

How would it be to ask very directly, eg ‘I’m very thirsty, please can you bring me water as soon as possible?’

If it hasn’t arrived in 15 minutes: ‘sorry to ask again, but I asked for water 15 minutes ago and it still hasn’t arrived. Please could you get me some now? I’m very dehydrated.’

If it still hasn’t arrived in another 15 minutes: ‘I’ve asked for water twice already and been waiting 30 minutes. I really am incredibly thirsty. What is the reason why water is not being provided to me?’

You shouldn’t have to do this, of course, and I know it’s difficult when you’re weak and vulnerable. But remember, you’re ill and you’re only asking for hydration. They only have to fetch you a jug of water, not arrange an audience with the Pope or get you the moon on a stick.

There’s no excuse for neglecting you in this way.

Oh, and make a note of the times you’ve asked ready to speak to PALS tomorrow.

RichinVitaminR · 05/04/2024 01:56

DyslexicPoster · 05/04/2024 01:35

Ask the nurse again and descretly record them. If they are shitty send it to pals.

Why won't they empty your catheter? That's insane. If I was you and its full they wouldn't help I'd spill it out on the floor. Won't it back up? I don't know how they work. Can you empty it into the loo?

Completely agree with the premise of this but recording people without their knowledge is illegal 😞 So sorry you're having an awful time OP. 💐 I think you definitely need to put a complaint into PALS. The night shift staff sound extremely unprofessional

SheepAndSword · 05/04/2024 01:57

They don't sound very good at caring...

Please stay though, as other posters have said make a note of when you've asked for things. It must be very frustrating and I really hope it improves in a few hours time when the day shift starts

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:58

ATerrorofLeftovers · 05/04/2024 01:54

How would it be to ask very directly, eg ‘I’m very thirsty, please can you bring me water as soon as possible?’

If it hasn’t arrived in 15 minutes: ‘sorry to ask again, but I asked for water 15 minutes ago and it still hasn’t arrived. Please could you get me some now? I’m very dehydrated.’

If it still hasn’t arrived in another 15 minutes: ‘I’ve asked for water twice already and been waiting 30 minutes. I really am incredibly thirsty. What is the reason why water is not being provided to me?’

You shouldn’t have to do this, of course, and I know it’s difficult when you’re weak and vulnerable. But remember, you’re ill and you’re only asking for hydration. They only have to fetch you a jug of water, not arrange an audience with the Pope or get you the moon on a stick.

There’s no excuse for neglecting you in this way.

Oh, and make a note of the times you’ve asked ready to speak to PALS tomorrow.

I’ve done that; but just get ignored. Their room is down bottom of the corridor and buzzers don’t get answered for a long time. I’m so so tired. I’ve got a mental health care plan that they have access to, I’m meant to be on regular diazepam supervised by two consultants and that hasn’t happened. Which means I’m getting withdrawal of that too as I’ve been on it over a year.

Next person who comes in I’ll ask if they can take catheter out so I can leave. I’ve already taken my cannula out.

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toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 01:58

It’s the lack of sleep I can’t cope with. I haven’t slept more than 3 hours since Sunday. No one can sleep at a 90 degree angle surely.

OP posts:
FrancisSeaton · 05/04/2024 02:03

Have you not seen a dr on the ward round since Monday night? They must have said what they are treating you for/ what the treatment plan is?

toldyouiwasill · 05/04/2024 02:04

They just said I’m waiting on scans of my tummy and a chest x ray. and that there’s a long queue (several days) for all scans and tests.

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